parent night

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A little over a week ago, there was a Parent Night at your school. All the kids and all the parents ate lasagna in the classroom with your teachers. It was fun! Here you are eating with your good friend Marlie…

parent night3

There were MANY dessert choices! (We each brought in either a salad or a dessert.) Is this a little slice of Heaven or what?!?

parent night 1

parent night2

This place is certainly an important part of your life, Peanut Butter. It is your community. When you arrive in the morning, many little kids’ voices shout, “Hi MAYA!!” And you can tell your teachers really love you. It’s a good, good thing to know how safe and happy you are when we can’t be with you.

gymnastics last night

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Rochester has different sculptures of horses ALL over town. Isn’t this a fun one?!? It makes us giggle every time we come! There is a sweet story about these pictures by the horse. On the drive to gymnastics, I accidentally deleted a number of very sweet pictures of you on your bike. You listened to me lamenting my loss, “I lost all those pictures of you on your bike… that makes Mommi very sad.” You looked so concerned, I asked “Will you smile again for me… maybe by the horse?” Without skipping a bit you said enthusiastically, “Yeah. Sure!” And you did! You are so wonderful!!


This is Ms. Jan – your teacher… You really seem to love gymnastics. The first parents’ night is in 2 weeks! I can’t wait to see what you’ve learned!! Love you Peanut!

our day together

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Hey there Peanut –

It was AWESOME spending the day with you!! Much needed for both of us I think. Although we both got very little sleep last night (you were up from 11:15pm – 1am and then again at 2 and 3am… sigh… ended up spending from 11:30pm on in our bed b/c Daddy was at work – and you had to have my pillow… *sigh* Anyway – hope you know you’re loved), we both had LOTS of giggles and we got a lot done!

First thing in the morning we headed over to the east side of the city to check out and participate in Rochester’s “Clean Sweep.” Mayor Bob Duffy called us this week to personally invite us (although, because we weren’t home his recording was left on our recording machine ; ))… ANYWAY, I thought it sounded like a GREAT way to get us engaged in some community service and be outside, so we went to check it out.

Just so you don’t think that these things always work out smoothly – let me let you in on a little of the messiness of such adventures. First, there was no sleep on either of our parts. Then, the directions we had to the meeting place were useless as the major road was closed due to construction with no designated detour… *sigh*. THEN, when we got there, it appears everyone already knew who there “team” was, and many of these team leaders did not want new people joining them. So, in a somewhat chaotic atmosphere, we had to figure out what was going on, find a team and get directions. THEN, after the initial pep rally, we all drove to our meeting spots with our teams (well, some took a bus, but we couldn’t do that in case we needed to go home earlier than others). As we followed the directions given to us by our team leader, we ran into aNOTHER road snafu. Another main road was closed due to construction. This time a detour was marked, but I followed the signs wrong and we ended up by this sweet bear playing golf. I told you, “I think we’re lost.” You said, “Are we sad?” I said, “No, it’s going to be fine…we’re not giving up.” You asked, “Why?” And I explained a bit about perseverance. We laughed at the bear, took it’s picture and ended up finding our way. The moral of the story (i.e. why I’m sharing all these seemingly trivial details) is to let you know that we ALL hit hurdles on our paths to adventures… Don’t ever let them become roadblocks. The experiences are usually worth it, and the benefits feel even sweeter when you’re forced to invest just a bit extra.

clean sweep4

Okay – so this is what we did.
We met with the 400 other Rochesterians (isn’t that awesome?) in this big tent. We were given BRIGHT yellow-green t-shirts to wear and directed to the back of the tent to pick up some breakfast. You had a blueberry muffin. We then sought out a team to join. We ended up working with a group of high school students from Jefferson. Some of our new friends’ names are Nelson, Jasmine, Jessica and Dino. We helped them clean a big grassy lot across from an elementary school. You were a FANTASTIC help!! You raked, shoveled and picked up a number of pieces of trash. You were the youngest person there, and I could tell from many little comments and expressions, that you were an inspiration to others. We had a great time… can’t wait to start up our own team for the Spring Clean Sweep!

clean sweep 5

clean sweep 6

clean sweep 7

clean sweep 3

clean sweep 2

After we had worked a couple hours, you saw a playground at the school…. so we took a 10-15 minutes break to play.
clean sweep 1

While we were at the playground, the news crews came and interviewed our team! How cool! Then our new friends shared some chips with us, and we headed out.

clean sweep 8

On the way home, we did our week’s grocery shopping. We had lunch and a nap.

