what a day we had!

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[pictures coming soon]

daddy maya

Well Miss Maya, you had quite a day. First you, mommy, and I went to Wegmans to do a little grocery shopping. Then you and I went to Gymboree for “fitness class.” There were two other little boys there and we had a blast. We went through a little obsticle course of walking on a balance beam, going through a tunnel, then climbing up a barrel. We sang songs, played with the parachute, and said good-bye to Gymbo. You loved getting the stamps on your hands, feet and belly.

Then we went to school where we arrived just in time to for lunch. To our surprise it was one of your friend’s birthday. As a treat, your class made ice cream. So after lunch you had homemade ice cream. You then took a nap, and we were off again.
ice cream

We then went to meet your friend Marissa at the Greece Ridge Mall. There was a carnival there. However, it was not open. So we went then went to the Strong Museum. You and Marissa ran and ran. You guys played with the Elmo car, the Dance lab, the fish tank and much more. It was great to watch you two explore your world. Thank you for letting us be a part of it and for allowing us to see some of yours. Thank you for a wonderful day. Until next time.


today’s report

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Today at daycare you read these books:
* The Bunny Book
* The Big Wide-mouthed Frog

Did these activities:
* Puzzles
* Musical instruments
* Threaded pipe cleaners into spools (fun!)
* Outside spray bottles
* Swings, sand box and bikes

And sang these songs:
* Bumble Bee
* Ants go marching
* Swimming song
* A Rum tum tum
* Happy Birthday
* Turtle in the Box

You “enjoyed our lunch – pizza pockets and salad – Maya ate it all!”

Your teachers wrote this about you today:

Maya has had two wonderful days. She loves to swing and spent quite a while at it today. She was an active and fun participants with our instruments and marching songs at circle time. She demonstrated a very sweet side while engaging one of the Beeches (6 – 12 month olds) at play in the sand box – She offered hugs and gifts to one little boy in particular with a kind gentleness. It was a very nurturing attitude. She had no idea she was being watched!

We’re so proud of you! We love you to pieces!


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Today was Memorial Day – a beautiful sunny holiday that we got to spend together!

We started by heading down to Spot Coffee for a “snack” (cheery danish – really, what was I thinking : ) ) and some juice as we waited for the Memorial Day parade to start. One of the highlights was the doggie that sits in the front walkway.
doggie spot2
parade 4
parade 3

Aunti Judi walked down to meet us and watch the beginning of the parade. You made a number of new “friends” with the people sitting all around us.

After we watched from the street for a while, we headed up to Judi and Jim’s and watched the rest from their balcony. Aunti Judi is the BEST! We had lunch up there while we watched. (Uncle Jim was at the cabin and Daddy was sleeping because he worked last night, so it was just the girls today.)
parade 7

After nap and dinner, we headed over to Hannah and Timmy’s house with a pint of chocolate ice cream, a package of cones and some sprinkles.
ice cream1
ice cream2
ice cream3
Could the day end any better?!?! THanks God!!

peek a boo

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pillows are your favorite, but you’re happy to hide in anything you can find…

today you had a blast hiding behind all of your coats… and you giggled and giggled as tehy fell and left you exposed. : )

Let’s see – other sweet things you are doing and saying these days:
* you say “oth” to mean”off”
* you still say “pt” for tv
* when you want something, you say “May I have it please?” (most of the time) or “Maya have it please?”
* You know Judi & Jim’s corner and announce it everytime we drive past their house.
* When we head out to a car or just arrive home from an outing, you consistently ask “Maya go see Barnie (the neighbor’s puppy) please?” When I say “sure,” you get very excited and shyly walk next door holding my hand.
* You still describe yourself when you’re naked as “PRETTY BABY!” and you pat your belly. I love that!
* birdie is “boodie”
*”Mommy! Help Maya!” is what you call out when Daddy is carrying you somewhere you don’t want to go (e.g. wash hands before dinner).
* you love to point out a “Big Truck” or “Big Bus” as it drives by.
* You’re still not a big fan of things in your hair. Yesterday, when we were having our snack at Spot coffe, I went up to the counter to grab a couple napkins. I watched you get down from your chair at our table, walk over to another table and place your barrett on that other table, and climb back up your chair. You crack me up.
* You love to swing – especially on your belly.
* Whenever you want to use a term of endearment for your Daddy or me, you add “ee-ah” on the end of our name – “Mom-e-ah” or “Dad-ee-ah” – it’s very sweet.

our block

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We are so blessed little one – we live in one aMAZing neighborhood surrounded by friends and fun. We see most of them almost every single day. Here are a few highlights just from the last couple of days:

These pictures were taken in Laura and Alan’s beautiful front yard garden. I bet there are more than 50 types of plants in their yard. We often talk with them while they are gardening.

This is Laura and Alan’s kitty cat named Senior. You search for the kitty cat everytime we visit with Laura and Alan. She is usually hiding out under a small bush or something. You are a better finder than she is hider most of the time. : )

And then there is Hannah and her family. This night we started by playing hockey in their driveway (just before bed in your pj’s) and ended with running through the yard with Hannah and Timmy as their Daddy sprayed all of you with a hose. You got to borrow Hannah’s froggie towel – you loved it!
hannah hockey1

Bernie, the puppy, having a beer. (Bernie is owned by our college student neighbors.) You greet and pet “BARnie” (as you call him) many times a day! And you giggle and giggle as he gives you “kisses!”

