Last Sunday, you spent quite a long time making a beautiful collage for your friend Siobhan!! She loved it!!
Later that day you made one for Daddy Jim, and we mailed it to him at his conference in CA:
…YOUR TRIP WITH DADDY, GRANDMA & PAPA (you’ve been gone just under 4 hours, and I miss you already.)
First – a princess hair cut at a real salon – Hair Cut #2 in your life thus far. Clearly you were not on board (I so love you!!)
What a face!
Nice fake smile – at least its over!!
Daddy – we were wondering if this picture brought back memories:
After seeing a case full of jewelry, you exclaimed, “I can’t believe my eyes!!!” (Where in the world do you learn these phrases?) – We both loved this picture!
Then we bumped into your old babysitter! Hi Genna!!
After shopping and dinner, a quick trip back to our old favorite, Park Avenue Abbott’s! 🙂
Meets your approval!
Finally a man started playing his accordion – it was WONDERFUL! You asked how it worked and I gave the explanation my best shot – including the pulling of the accordion to be like our inhale (and I demonstrated) and the pushing to be like our exhale (again, with demo).
You watched him so intently and made pretty loud inhale and exhale noises to match the movement of the instrument!! You are so fun to hang with!!
…started with you taking us out to the deck… first thing! And a wonderful not-quite-awake-yet snuggle in the cool beautiful sunshine. We told God thanks for all the beautiful things we could see from our second floor deck – the lilacs, the GREEN trees, the sunshine… Good morning God indeed!!
Breakfast was watermelon and blackberries, “Mommi, would you like my last blackberry?” What a great sharer!!
Then you helped me water all of the plants in the kitchen and 3-season room, giggling with delight. We decided this would be your new job. The 2 on the ground that you could reach would be yours to do, the hanging one would be mine.
I ran upstairs to grab shoes, and you came running up saying you had something great to show me. Plants were growing in the planters outside that you and I had planted together. So we watered them too! And then you used your spray bottle to water the grass. (I’m sure the grass that received your precious attention was grateful… not so much the plant whose large leaf you yanked out to show me. sigh. we talked again about how plants need their leaves to make their food – they will be hungry if you keep taking off their food-making machines.)
I had accidentally taken Jaydon’s coloring picture b/c his cubby is next to yours. You told me that it was Jaydon’s, so of course we planned to bring it back. I asked you if you wanted to make a copy of it first for you to color (it was a picture of a princess). “What’s a copy, Mommi?” So I introduced you to this machine and showed you how it worked. YOU WERE AMAZED AND DELIGHTED!!!! Giggling, you said, “This is so much fun!!” We made 8 copies for to give your friends at school.
On the drive to school, you decided to try to count cars you saw – and you really tried. You seem to struggle with the four numbers after 13… You say 13, 17. I say 14. You say 13, 14, 17. I say 15. You say 15, 17. I say 16. You say 16, 18. Hmmm… When we got to school, you bumped into Bonnie and the first thing you said to her was, “There are too many cars to count.” (She was a little lost.)
After saying goodbye in the classroom, you crawl into the corner window of the classroom to wave goodbye. I can hear you yell, “Goodbye Mama! I love you!!!” the whole walk to my car. Then I pull the car up and we blow LOTS OF KISSES to each other!! “Have a wonderful day Baby!!!” “You too Mama!!! I love you!!”
And this morning was typical… It was wonderfully typical!! I am so blessed! (Tears are running down my cheek as I type this.)
I love you Baby!!
You know Daddy Jim is away at a conference in CA – His friend and student, Dave, sent this email and picture:
“Maya, Daddy Jim looks so nice in the bow you picked out for him!”
“He’s so handsome!!” (you say this about Daddy Jim often. I agree.)
You DID choose this “bow” for him (as you call it) completely out of the blue. Daddy Jim feels very loved – he told me so!! Thanks for spreading your joy to so many, Peanut Butter! Now to the many in California who get to hear the story!!
Couldn’t love you more…
Oh – another cute story. Today you said “Mommi – I was just thinking something happy in my head.” “Yes Sweetie? What was it?”
“I saw two people kissing. And two people smiling at each other. They were getting married. It was you.” “Oh yeah?” “Yes, Mommi. You and Daddy Jim.”
Hey Baby Girl –
We just had the most wonderful day together!! Because it’s late, I’m going to post the pictures now, and write to you about it tomorrow.
Thanks for such an incredible day!
It started out with swinging in the backyard in our jammies!! Now, how could a day go wrong with such a wonderful start?!?
Then breakfast in the 3-season room:
Then some flower picking and arranging:
A totally fun puzzle building experience – You are SO GREAT at puzzles!!
Then we made lunch together – some grilled cheese and tomato soup – yum!
After a failed attempt at a nap, you engaged in a little dress-up time. This is actually my new skirt transformed into a princess dress!!
We then ventured out to the “Useum” with your Daddy. Check out your outfit – totally “Sarah Ella” (from the book we read at night called “Sarah Ella Gets Dressed” – a classic for sure!) Clearly, you can take full credit for the stunning ensemble. 😉 I wouldn’t want it ANY other way!