Then it was off with Marlie and her Mommy to Power’s Farm Market to look at the pumpkins, pet the animals, play in the tepees, and drink some cider – just like we did a year ago when you had your purple cast on your leg!! (Check out how much you and Marlie have grown in a YEAR!! Wow! What a difference a year makes!! How fun to watch you grow, Baby Girl!)

Here are some pictures from our adventure!










We had such a good time I think we’re going to go again… And next time we will actually buy a pumpkin to bring home and ride the hayride! Should be fun… Anybody want to join us?!?!?

When we got home, we cooked Daddy dinner (he was sleeping all day because he worked last night and then again tonight). After dinner we played upstairs with your Dora kitchen and giggled a bunch more.

Can’t wait to see what fun adventures my day with you tomorrow holds… Thanks for all the fun you bring into my life!! I love you Peanut! *Mommi
p.s. I’m pretty sure big changes are on our horizons… I’ll tell you more soon. I LOVE doing life with you Peanut!

mommi’s wonderful work friends

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Hey there Baby Girl –

You and I had a rocky start to our Friday, but it turned out to be an AWESOME day thanks to some great friends.

When I dropped you off this morning, you REALLY did not want me to leave. People say this is a stage that all kids your age go through, but it really threw me. You were crying so hard, and we couldn’t do anything to distract you. And Maritza really tried. After she pulled you away from me, I stood around the corner in the hallway waiting for you to stop crying so I knew you were okay, and I could go to work. Sadly, you cried and cried and cried… which made me cry and cry and cry. I love my job… I really do, but I really DON’T like how, at times, everything gets off balance. I don’t mind it for me because I understand it’s only temporary and life will soon return to normal. But you are only 2 and a half – when Mommy doesn’t come home before you go to bed twice in one week, it’s hard for you to understand.

Anyway, I called to check on you at noon, and Maritza came to the phone to reassure me that you were fine… a little sad to start, but soon playing and laughing like normal. I guess my sadness was a combination of wondering if you were okay and my own missing you. It will be better on Monday. Daddy and I are also going to do our best to pull you out at least 1 day a week for some fun adventure. We really do love spending time with you!! You are such a joy!

Speaking of joy – check out these flowers!!!

(Believe it or not, they SMELL just as good as they LOOK!! You love them too!)

My student Liz gave them to me to thank me for working with her and because she noticed that I was tired and a little sad last night when I was still at work at 9:15pm. How awesome is that?!?!?!

Another one of my doctoral students Kankana also shared some wonderful things today with our research group about how much she enjoys working with me and for me – how grateful she is – words that were just as beautiful and touching and important to me as the flowers.

And THEN…. tonight you and I decided to try out a different “oce cream store” (as you call it) and postpone the bath until tomorrow. We headed over to the Corn Hill Creamery for our Friday night ice cream and stopped in to see my friends Abe and Vera. They joined us for ice cream, and we had a FABULOUS time – walking by the river and then playing with Snowball, their cat.
ice cream1

ice cream2ice cream2

I think we’re going to have ice cream with them again soon!

Can you say “blessed” Baby Girl?!? We sure are!

Love you to pieces! *Mommi

our special rituals

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I think I never think to tell you about our daily rituals because I think they will always be a part of our lives… but in our short (and amazing) 2.5 years together, our routines changed quite a bit… And each of them is so precious to me that I want to make sure you know about them.

Let’s see – we’ll just walk through our “typical” day:

Most mornings, I wake up by the pitter patter of little feet walking into our bedroom. Usually you have “B” (your purple blanket) and at least one “friend” with you. I pick you up and plop you in between Daddy and me. We snuggle and giggle for a little while, and then you want to go downstairs. Before we head down, I stop to put in my contacts. You watch intently, and after each eye, we both look at each other and say “I see you!!” and giggle.

