today – some normal saturday things…

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href=’’ title=’slide2’>slide2
Hey there Peanut –
We hung out together today – how wonderful… We didn’t do anythign special, but sometimes that is special in itself. The morning was a bit of a bomb- we tried to check out a gymnasitcs studio for you, but the person we were supposed to meet didn’t show up. Then we were supposed to buy flowers for my graduate student (her birthday is Monday and she has been going through a hard time) but after we found a parking spot, we learned that the florist went out of business and was replaced by a hardware store… looked around a bit, but we realized we didn’t really need anything from the hardware store… so we took the free popcorn and headed on our way. Then we went on a search for a new diaper bag and cereal bowls – also with no luck. We ended up sharing mac & cheese and hot dogs at Friendly’s and headed home. We took a long nap together which was very sweet. When we woke up, so did Daddy!! (What a treat!) We shared ice cream together and went to the play ground before Daddy had to head back to work for one more night.

my beautiful bruiser

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We had a playdate, a picnic and a mishap.
beautiful bruiser

We met Judi and Jim for a playdate and a picnic. While we were eating, you decided to climb up on a neighboring picnic table, and you slipped and fell head first to the cement floor. You cried a short bit and then you were off playing again.

Isn’t it amazing how beautiful you are even with a few bruises?

I love you to pieces Peanut. You are such a strong, happy girl! What a joy you are to me and everyone you meet!


back at it…

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Hey there Peanut –

Please forgive my lack of writing to you these past 6 or 7 weeks. It has been an especially crazy summer! You’ll understand later, but the bottom line is I had to submit my early career grant proposal (which I’ve worked on for 4 years now) along with five different manuscripts while teaching a very intensive summer class. In addition, I had to fly to Chicago for Knowles Foundation research and teaching meeting at which I had to give a presentation, and I have been helping two graduate students get the findings from two different research studies ready for submission to two different conferences.

We’ve still had fantastic summer adventures in between these work-related things, but I just didn’t have my Sunday evenings to blog to you like I like.

So, let’s see if I can try to get caught up a bit.
Let’s start with the most exciting and most recent event – We went to Ada, MI (near Grand Rapids) to be a part of your cousin Niklas’s baptism in the Grand River!!
It was such a very special day and event. Pastor Dave did such an incredible job talking to Niklas and the rest of us about how we are all part of an ecology that God gave to Niklas and his parents to help take care of and love baby Niklas as he grows. While Niklas was being baptized you said to me “Maya’s turn. Maya be baptized.” Very sweet.
We were there with Oma and Opa from Minnesota, Auntie Amy and Elisabeth from Seattle and of couse, Mark, Bi and Niklas. The whole Luehmann clan was there except for Uncle Hakon. In addition, we had the wonderful privilege of being with Auntie Bi’s Mom and Dad, Mara and Francisco who came ALL the way from Brazil!! There were a number of other friends of Mark and Bi’s as well. What a wonderful celebration!!baptism8
dog washing2
mark elisa

Here are a couple more pictures of your beautiful baby cousin:niklas2
When we arrived in Ada at 1:30am the night before, the car broke down in the hotel parking lot. Long story short, but it was very difficult to find anyone open on the weekends to service the car, and even those people did not have access to the parts. SOOOO, even in the midst of craziness like that, God blesses us richly. We were “stuck” in a place where we were surrounded by family in a warm and loving home. Not such a bad deal, eh? Unfortunately, I had to rent a car and drive back to Rochester because I had to teach Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, but you and Daddy stayed in Michigan and waited for the car to be fixed. You got a 3 more days to play with your cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and even Buster the dog! You went to the fair…
You went swimming…

You climbed rocks and caught turtles…
You had a fantastic time!! And the car was fixed just in time – You and Daddy left Michigan at the same time as Auntie Amy and Elisabeth left for the airport and just a bit after Oma and Opa left for the ferry. What a blessing indeed.

You came home safe and sound to me about 6:30pm on Wednesday. It was SO GREAT to see you! You were clearly as happy to see me as I you. We snuggled and giggled and hugged each other. That night (last night actually) you asked me to rock you to sleep in my arms… you hugged me with both arms while I rocked you until you fell asleep… A memory I will always treasure. Thanks Peanut.
I love you Peanut Butter.

SIBS (sisters in boston)

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Hey there Peanut –

This week I am hanging out with Auntie Amy at this year’s Ebay Live conference in Boston. Though we miss our babies and their daddy’s very much, we are having a fantastic time! Laughing, learning, exploring, relaxing – reconnecting.

