A family update

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Just sent this email update about our family to Oma’s side of the family, so I thought I would post it here too:

Love you Peanut!!

Highlights from our little family:
* Literally this week, Maya’s reading and writing skills have skyrocketed – it’s so heart-melting to see how proud she is of herself
* Our Dan (11) is skiing today too – with ski club from school – and it the perfect day for it here
* Jojo starts puppy training tomorrow – thank goodness, because, though I googled “small breed dog cold poop,” I found no help about how to get a small breed dog to poop outside when he’s so cold he’s shivering. Do I really have to buy this small critter “boots?” So weird… My Siberian Husky never needed silly coats and boots.
* Jim was promoted to associate professor last week or the week before – way past due – but we’re grateful the paperwork finally caught up to his achievements – the title is essential for the grant funding he needs.
* Madeline and I are still taking voice lessons together on Tuesday night, and having a ball doing it! We laugh so hard in that hour, and we both have grown as singers. She is such an incredibly thoughtful, insightful, articulate, passionate young person. Seriously, all three kids are growing right before our eyes. I thought it was supposed to be more subtle than it seems to be.
* Maya has a 2nd “wiggly tooth” – why does it seem so unnerving to wiggle it?
* Got my nails painted yesterday and told the person doing it that she could do whatever she wanted. I now have 8 fingers painted powder blue, and my ring finger on left hand & my thumb on my right hand are a darker, periwinkle blue – she calls the two of them “signature nails.” Hmmm… Okay.

Introducing Jojo Ickle

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Last Sunday, Jojo joined our family – our little lhasa apso mini poo! Who’da thought? After a 75 lb Siberian Husky, we would adopt a 7.5 lb dog whose breed names ends in “poo.” 🙂 Life is so funny!!

Birthday: August 15, 2011
Parents: Lhasa apso (Mom) and a miniature poodle (Dad)
Distemper shots given on November 22 and January 12
Deworming given weeks 5, 6, 7, 8 and then on Jan 12
Got a clean bill of health from Dr. Miner

So here’s the story of how Jojo joined our family.

As you know, Macy died early September (about 4 months ago) from cancer. We were all very sad for a very long time.
You asked Santa as well as me many times for a new puppy for Christmas. We weren’t sure we were ready for a new pup – the responsibility and I wasn’t sure I was ready to have a new dog – I was still really missing Macy.
But because, you asked, I stated looking – researching different dog breeds – thinking about whether we would want to adopt an older dog or a new pup or someone in between. Big dog like Macy, medium sized dog, or small dog. I stayed pretty open to any type, and began watching rescue organization sites to see what dogs were available. I started talking to Daddy Jim about all my thinking.
We went to meet one dog that was rescued – Jax – and we really liked him, but I was hesitant because he was pretty bity and a big pup – I was afraid you would be afraid of him for a long time.
So I went home and searched for some small (not tiny) dogs I thought were cute – like shih tzu’s. I came across this picture from the professional blog a woman named Kim:

And as we were looking at her site, you fell in love with this little guy – we nicknamed him Shadow:

So I called Kim and she said they were both available. We checked with a friend of Julie’s who breeds dogs in that area, and she had no concerns about Kim and how she takes care of dogs, so we planned a family trip out to meet the doggies – and I mean a FAMILY trip – Mad, Dan, you, Julie, Daddy Jim and me.

We played with both of these dogs, but it was Jojo who stole our hearts… neither of the ones on the website. Kim just thought we might want to meet Jojo, and boy did we!! He was playful yet calm, loved to cuddle, and didn’t bark. Daddy Jim even fell in love. He was already named Jojo and he was almost 5 months old. So we paid $180 and brought him home that day.

We decided we liked “Jojo” (his given name) and we added “Ickle” which means small. Madeline and Daniel have been referring to use as “ickle” for a good year (as well as other small things). It just fit.

From The Free Online Dictionary:

ickle [i’ kel]
Brit informal an ironically childish word for little

Jojo fell asleep next to you every night you slept here – so easily… He seriously could not be a better dog – plays hard, is unbelievably tolerant of us, loves to snuggle, sleeps through the night and is smart. We still have some potty training to do, but it really isn’t bad at all – I’m certain we’ll get it soon. And when Jojo is ready, he’ll sleep with you every night if you want him to.

We start Jojo “school” today – in a couple hours. Should be fun!