Downstairs we get some juice and fruit and hang out. Because we’re not sure how much fresh fruit and veggies you get at daycare, it is our goal to make sure you have a piece of fresh fruit first thing in the morning. We also try to limit “PT” (what you still call TV) to two 1/2 hour shows… the most important being Curious George. When it’s “George Time,” everyone gathers in the living room with cereal, fruit and usually a hair brush for your hair. At halftime, we all go and brush our teeth and by the end of the show (8:30am), we are ready to head out…

When we’re in the car, you usually ask for “cannie,” and you are limited to one piece of candy per trip. Sometimes you and I play a repeat game… you’ll make a noise and I copy you or join you… we go back and forth and back and forth and giggle. You LOVE to play in the car, so often when we get home, you jump into the front seat and pretend to drive, open things, and basically search for “cannie.” 😉

As Daddy and I get everything on the table, you’re usually watching a little PT… I think it is good downtime for you after all the social time you’ve had at school. We often use this opportunity to sneak in whatever nutrients we want you to consume (sorry – I realize this is a bit manipulative). Because you’re hungry and distracted, you eat most anything we put in front of you. : ) Can you say “edimame?”

Once we’re ready, we tell you that your plate is waiting for you. You immediately (most of the time) run out to see what’s there. We hold hands to sing or say grace. You often prefer that we hold your elbows instead of your hands. : ) You also often choose ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider” for grace, for which we always end together with our chorus of “amen, amen, amen amen, amen.” Typically you end up eating a little off of everyone’s plate. When you’re done, you run and wash your fingers and face while Mommi and Daddy finish. You often ask, but the rule is no PT until Mommi and Daddy are done. We also often decide to have ice cream together for dessert.

We often go for a walk in the neighborhood. This is when some nights we meet up with your 2-year old friend Alexandra and her parents for a walk to the playground at the local school. During the summer we would hang out with Hannah and Timmy and parents. Sometimes we head out to explore other playgrounds. And, on very special nights, we use this time to go swimming! (That is your favorite!)

Close to 7:30pm we head upstairs to put on pj’s, brush teeth and read stories. After a number of books, we turn off the light (leaving on the night light on) and turn on the lullibye music (our favorite is Veggie Tales!). We rock for 2 songs and then snuggle on your bed for 2 songs. We start by saying our prayers – we thank God for all the amazing things that we experienced that day and we pray for everyone we can think of… I say, “God bless…” and you list names. I add my own quiet prayers, asking God to help you grow up beautiful and strong and honest and caring and able to laugh yourself. I ask God that He will keep you close through every step. I ask God that He will also help your eventual spouse, dates and friends grow in the same grounded way, so they know you too… and can help you make wise decisions and have a joy-filled outlook on life.

Sometimes you are still quite wound up after 4 songs and you don’t want me to leave. Recentaly I have been following up these events wtih one or two songs of standing rocking you. You snuggle your head into my neck and calm down. It is really the sweetest thing EVER! Our hearts beat together, and I often hear you yawn a very sweet yawn. I lay you down, kiss your forehead, and you roll on your side and fall asleep. All very wonderful.

Okay, so that’s most of them. AM I NOT TOTALLY BLESSED?!?!? What a life!
I love you Peanut Butter,

“Pic of the Week” Indeed

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Check it out!! You and Riley made the front page of a little local newspaper!

Pic of the Week


Sun shines on Hilton Apple Fest 2007 – Brilliant skies and unusually warm temperatures in the low 80s both days encouraged visitors, according to organizers and record crowds visited both days, September 29 and 30. Four-year-old Riley Ball, from Hilton, struggled for a while but then snagged an apple from Corey’s Pond. Maya Tatemann from Rochester watched. Click here for more Apple Fest 2007 photos.