After dinner at Friendly’s (your request)…
… your Daddy went to work and you and I took a dip in the hot tub.
COMPLETELY out of the blue, you and all of a sudden you yelled, “An Airplane!!!!!”
10 seconds or so later you yelled at the top of your lungs in the direction of that airplane, “I LOVE YOU DADDY JIM!!!!”
Daddy Jim left yesterday for a conference in CA – You knew he was going to be on a big airplane and not coming home for a bit… It was very sweet.
Clearly, we had a wonderful day!! Tomorrow you will spend the morning at Cobblestone School – a trial run for preschool next year. It is the school where Madeline and Daniel go and one of the top candidates for your elementary education. You’ve spent some time there, and so far, you love it. We’ll see how tomorrow goes… All in God’s hands, right?
Love you Peanut Butter – *Mommi
So this is the email that my Dean sent out to everyone yesterday:
Subject line: Good News
The Board of Trustees has just voted this morning on awarding promotion and tenure to MJ Curry and April Luehmann – congratulations! Raffaella
This tenure andpromotion thing is a very big thing where I work – and not so easy to achieve. You are telling people “Mommi got tenure” but you also asked – “Mommi, what IS tenure?” I tried hard, but I don’t think I was successful in helping you understand. The wonderful thing is that you are still very happy for me! Really what that means is that I will be more able to spend time with YOU!!
This is a picture of my science education master’s students and me today at graduation:
So, here is an interesting story – I try hard, as a Mom, not to sweat the small stuff. You want to wear your fancy dress to school? No problem. In the sandbox? Okay. Four days out of five in a week? Sure. I don’t mind you exploring what it means to handle “fragile” things, and if there is an accident, that’s okay too. All that said, here’s the situation.
I bought you a doll from Israel. (I secretly fell in love with this doll). I have decided it will be the focal point for your room, and eventually we will paint your room using the colors of this doll as a guide. I place this sweet doll on the dresser to protect it from all the loving the rest of your toys receive… Hmmm…
True to your 4-year old nature, that which is forbidden becomes MOST attactive. You really want to play with this doll. Sigh. What do I say? You can’t play with the doll I gave you? Silliness. Okay, I sigh. And as soon as you turn your attention, I place it back on the dresser. This goes on for weeks!
Then, the night before last, you asked for it yet again – and you took it to bed with you. Okay – I was tired – whatever.
In the middle of the night, you come to me b/c you had your first accident. Okay, we clean you up, get new jammies, put you back to bed. The next morning when I’m cleaning up your room… you guessed it. You peed RIGHT ON THE DOLL!!! I could not believe it!!! UGH! (Don’t worry, the story turns out just fine.)
When you were with your Daddy today, I gave our little doll a bath – Check it out:
The whole experience made my laugh so hard. All’s well that ends well. 🙂
I love you Peanut Butter. Thank you for the many ways you help me surrender.
You are so very good for me!!
I’m back.
It’s been a while, but I got my exciting news yesterday afternoon, and you were the first I told. My news means that I am prioritizing my writing to you again!! I’ve missed it… a lot!
You have grown SO MUCH since i wrote last. You have grown in height, in intellect, in wit, and in emotional maturity! I can’t tell you how much I totally love to spend time with you! We snuggle, we laugh our rear ends off, we dance, we make up make-believe songs ALL the time, we “socialize.”
Some Maya-ism’s going on right now:
* You’re still a TOTAL outside girl!! Can’t get enough! And you’re never clean 😉 (I wouldn’t want it any other way!)
* A couple of your fun words are
“echersize” (for exercise)
“dissedappeared” (for disappeared)
* “I love you Mom… to the Sun and Back.. One hundred sixty, nine, twenty, seven, eleven times.” “That’s a lot!”
* Mom? In the morning, will you set up my bed? Because it looks like a disaster. And I can’t yet because I am still little.”
* “Mom? Mom?” I walk in from the other room and kneel down in front of you. “Yes sweetie?” “Mom?” (pause) “I am sooo very sorry.” “For what Baby?” (pause as you gentle stroke my hand) “For all the bad things I have ever done. I am so very sorry.”
* Last night was your first night with no pull-ups at night – ALL DONE! You’re officially a big girl.
* You are very particular about what you will wear each day – and, as far as I can tell, it is COMPLETELY unpredictable!
Okay – here are some recent pictures.
You can really swim – bottom in the air, face in the water and kicking like crazy. You haven’t quite figured out the breathing thing yet, but give it another week! 🙂
I love you Baby… with my WHOLE HEART!!! And then some!
out of the blue, you said (during dinner at Great Northern after an afternoon of skiing):
“Mama – I want to be just like you.”
I melted in every way possible.
Then today I heard this song and melted some more:
I so love being your Mom!
okay, well it was just a trim
but it seems like a big deal… so here are some pictures from the event.
Your best friend, Siobhan, Daddy Jim and I took you after we went to see the play, “Stuart Little.” Tanya cut your hair and did a great job – it’s much healthier now.
I love watching you grow Peanut – it is so fun.