the art of manipulation

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We are laying in bed last night – snuggled up, waiting for you to fall asleep. A few minutes pass.

You state out loud, “Mama, do you know what I do?”

“What Baby?”

“When Daddy is trying to leave the room, I just keep talking…. I tell him ‘I love you.’ ‘i will hug you in the morning. ‘i will tell give you a kiss in the morning.'”

[relatively long pause]

“I even do the ‘ummmm’s” and the ‘uhhhhh’s.’ They work just as well.”

I laughed so hard!!

Sigh – watching you grow is such a trip!!


fall in Maya’s world

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Not a day goes by when you don’t pick up a particuar leaf or two or three – just for me. Carefully selected, greatly appreciated. I so love that about you. I treasure these gifts. I am so grateful that you treasure God’s amazing creation as much as me.


first worksheet

I don’t remember if I shared this with you or not, but a couple months back you talked me into postponing dinner to lay on our backs in the grass and watch the clouds roll by. What an incredible experience… Thank you!!

A couple nights ago at school when I was picking you up you said again, “Mama, lay on the ground and watch the clouds with me.” We rolled around and giggled and watched the clouds. I am so grateful for the perspective you bring to my life. You change my world like no other…

You and I signed up to take Garth Fagan’s dance workshop called Jonkanoo for the 4 Wednesday’s of October. They were held at your school. We got to make masks, play interesting instruments and dance! You are such an incredible dancer! Last week, they asked for volunteers to come into the circle of about 22 kids, and make up your own dance that we would follow. Guess who was the 2nd volunteer!! YOU!! You did a Jonkanoo dance step first (the Jonkanoo march) and then you made up your own step – the frog. Everyone enjoyed following your lead. I was so proud of you!. How brave. There are about 4 four-year olds in the class, and everyone else is older. Here are some pictures:













your induction to school

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Tonight while I was rocking you, you were telling me random stories as they popped into your head. It was quite sweet. Something about “very exciting news!” “What’s that Sweetie?”
“Siobhan will be in after care 4 days!”
“That’s so great!”
“Yeah, I love her so much. She’s my BESSSST friend.”

Something about “Today I chased my brother all over. He didn’t like it so much, but I had to. Know why? Because I love him so much!”

It was quiet for a minute or so, and then you circled your straight arm around and into the air.

You said, “You know what this is Mama? This is what we do when we want to say something.”
And you circled your arm back into the air and held it there.
I ask, “Really? What does your teacher say when you do that?”
“She says, ‘Yeeessssss?'”

You continue…
“And if this arm gets tired, you can put it down and put the other one up.” (you demonstrate for me.)
“And if they BOTH get tired, you can put them down and just give them a break.”

Ah, and school has begun.

Since I haven’t had time to post these – here are the very precious first day of school pictures I took.
So excited to put on your new school outfit, still half asleep on your way to the bathroom:

A yummy, special breakfast- thanks Daddy Jim!!


A nature find on the walk up the driveway of school:


Walking in the door – what a big day!

“Indoor shoes” – you take off outdoor shoes and put on your bright pink indoor shoes when you get to school each morning.


You were asked to pose for a picture but the camera was on “video” settings. Look at all the kisses I got!!! I am so blessed:

Your first homework assignment – “Decorate a bag and put 1 or 2 things in it that will tell us something about you:”
I think you put a shell and a stuffed raccoon in your bag because, as you said, “I’m an out-door girl.”



My big girl – you’re growing up!! I couldn’t be more proud to be your Mom.

I love you my Sweet.

“But Mama….”

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So here is a funny story –

2 nights ago, Daddy Jim and I awoke at 3:30am in a painfully startling manner – to a BAT flying around our bedroom!!!! Sigh. I now know MUCH more about how harmless (in general) bats can be, what a VERY IMPORTANT thing it is to CATCH and save a bat you find flying around your bedroom, and what the county regulations are for getting vaccinated after such an event (i.e. Daddy Jim and I have to, but you, Madeline, Daniel and Grandma Judy are THANKFULLY off the hook).


Anyway, we are guessing our little friend joined us by way of the open chimney. The person we will pay $900 to secure our home from future adventures can’t come to our house until Saturday, so until then, we need plan B. After you went to bed last night, we moved the couch in front of the fireplace and lined the whole opening with blankets…. Our living room looks quite a bit different – a bit messy and in disarray…

When you woke up this morning, you groggily walked down the stairs… I scooped you up like i always do, and you nuzzled your little head into my neck. (I have the AMAZING gift of getting to snuggle with you almost EVERY day!! A gift I never forget to totally treasure.) I walk with you over to the newly-placed couch and sit down. You slowly pick up your head and look around – trying to figure out what happend to our living room… after a good 30+ seconds, you look at me most sincerely and say…

“But Mama, how will Santa get in?”