Here are more pictures from that adventure:








Making Applesauce – YUM!!




some school notes from September…

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And some random summer pictures to show you how incredible you are…

9/6/07 “I came in about 9:15am and Maya was the 1st one to welcome me with a great smile. She grabbed my hand! They all seemed happy and ready for a fun-filled day! Maya is an awesome jumper!! She climbed and jumped off the platfrom in the muscle room. Maya really likes to receive praise… this really encourages her to engage more! Maya received a sticker today for listening and cleaning up after herslef. She was one of two children who received a sticker!!” -Maritza

summer 17

9/7/07 “I came in at 11:45am and they were eating lunch. Maya ate meatloaf and 2 servings of fruit an d milk. She was ALL smiles!! She took a 1.5 hr nap. She sat on the potty twice but only went once. This was great!! Hooray… She received a sticker for this… And a little parade… I noticed today that Maya voluntarily decided to clean up the books that were on the floor and the couch…” -Maritza

summer 13

9/10/2007 “Maya seemed very happy today!! She enjoyed all the centers today. She played with playdough, shaving cream with food coloring, babies and baby clothes, and the train set. She participated in all the activities and followed all directions. Great Day!!” -Maritza

summer 8

9/18/2007 “Maya had a very good day. She was very affectionate towards her friends. Lots of hugs and kisses!! Centers: train set, tools and blocks, potato head, coloring pencils, people in house. Maya played first with coloring pencils – her drawing is in her mailbox. Tools next, then people in the house.”

summer 9

9/23/2007 I logged that you had gone pee pee on the potty THREE times and poo poo on the potty once on Sunday. Maritza was very excited to hear you had such a great day… This is what she wrote the next day: “Potty training can be very exciting and fun. It’s great to hear about it!! Maya is a very sweet girl! Very affectionate!! It’s great working with her. She played with the tool set and babies with clothes (dressing) during centers.” -Maritza

summer 3

9/27/2007 “Both regular teachers are out today – The Spruces (that’s you!) did very well – however, potty routine was a little “off” for Maya today – hope to have more success in the p.m. Maya enjoyed showing us her dancing moves today – she poured sand into many different sized containers at the sand tables. She also enjoyed playdough and block building. outside, she’s working those legs on the swings & loving the bikes!!” – Bonnie


We see the same wonderful things in you Miss Maya –
* a beautiful, full-of-life spirit
* a strong little body and will
* creative and talented
* caring and affectionate
You are LOVING bike-riding and playdough at home too. I think you would swim three times a day if we would take you. You are into watching Dora the Explorer 15-minute movies, and George is your favorite TV cartoon. You’re still a huge jumper – I bought you a little standing, in-door trampoline at a consignment sale last week, and you haven’t stopped jumping on it! You’ve been saying “I love you, Mama” just out of the blue. You still squeeze my cheeks together with your little hands and put your nose about an inch from mine and say, “I’m so proud of you!” in your awesome two-year old voice. Melts my heart every time!

summer 11

When we say grace before meals, we hold hands and usually sing. You always choose “Itsy Bitsy Spider” for your prayer…. sooo we sing Itsy, Bitsy Spider and end with some enthusiastic Amen’s! You also consistently insist on having your elbows held instead of holding hands.

summer 6

Tonight, at dinner I asked if your bananas were tasting good. Without missing a beat, both index fingers of both hands were pointed straight up to the sky with an enthusiastic, “TASTES GWEAT!!” Your Daddy and I laughed and laughed…. Seriously, what joy you bring into this world!!

summer 7

Thank you for being you!
I love you to pieces, Your Mommi

summer 19

summer 20

summer 21

summer 22

summer 23

summer 25

summer 24

some pictures for Oma & Opa…

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I have some sad news… your Great (in many respects of the word) Aunt Margaret died this week. She is Oma’s little sister. And she is your Mommi’s Godmother as well as Aunt. We are all very sad as we will miss her very much, but we know that she is in Heaven with God experiencing JOY beyond our understanding! She doesn’t hurt anymore. She doesn’t feel sad anymore. She is peaceful. God is good, Peanut. God is good. (I pasted her obituary at the bottom of this message as a little reminder for all of us of the amazing person she was… what an inspiration.)

Oma and all the rest of us will miss her very much. To cheer Oma up a bit, I thought I’d post some more fun pictures of you.