You love him so much – Jojo has given you so many belly laughs from his licks, his chasing his tail,…. He is definitely part of our family!!

Welcome Jojo Icle! We love you!

Holiday Break is over

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Hey there Peanut Butter –

Happy New Year!

As I get ready to climb into bed to get ready for a busy day tomorrow with work and school resuming, I think back to the amazing break we just had!
* good hanging out time
* making a gum drop wreath – started by you & Kate and finished me you and me.
* Swimming at the YMCA
* Mama & Maya’s venture to get our first, annual Maya-sized tree – in the POURING RAIN!
* Christmas with Jo Ann one night with her homemade pasta

* The Christmas Carol at the Geva Theatre with Siobhan and Kate
* Christmas with all 5 of us when Daddy Jim told the Christmas Story, we slowly opened and appreciated presents and then watch Santa Claus 2.
* You went to Las Vegas with your Dad for your Great Grandma’s 95th birthday…while there, you saw the Blue Man Group
* The five of us went to Great Wolf Lodge for New Year’s Eve and had a BALL! We swam hard, danced, hard, ate yummy food, experienced a ceiling full of balloons falling on our head with fake snow, stayed up until midnight to watch the ball drop… you and Daniel wrestled a lot in the water – laughing a lot!

We missed Macy a lot this Christmas…You would like a new dog, but we haven’t figured that out yet. Soon I think.

And YOU – you are just becoming the most amazing little person ever:
* You notice others around you and try to help them.
* You are wittier than anything – I am constantly surprised by your ability to make me laugh a real, hearty tummy laugh when you surprise me with some quick retort.
* You still LOOOVE to be nakedy – like, really naked – all the time (note that it is winter and cold as I’m writing this.)
* You know so many of the words to songs on the radio, and you already have a sense of what is in or cool or legit or whatever they’re saying these days.
* You think I’m weird, but it is clear that you appreciate this weirdness. You remind me, “Remember Mama, strange is good.” 🙂
* You still say Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? …
* Daddy Jim, you and I love Junie B Jones – We laugh so much when we read it. You bought Daddy Jim a boxed set for Christmas which surprised him and made him very happy.
* You’ve lost one tooth with another wiggling next to it.
* You are reading and writing (though not confidently yet).
* Still a confident rock star with respect to art:

I’m headed to bed – I will add fun pictures to this post soon. I love you my sweet pea! I love being your Mama!

Most exciting day of the year – a wiggly tooth!

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You were so amazingly endearing tonight as you ran down the stairs –

“Mama, come quick! Mama!! I think I have a wiggly tooth… but I can’t find it all of a sudden…”

Yesterday or the day before (I can’t remember), you were complaining of your front tooth hurting when you chewed. I smiled at you and responded, “You know what I think that is, don’t you?”
Confused, you asked, “What?”
“A loose tooth I bet… I bet it will start wiggling soon.”
Your eyes got so big!!! “REALLY?!?!?!?!”
“I bet so” I answered.

Today I stuck my finger in your tiny little mouth, and sure enough – “Right here, Sweetie. Here is your first wiggly tooth.” 🙂

You were so excited, you couldn’t stop smiling. You couldn’t wait to tell Madeline and your Dad!! Every 30-60 seconds in the car ride, you would say

“Guess what?!?! I have a wiggly tooth!!”

After I said goodbye to you at your Dad’s and headed out to take Madeline to voice lessons, you pulled open the door again, and with the hugest smile and the strongest voice, you said,

“Mama, I hope you have a really great voice lesson and a really great night!!! I love you!!!”

You were gushing – it was so fun to be near you!!

Diagnosis: Bronchitis

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I’m curious –

You and I had the same cold/bug/flu – whatever… we both had heads full of snot, we both felt run down, we both ended up coughing up a lung – and then 4+ days into it, you developed a fever, and my face started to hurt (sinuses). Why is that? Why do little people and big people process the same bad bacteria/virus differently – well, besides the different lengths of things anatomically? And the fact that you have a harder time blowing the stuff out of your head than i do.

Anyway, we have had QUITE a week together.

Today was your 5th day with a fever, and Daddy took you to the doctor. Diagnosis? Bronchitis. Me? I’m certain I have a sinus infection – I’ll have to see my doctor tomorrow.