Like tonight after our walk down Park Ave, we often end up hanging out with Roz, Katie and Colin in their yard, open air porch, or in their home. And, like tonight, Roz often gives you bunches of grapes.

Susie, Joe & Martha, Michelle, Anthony & H2, Robbie and his wife, Audrey, Keith & 2-year old Alexandra are also great friends who live on our block.

We are so blessed, Baby Girl. You bring so much joy to everyone!! You connect people, sweet girl… you build community with your eye-sparkling smile and sincere greetings. Thanks for being you!!

our first trip to the zoo

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Hey there Peanut –

You had a jam-packed day of adventures today! We started this beautiful sunny and seventies day at Rochester’s Public Market. Even though most of Rochester had the same idea, we had a great time buying all kinds of fresh, locally-grown fruits and veggies: grapes, blackberries, apples, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, rhubarb, cherries, brocoli and some homemade bread and wheat rolls. You taste-tested many of these things as we walked! : )

After we got home, you and Daddy headed out to your Gymboree class. I think because it was both Memorial Day weekend as well as a beautiful day, you had the WHOLE place to yourself. You helped throw the parachute up and down with Daddy and the teacher.

After a 1.5 hr nap, we headed out to our first family trip to Seneca Park Zoo. We saw leopards, owls, eagles, wallabees, wolves, an ocelot, lizards, polar bears, tigars, cougars, monkeys, a rhino and penguins… just to name a few. Your face as you watched these amazing creatures was priceless!! It could be best described as “AWE.”
zoo awe
zoo rhino
zoo elephants

With huge eyes and a growing smile, you watched as the tiger eat a HUGE piece of meat. The elephants were definitely a hit with you, but hands down, your favorite animal was the sea lion.
zoo sea lion
zoo sea lion3
You watched it under water in a gallery for a long time. It would swim RIGHT by you and make you jump, and after you realized what had happened, you would giggle. We kept trying to entice you away to see other animals, but you did not want to leave.

zoo alligators
zoo leopard
zoo penguins

We had some snacks before we left and then headed for a quick shopping trip. After that, we ate out at a Red Robin. By the time we drove home, we were all POOPED!
zoo snack

Happy Dreams Baby Girl! Thanks so much for all the adventures of the day!
I love you Peanut,

mommi’s day weekend

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Hey there Beautiful –

Friday night you and I chalked up the sidewalk outside our house with lots of pretty colors… it was then you and I decided we should spell Mommi with an “i” instead of a “y.” We traced your hand and mine, your foot and mine, and when Daddy joined us, we added his foot as well (and decided we would spell “Dady” with only one D… just to be silly.)

Saturday morning, we headed down to Highland Park for the Lilac Festival. Just before we left, Mommi got a wonderful mother’s day present from Auntie Amy – check out these beautiful flowers! (Daddy was helping you sniff them.)

These are the gorgeous flowers in bloom at our local park. We checked them out while we were waiting for the parade to begin.
We had a fanatastic time at the parade. With each new parade entry, you would excitedly say, “Mommi, look!!” You waved to all the people in the parade, and so many of the waved back, melting a little when they saw your enthusiastic greeting!
lilac parade2
lilac parade1
lilac parade3

After the parade and a nap, we headed down to Judi’s sister Karen’s house for a Mother’s Day celebration with all of Judi’s family. You had the BEST time with Mark, Judi’s nephew. You read books and chased one another, wrestling and giggligng! My face hurt from smiling so much just watching you two!
judis family mothers day

Today, after chuch, we headed down to Charlie’s Frog Pond for brunch…. ate some eggs, made a mess, and giggled a lot!
mothers day charlies1
mothers day charlies3
mothers day charlies2

I know I’ve told you this a million times, but I thoroughly LOVE being your Mom. You often point to me and proudly say, “Maya’s Mommy.” I’m honored and humbled and thrilled to be that person! Let’s see, here are a few of the things you have been up to lately:
* You sing your a,b,c’s song many times a day. “a. b. c. d. uh. uh. gee.” “h.i.j.k. el.el.el.el.p.” “q.r.s.” “t.uh.v.” “w.x” “y.z.” Today, during the church announcements when most of the congregation was quiet, you broke out in this song by yourself. We were standing up with the Gospel Choir in front of the church – most of the choir members looked at you with a wonderful full smile. (You kept singing 🙂 I love you Peanut!)
* You say “chocolate” now instead of “KoLaKock.”
* You are very good with using “please” and “thank you”… even when people give you compliments. When someone like the man sitting next to us at the restarant today says something like “You are so beautiful,” without missing a beat you say, “Thank you.” When someone sneezes, you say “Bless y ou.” They say “Thank you,” and again, without missing a beat, you say “Welcome.” As we walk home, you greet most people who are sitting out on their porch with a sweet “hi!” And if they don’t respond, you say it louder. : )
* Sweet words in your vocabulary these days: “oop i city” (oopsidaisy) and “oth” (off)

mothers day
I love you my Baby Girl –