New Sneakers

Mommi went shopping with her friends Judi and Meg… We didn’t even KNOW we were trying on the same clothes… hehehehe…

Mom meg and judi

You are SUCH a fast runner, and you LOOOVE to run!

Here are some from last weekend when we went to Springdale Farm for a fall festival and apple picking with Jimmiqua:





apple 5

And here are some fun pictures of you and I at the farm… Your Opa will probably especially love these!! Hi Opa!!!













We hope these pictures give you a little smile, Oma. KNOW that we are loving you to pieces… Our hearts are hurting with yours…

*Margaret L. Fromm

Margaret Louise Fromm, 63, of Sparta died Thursday, September 27, 2007, at
Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, La Crosse after a two and a half year
battle with ovarian cancer. She was born on March 23, 1944 in Lincoln,
Nebraska, to Edwin and Ellen (Meyer) Friedrich. As a pastor¹s daughter, she
moved several times to rural Minnesota towns during her youth. She graduated
from Rushford High School in 1962. Marge attended Concordia Teacher¹s
College in both St. Paul, Minnesota, and Seward, Nebraska, graduating with a
degree in Elementary Education in 1966.

She married Wallace E. Fromm on June 12, 1965, in Belevidere, Minnesota.
Marge taught in a rural Nebraska town for one year before they moved to
Williamsburg, Iowa. She also taught for one year in Iowa before the birth of
their first child, Lowell in 1967. For several years, she was the secretary
of their church. Marge and Wally had three more children, Beth, Clay, and
Julie, before moving to Sparta, Wisconsin in 1973.

In 1980, Marge began a lifelong career, culminating as the Library Director,
at the Sparta Free Library. As a devoted employee, she was respected,
admired, and loved by those that knew her. Because of her declining health,
she retired in June of 2006.

Not the stereotypical image of a librarian, Marge loved adventure and being
outdoors. She spent numerous vacations sailing, both on area lakes and on
Lake Superior, biking on trails throughout the state, white water rafting
along the rivers of the Appalachian Mountains, cross country skiing,
camping, and canoeing along area rivers. She also enjoyed reading, playing
card and board games and, more than anything, spending time with her
children and grandchildren.

Marge was a member of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church. Her faith in God has
sustained her through many challenges in life. She has met difficulty with
uncomplaining strength, joy and love that could only come from the Lord.
Church attendance, prayer, Bible and devotional reading have all given her
much hope through the hardest of times. We rejoice that she now has met
Jesus face to face and look forward to spending our eternity with her.
She is survived by her husband Wallace, of Sparta, her son Lowell Fromm,
also of Sparta, her daughter Beth (Darren) Pierce, of Marion, Iowa, her son
Clay (LaRae) Fromm, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, her daughter, Julie (John)
Falkers of Viroqua, Wisconsin, and nine grandchildren: Dustin and Cassandra
Pierce, Michael, Benjamin, and Tabitha Fromm, Rachel, Andrew, Joseph, and
Hannah Falkers, her mother Ellen Friedrich of Austin, Minnesota, her brother
Gustav Friedrich of Highland Park, New Jersey, her sister Miriam (Lloyd)
Luehmann of Austin, Minnesota, her sister Mary (Chuck) Rohe of Zumbrota,
Minnesota, her sister Muriel (Gene) Stark of Prior Lake, Minnesota, and her
sister Marilyn Friedrich of Huntington Beach, California.
She was preceded in death by her father, Edwin Friedrich, and a sister,
Martha Friedrich Fendt.

Funeral services will be Monday at 11 a.m. at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran
Church, Sparta, with Reverend Mark Wessel officiating. Burial will be in
St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Cemetery, Sparta. Family and friends are invited to call at Lanham-Miller Funeral Home, Sparta, on Sunday from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m and at St. John¹s Ev. Lutheran Church from 10 a.m. until the time of services. Online condolences may be
offered at Memorials may be given in Marge’s memory to St. John’s Lutheran Church Building Fund and to the Sparta Free Library. The Lanham-Miller Funeral Home, Sparta is assisting the family with funeral arrangements.