First day “Fit”

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I miss you so much, Kid. It sounds like you had a good first week. I haven’t gotten to talk with you yet, but you appreciated how the photography class had tech support come in to get you all set up on Adobe for the term. After the busiest day of 5 classes – physics and others – you reported having a really good day. We’ll take that!!

Year 2 Rhody Ram!

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Moved you in yesterday! Coddington Hall is your new home… overlooking a beautiful oak tree and the stadium. You moved from joyful to NERVAcited to nervaCITED over the course of the weekend as is COMPLETELY normal!! Greta made her drive from IA safely, and you checked in with Hope.

Can’t tell you how proud we are of you!! Takes a lot of courage to go to school far away from home, and your determination is inspiring. We left you yesterday with basically a blank canvas of a room. Can’t wait to see what you do with it and your year. Can’t wait to see how your professional interests continue to deepen. You started with an interest in chemical engineering. Now you are considering an intersection between material and chemical engineering with a focus on the environment – maybe something along the lines of biodegradable packaging. It means so little if this is the direction you actually end up going, but you are deepening your understandings of the field and your interests, which is FANTASTIC! You are listening and prioritizing your own brilliant mind and beautiful feelings.

You are so strong, so capable. Spend a few minutes every day thinking about these amazing gifts you’ve been given!!

A few pics from the weekend – we probably should’ve taken more… I’m losing my touch.

The best two first jobs EVER

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One of the biggest gifts of the summer has been your jobs at Tapas 177 and Impact Earth. You are so loved and appreciated at both places. At the first, you have personalized desserts made for you almost every time you work. Here are a couple pics from your Tapas Fan Club from our visit a couple days before you headed back to school.

And Impact Earth – your home away from home for sure!!

An art contest and more

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Jojo and you had an opinion about Minnesota Temps:

Look at you, my rock star artist!

Walking in Snowy Rochester

Last Night’s Mama-Daughter Night: dinner at a new family-owned restaurant, Michaels and Barnes and Noble

Rough (ruff) day

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You had a rough day today.

You didn’t sleep well last night, had a full day of school, got your homework done and then went to volleyball practice.

After you ate a little dinner, you walked Jojo with Sherin and Shadow. I don’t need to remind you that Shadow has calm moments and then some that are far from calm. Seems you were in the elevator together and you were beat so you sat down next to the pups. Shadow was licking you and then all of sudden turned aggressive and bit you.

So very scary. We spent the night in the emergency room with great doctors and nurses. The woman who stitched you up seemed very calm and highly competent. Almost four hours and five stitches later I tucked you into bed to rest.

You are still my sweet little girl. Before she started with the stitches, you asked, “Excuse me, is it okay if my Mom holds my hand?” You and I locked eyes many times throughout the night, sometimes exchanging banter, but always with love.

It is so hard to watch my sweet girl hurt. I wished so bad it was me instead of you. But you were a trooper – brave, calm, positive. You did not sweat what was out of your control, and once again, I could not be more proud of you.

Here are some pics from the night (that I’m not sure I’m ready to post), but here goes. I’ll start with a couple from the night before that you took in a creative photo shoot.