Your job was to write something in your take-home journal about what you did so you can share it with your friends on Friday… Kate sent it to me while I was preparing for class today, and I laughed and laughed – so sweet! Check it out:

The way you make sense of your world – this time regarding “tornado”

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Not sure what started you thinking about tornadoes last night, but as I was listing happy things to think about while you fall asleep, you kept interjecting these and related questions:
* Mama, do we get tornadoes here?
* Mama, do people die in tornadoes?
* Mama, I think we are going to have a tornado tonight.
* Mama, why do we go to the basement?
* Mama, can you make a blanket without needle & thread if we are in the basement during a tornado and don’t have one?
* Mama, what will we eat?
* Mama, do tornadoes ever stop?
* Mama, I think we are going to have a tornado tonight.
A few minutes after reassuring you that meteorologists can predict with quite a bit of certainty when the conditions are right for a tornado, and they warn us when someone has seen one…
* Mama, I think we should watch the news more.
long pause
* So we can see if a tornado is coming.

Whew – That is a LOT of processing about a certain idea that I cannot, for the life of me, connect to any of her personal experiences today (or recently).

Your mind is quite amazing, Little Person!!
I love you

Our wedding

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On August 28th, Daddy Jim and I shared our wedding vows with one another with our church community present. You, Madeline & Daniel were standing right next to us. Oma & Opa came from Minnesota, Amy & Lizzy came from Seattle, and Grandma Judy and Judi J came from Ohio. We were surrounded by many people who love us all so very much! Toni, who works with Daddy Jim, made many yummy cupcakes.

The whole day was as beautiful as it was because of Kate. She was my dear friend through all of the arrangements and through the whole weekend. She empathized with me when others had no idea. She was joyful and peaceful and beautiful and selfless. We are so blessed to have her as a honorary member of our family. We joke that the wedding was actually Kate’s and mine. 🙂

Here are some pictures to remember the day:

Vacation – Rehoboth Beach

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We’re at the beach. We’re typing now. (chuckle). There is a very cool plant in front of us. – (Maya trying to narrate this post)

Hey Baby Girl –
I have had the most amazing week with you!! You have become an incredible swimmer – in the pool and in the ocean! And, even more importantly, you have developed such a beautiful, joyful spirit – even when things are a little less than perfect (like when you are ze-zausted, or when plans change in ways you wouldn’t have chosen, or when everyone else seems kind of grumpy). You are such a JOY to do life with… I cannot even begin to tell you!

Here are some pictures that will give you a picture of the joy-FILLED small person I have the privilege of hanging out with!! 😉 I’m such a blessed Mama!


And THEN we got “Pumbled”

Recovering… Whew!!

Eating Crepes

Family Time @ Ironwood Ranch

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Hey Bugadaboo –
(I wrote this to you 2 nights ago – just posting it now from home.)

Tonight is the last night of Family Camp at Ironwood Springs Lodge, and, despite the crazy heat, we have had a great time!!! You have developed a new best friend in another blond 6-year named Ava – Ava is my cousin Jessica’s oldest daughter. You two have been practically inseparable – coloring and painting together, swimming together, sleeping together in the same twin bed each night… story times, s’mores, showers, and pillow fights. When you weren’t with Ava, you were taking care and playing with little Sojourner (my other cousin’s little 2-year old) or Niklas, your cousin.

It was such a joy to be with you this week – you have such a developed sense of wit, you play independently as well as with me – snuggling and giggling with me throughout the day. You have been a fantastic listener and cooperator. You swam so much I could practically see you getting better hour-to-hour. You swam in and out of the deep end, hardly noticing where you couldn’t touch. You swam a ton under water! You Uncle Mark, Daddy Jim, Dan (my cousin Ranae’s husband) and Auntie Jessica threw and flipped you in the air over and over and over and over again, and you just camp back for more.

You were so excited to see and spend time with Oma and Opa – wanting to sit with them at dinner, play with them and do crafts with them. You swam over to them to talk with them. I know they felt so special because of all of the kindness and enthusiastic love you showed them!

We head home tomorrow – and though, it will be sad, it will also be nice to be home. We will definitely have to make this trip and gathering a priority every year. We are so very, very blessed to have such an amazing family! They are a special crew of people who all care so much about each other and bringing God’s love and kindness to everyone they meet. I feel so grateful that we are part of this big, wonderful family!!

Here are a few fun pictures from the trip!

Uncle Wally showing his new book to Cousin Jessica

Oma is the first to hold your Mama’s book! The publisher over-nighted it to the ranch