Here are some pictures to let you see what we’re up to:
ebay 1

more picts from the neighborhood

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helping neighbor

We have such a wonderful time running around the neighborhood after dinner most nights. On this night, you first helped Joe and Martha water their plants.

watering alan

While you were at it, you “watered” our neighbor Alan after his run in the hot sun.

hanging with hannah

Then we played a bit with Hannah and Timmy before heading to bed.

swinging with hannah

Check out the videos from these events: watering help and watering Alan and rolling with Hannah and rolling, rolling, rolling.

Life is good. Thank you God!

some pictures from today…

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baby maya
maya hat

We SOOOO wish we could’ve been at the Friedrich Family Reunion today, but we just couldn’t figure out the logistics. We had a rather typical day today –
* Church with Jimmiqua. You, Jimmiqua and I sang together in the Gospel Choir. Hannah and her family came to church today.
* Lunch and hanging out at home including your new favorite pasttime, playing in Daddy’s car – you and I cleaned it for him. Even that is SOOO much fun with you!
* And after a VERY brief nap, you and I made sugar cookies and fruit salad together. You were a big help!
* Then you, Daddy and I went for a walk and played at our closest playground. We bumped into and played with our friends Steph, “Higgy” (Camielle) and her baby sister “Mooky” (You sat in Mooky’s baby car seat… how silly!)
* After dinner, you and I went to Raffaella’s house for a picnic for families of small children that I work with… How fun!

Here are some video highlights from today: “Bombs Away” and “Take Time,” and “Move please.” Enjoy Peanut!

We spent a lot of today giggling together, snuggling and exploring. Thank you for the joy you bring to my life, Sweet Pea. I love you.

a wedding, a playdate and a dance

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We had a VERY busy day today!

First, I sang at our friends’ Jen & Cory’s wedding with the Gospel choir. While I was there, you and Daddy went to Gymboree and the playground!
jen cory1
jen cory2
jen cory4

I came home after the wedding to pick up Daddy for the reception. Aunti Judi came over to play with you a bit and put you down for your nap. Here are a couple pictures from Jen and Cory’s reception:
jen cory3
jen cory5

After a THREE & A HALF hour nap (at which time I woke you up… maybe it was a growth spurt), you and I headed out to meet our friends Marlie and her Mom for a playdate at the playground:

Daddy met us all for a picnic in the park before he headed off to work for the night.

Then you and I went to Jimmiqua’s 8th grade formal to take a few pictures for her. While we waited for her to arrive, you danced in the middle of the floor to the music the DJ was playing. Jimmiqua looked absolutley BEAUTIFUL!! Can you believe she is 14 already?!?! She really enjoyed introducing you to all of her friends as her niece!
jimmiqua dance1
jimmiqua dance2
jimmiqua dance3
jimmiqua dance4

Highlights of the day for me?
* Using my new camera (Daddy bought me a new camera, becuase my old one broke last Friday… I’ve had to use my cell phone camera in the meantime.)
* Watching you share your strawberries so generously with Marlie. Listening to you help her use her “please” and “thank you’s” cracked me up!
* Watching you dance.
* Giggling with you before bed.
* Watching you sleep during your 3.5 hour nap!
* Being part of Jen and Cory’s very special day!
* Pushing you on the swing.
* Knowing you and Judi had time to play together.
* Watching you hang out with neighbors Joe and Martha on their front porch.
* Having a date with Daddy – We met new friends at the reception- Su & Justin. They might come have ice cream with us in a couple weeks.
* Getting to start and end my day with you.

*whew* After reading all of this, I am ready for bed! : ) Thank you, Peanut, for an awesome day!! I love you to pieces, and I am so proud of you!

some more puddle jumping

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and other fun times…

puddle jumping 1
puddle jumping 2
puddle jumping 3
puddle jumping 4
puddle jumping 5
(Neighbor Joe just jumped right in the middle of the biggest puddle to entice you in… You thought that was very funny… so did he!)

playing with pillows while shopping:

you LOVE your new chair as well as your princess pj’s
new chair

playdates galore!

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Highlights from our time with Maeve and Claire at their house:
steckley playdate 1
steckley playdate 2
steckley playdate 3
steckley playdate 4
steckley playdate 5
steckley playdate 7
steckley playdate 8

Highlights from our time with Marlie in our backyard:
marlie maya6
marlie maya5
marlie maya4
marlie maya3
marlie maya2
marlie maya8

Marissa on Thursday and Friday (Marissa is the daughter of Daddy’s good friend from work, Stacey),
Maeve and Claire on Saturday morning (Maeve & Claire are daughters of my good friend from work, Meg),
Marlie on Saturday after dinner (Marlie is your dear friend from you class at daycare – and her Mommy, Leslie and I are becoming good friends as well as her Daddy Mike and your Daddy),
and… Hannah and Maggie (and Mommy Susan) (our good friends and neighbors) on Sunday!

Here are some pictures… more to come!

By the way? You are so good at sharing and taking turns. What an amazing little person you are becoming!