where do i begin?

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Okay, so it’s been 20 long days since I have written to you on your blog. So much has happened… and you have been such an incredible part of all of it. Even while I was gone on my conferences, the best part of my day was my chats with you on the phone and showing your pictures off to everyone I know! : )

Let’s see… I will post something about each of these:
* Your Easter with Judi’s family
* My conference in Chicago
* A quick little trip home to see you
* My conference in New Orleans
* Playdates
* Gymboree – our first class

Whew… It doesn’t seem possible that we could have done so much in less than 3 weeks. Okay, buckle up! Here we go…

i miss you

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Hey there Baby Girl –

I got to talk with you twice today.

I am in Chicago for the first of two almost-week-long meetings. I am presenting a few times this week at a conference called AERA and two times next week at a meeting called NARST. Though I think it is very important for both you and me that I do this, I miss you terribly while I’m gone.

Today was Easter. I went running this morning and happened along an Easter service being held on the beach by Lake Michigan. The beautifully orchestrated sounds from the brass instruments were filling the air – it was wonderful. After I came back and showered, I took a cab back to the host church – “4th Church” on Michigan Ave. The head pastor, John Buchanan delivered an artful and inspiring sermon – so witting, intelligent, progressive… and most importantly, so grace-based and Gospel-focused. What a treat for me! You were at church with Daddy and Jimmiqua in Rochester at the same time that I was at church in Chicago. Another cool thing was that I was sitting near an older woman named Elloise. 🙂 Another reminder of the beauty of Easter. It is your Great Grandma Elloise’s first Easter in Heaven – that’s pretty cool.

I’ll try to post more pictures tomorrow for you… but here are a couple random ones of my room.
I love you Peanut!! XOXOXOXO

that’s a lot!

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One of the versus of lullabies we sing together at night goes like this:

“He’s got Mommy and Daddy in His Hands.
“He’s got Little Miss Maya in His Hands.
“He’s got Everybody in His Hands.
*That’s a lot!”
“He’s got the Whole World in His Hands”

Everytime we get to the spoken line, “That’s a lot!” you look up and me with the biggest smile and say “That’s a lot!!” That is a lot Baby.

Later, the song says “We’re all safe here!”

Again you look up to me with an enthusiastic smile and repeat the words – I totally agree Peanut Butter – we’re all safe here! It’s such a wonderful reassurance – especially coming from your bright smiling, confident face… I have to go away on a trip tomorrow, and it’s very hard to leave you… but I do feel peaceful as I know “We are all safe here.”

egg hunt 4

Last weekend we went on a little Easter egg hunt with your friend Marlie… Here are some fo the pictures…

egg hunt 3
egg hunt2
egg hunt 1

2 year old appointment

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Today was your two-year old doctor’s appointment.

You are right on track!

Weight: 26.8 pounds
Height: 33.75 inches
Head size: 47.75 inches
2 year old 5
2 year old 7
2 year old 4
2 year old 3

You stood by the wall to have your height measured like a BIG Girl!! And you were so great about letting the physician’s assitant listen to your heart, check out your ears, and look in your mouth.

The only big changes include a switch from whole milk to skim, drinking more out of a big girl cup, and a bedtime routine that involves a slightly more limited amount of Mommy/Daddy snuggle time so you can do it by yourself.

You are growing up BEAUTIFULLY!! Nice work!
2 year old 1
2 year old 2

off the beaten path…

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One thing I absolutely LOVE about you is that you simply will not be limited by the path – I’m not even sure you see the path. When we went to the park on Saturday, you immediately climbed the hills, found the snow piles, threw leaves and played with sticks.


You also greeted everyone we met with a smile and a “Hello!”
eating out
Let’s see… other things you are doing these days.
You answer the question, “How old are you?” with a sweet “Two!” and two fingers (most of the time).
Tonight, after some snuggling time, you said “Rock-a-Baby.” I picked you up and took you to the rocking chair. Within a half of a song, you were out.
You are singing along to songs and finishing verses in your favorite books.
grocery shopping
You say the phrase, “more please”: “mo-ah pease!”
You still love to be outdoors more than anywhere else.
Your term for endearment for me is Mom e ah… It’s very sweet. You only use it when you are playing with me.
You are enamoured by the moon. You look for it every night, and you get giddy every time you see it. We jump up and try to grab it and you giggle and giggle. You are amazed that it is by church when we come out from choir practice AND it is our house by the time we drive home!!! When we go in, you say “Night night Moon.” You are convinced that the moon is sleeping. It’s all very sweet.
Today I bought a backpack for you from a consignment sale. You LOVEd it. You shouted in the neighborhood – “Ride, Mommy’s backpack!!” We hiked around the block, and Daddy & Macy joined us. As did the moon.

I love you Baby Girl,