An art contest and more

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Jojo and you had an opinion about Minnesota Temps:

Look at you, my rock star artist!

Walking in Snowy Rochester

Last Night’s Mama-Daughter Night: dinner at a new family-owned restaurant, Michaels and Barnes and Noble

Rough (ruff) day

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You had a rough day today.

You didn’t sleep well last night, had a full day of school, got your homework done and then went to volleyball practice.

After you ate a little dinner, you walked Jojo with Sherin and Shadow. I don’t need to remind you that Shadow has calm moments and then some that are far from calm. Seems you were in the elevator together and you were beat so you sat down next to the pups. Shadow was licking you and then all of sudden turned aggressive and bit you.

So very scary. We spent the night in the emergency room with great doctors and nurses. The woman who stitched you up seemed very calm and highly competent. Almost four hours and five stitches later I tucked you into bed to rest.

You are still my sweet little girl. Before she started with the stitches, you asked, “Excuse me, is it okay if my Mom holds my hand?” You and I locked eyes many times throughout the night, sometimes exchanging banter, but always with love.

It is so hard to watch my sweet girl hurt. I wished so bad it was me instead of you. But you were a trooper – brave, calm, positive. You did not sweat what was out of your control, and once again, I could not be more proud of you.

Here are some pics from the night (that I’m not sure I’m ready to post), but here goes. I’ll start with a couple from the night before that you took in a creative photo shoot.

First day of Junior Year

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Classes include many friends
Three AP’s – AP environmental science, AP Lang and AP US History… not to mention advanced Spanish and physics
Yearbook editoral staff – start every day with Pick
Varsity VB

All back in person!!

It’s going to be a great year

Varsity Volleyball Team

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You are such an incredible human being Peanut. You are such a fantastic balance of passion and chill.

This is what you wrote to your coach today: “I will work and practice my hardest.”

So proud of you!

Pittsburgh and a log cabin with a zoo

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Pittsburgh’s National Aviary, Science Museum, Duquense Incline, Randyland, the botanical gardens and more

Sadly, things were still closed due to COVID, but we had a great time doing what we could! We stayed in a sweet AirB&B with high ceilings and in walking distance to so many things.


After a few days in Pittsburgh, we drove to Ohiopyle for white water rafting (see previous post). The log cabin lodge had “Hidden Treasures.” We did treasure seeing this amazing range of animals, while feeling a great ache for their circumstances. Animals should not live their lives in cages.