First Test – Sigh

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Wednesday night, you were almost asleep. Out of the blue, you said,

“I took a test today, Mama.”

“What? Really?’
“Yeah. It was on a computer.”
(stay calm, Mama) – “Was it fun?”
“No, I hated it. We had to sit there for an ENTIRE hour.”

Sigh and ugh…

Why is your Mom not happy about testing? Here are a few reasons:
* kids spend WAY too much time doing these tests; test-taking is not a fun, engaging, supportive learning experience that helps you develop critical thinking skills, collaboration skills, communication skills – in other words, your time is too precious to be sitting in front of a computer for hours
* the tests are too often used as a measure for how capable one is – which is ridiculous as it is ONE type of way to know what someone knows
* tests are often very flawed – privileging a small group of people and discriminating against others
* results get misused to judge teachers without concern for many others important factors or misjudge kids resulting in all kinds of hurdles to jump to feel “successful” or “capable”
* teaching and learning become much less learner-focused; much more test-focused

I love you Baby – You and I can work together to change things.


Stoke Farm with the Family

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Enjoy the picts! Beautiful day – SOOO much FUN!
* Blue sky & orange pumpkins
* Zip lining – all 5 of us at the same time
* Sending small pumpkins FLYING!
* Climbing all over some huge army truck
* No Jo Jo allowed – sigh
* Cider doughnuts, apples with caramel & cider
* Lost in a corn maze and then found again
* Rolling around in corn 🙂
* Running, wrestling & laughing


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“I can’t believe it.”

“I got my ears pierced!”

“This is so exciting!”

“I just can’t believe it!!”

You just kept repeating these things to yourself. Way too cute.
You and Siobhan pondered whether or not you like your choice in earrings – “Maybe we should have gotten diamonds.”
Siobhan’s answer, “These are good. They match my backpack.”

You were both totally brave. After you got yours pierced (you went first), Siobhan asked you if it hurt. You said a little. She proceeded to pinch your arm, and you made QUITE the face “OWWWW! That Hurt!! MUCH more than my ears!!” Ha!! LOL

With Johanna’s permission, Daddy Jim pretended to be Siobhan’s Dad – and our mischievousness made us both very, very nervous!

It was so awesome that you two got to do this together.

BFF for sure!

Front tooth gone!

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And I don’t even know the story!!

I know you went to Art Camp today with a VERRRY wiggly tooth – and you were super excited about it for about a week now – We all have been so excited with you!!

And you came home so happy to show me!!

And I was so excited to see you and your sweet hole in your face that I forgot to ask how it happened!! I’ll ask you next time we talk and edit this blog post.

Check out that happy holely/holy face!! So love you!!

(Photograph courtesy of Jo Ann Morreale iPhone Photography)

Wow, a whole summer FLLLEEEWW by!

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Let’s see what I remember about our summer together – Summer 2012

First major hair cut
Cooperative Play
Learned how to jump rope and ride a 2-wheeler like a ROCK STAR!
Vacation Church School & Sewing Camp
Seabreeze with Jimmiqua & Da-Da
Delaware and the Beach

Doing a great job reading – next week is Cape Cod with Dad, Jen & Dan

New Home for You

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Hey there Sweetie –

Tomorrow will be your first night in your new home. You and Daddy moved in with Jen and Daniel in their beautiful warm home. You have an incredible neighborhood with kids and sidewalks. You are a short walk from the Eric Canal. The play set in the back has all the normal stuff AND a hand-over-hand ladder thing that you are so good at! The backyard is spacious and green. You have baby robins nesting on your front porch – how awesome is that!!

You and Daddy and Jen created your room JUST for you out of what used to be a toy room. You chose the paint colors and the bedroom furniture and everything!! So sweet -so you!

After the tour you gave me of your home today, I said “I love it!!” You smiled up at me and replied, “I love it too!”

I am soooo glad Peanut Butter – I am so so glad.

(Pictures coming…)
G’night Precious – Mama

Cutest quote of the week

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So we went to Cirque du Soleil this past weekend! Absolutely incredible – breathtakingly beautiful, stomach-hurting hilarious and INCREDIBLY talented.

During one act, one acrobat was lifting and maneuvering what looked like 2 very heavy hula hoops welded together in the shape of a sphere. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and every bulging muscle was so well defined. You leaned over to me and whispered, “Mama, he’s cute!!” (pause) You leaned over again, “Not cute like a little kitten… cute like a really cute boy.”


Ah, you are growing up way too fast. I love you wonderful girl!!

So much more than “well”

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Today we had your 7 year old “well” child visit at your pediatrician’s office. You saw “Phil” first and then “Danielle.” We didn’t need an appointment to confirm this, but you are just perfect – height, weight, b.m.i, eyes, ears, heart, coordination, eating, exercise, school – all around, RIGHT where you’re supposed to be.

In addition to having all these wonderful things confirmed, it was SO fun to watch you answer Danielle’s questions brightly, with energy and while you were looking right at her.

You are growing up so beautifully, Little One!!

Here are your stats:
Weight:56 lbs 13 oz
Height: 49 1/8″
Blood pressure: 92/60
Vision: 20/25

Cobblestone Trash-a-thon

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You go to such an awesome school! Today, like every year about this time, you and all the kids in the whole school, walk a set route around the neighborhood of your school (and the school that is nearby) and you pick up trash. It was fun to watch how your friends so quickly developed a real eye for and commitment to finding and picking up ALL the trash along the route. You were excited about more exotic findings like lip gloss or lighters, you fought bushes, thorns, porches, and dirt to excavate varied pieces of trash, and you left the world much more beautiful than you found it!! We finished up, gave back the gloves and trash bags and headed to the car to go to your well visit doctor’s appointment – on the way to the car, you kept right on picking up more (even without anywhere to put it). So grateful for your school and for the wonderful human being you are becoming!!

Love you! -Mama

Final amount of trash collected:
Ms Sarah’s class: 20.5 lbs
Ms Barbie’s class: 46.5 lbs
Ms Suzanne’s class: 29.5 lbs
Ms Bridget’s class: 46.5
Ms Kelly’s class: 65 lbs

Total trash collected: 208 lbs! Great job!!