“don’t want to miss even one song”

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Stephen Curtis Chapman sings a beautiful song called “Cinderella.” It makes me cry every time I hear it. It’s message is this “Treasure EVERY minute you have with your beautiful little girl.”

I so do – at least I do my best.

Do you know how I GOT TO START MY DAY TODAY?!!? You won’t believe it!! I am SOO Blessed.

After playing and eating and singing and giggling with you, I gave you a kiss goodbye at daycare, and Marlie yells “Me too!” So I got a slimy watermellon kiss on my cheek from Marlie. Then, you guessed it, Olivia says, “Me too!!” ANOTHER slimy watermelon kiss!! And then Kennedy and all the rest of your friends… ending with Natalie.

You ran to the door and gave me one more sweet, slimy watermelon kiss! It doesn’t get any better than this!

watermelon 1

watermelon 2
(These pictures were taken at our home a couple weeks ago, but the watermelon kisses reminded me of them.)

I love being your Mom, Peanut!

(p.s. I told a random guy about the wonderful start to my day at the coffee shop on the way to work, and he gave me an “ewww” look and directed me to the bathroom to wash my cheek. I don’t think he gets how wonderful slimy watermelon kisses can be.)

treasuring you…

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“I’m four (holding up four fingers). But I’m about to get five.”
When someone asks you how old you are, this is your standard response.

Four is SUCH a fantastic age! You melt my heart at the most random times. You are unbelievably sincere, crazy passionate, super energetic and wonderfully tender. I can’t possibly predict how, but you surprise me in some wonderful way every time I get to spend some focused time with you- like every night at bedtime. Tonight, after books, you stand up quickly and announce “Tonight I’m going to say my bless-you’s this way” and you walked over and knelt next to your bed and started your prayers, “Dear God, Thank you for Mommi, Daddy Jim… ” ending with “and the whole wide world.” I asked about a sick friend of ours, and you said matter-of-factly, “I did. She is part of my whole world.”

We had the sweetest rocking time, and after having our normal whisper conversation about random things, you fell sound asleep on my lap. That hasn’t happened a while… I continued to rock for a very long time… treasuring the moment, treasuring you.

I so love you Peanut Butter!!

I took this picture of you sleeping on my lap tonight… at the end of our day. I love spending my days with you.

the night before….

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…YOUR TRIP WITH DADDY, GRANDMA & PAPA (you’ve been gone just under 4 hours, and I miss you already.)

First – a princess hair cut at a real salon – Hair Cut #2 in your life thus far. Clearly you were not on board (I so love you!!)

2nd haircut1

What a face!

2nd haircut2

Nice fake smile – at least its over!!

2nd haircut3

Daddy – we were wondering if this picture brought back memories:
daddy’s old apt

After seeing a case full of jewelry, you exclaimed, “I can’t believe my eyes!!!” (Where in the world do you learn these phrases?) – We both loved this picture!


Then we bumped into your old babysitter! Hi Genna!!

After shopping and dinner, a quick trip back to our old favorite, Park Avenue Abbott’s! 🙂

Meets your approval!


“I am an ice cream MONSTER!!”
ice cream monster

Finally a man started playing his accordion – it was WONDERFUL! You asked how it worked and I gave the explanation my best shot – including the pulling of the accordion to be like our inhale (and I demonstrated) and the pushing to be like our exhale (again, with demo).
You watched him so intently and made pretty loud inhale and exhale noises to match the movement of the instrument!! You are so fun to hang with!!

a wonderful day together

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Hey Baby Girl –

We just had the most wonderful day together!! Because it’s late, I’m going to post the pictures now, and write to you about it tomorrow.

Thanks for such an incredible day!

It started out with swinging in the backyard in our jammies!! Now, how could a day go wrong with such a wonderful start?!?

Then breakfast in the 3-season room:


Then some flower picking and arranging:
flower arranging

A totally fun puzzle building experience – You are SO GREAT at puzzles!!
our puzzle

Then we made lunch together – some grilled cheese and tomato soup – yum!

After a failed attempt at a nap, you engaged in a little dress-up time. This is actually my new skirt transformed into a princess dress!!

dress 2
dress 3
dress 4

We then ventured out to the “Useum” with your Daddy. Check out your outfit – totally “Sarah Ella” (from the book we read at night called “Sarah Ella Gets Dressed” – a classic for sure!) Clearly, you can take full credit for the stunning ensemble. 😉 I wouldn’t want it ANY other way!
useum 1
useum 2
useum 3
useum 4
useum 5
useum 6

After dinner at Friendly’s (your request)…

… your Daddy went to work and you and I took a dip in the hot tub.

COMPLETELY out of the blue, you and all of a sudden you yelled, “An Airplane!!!!!”

10 seconds or so later you yelled at the top of your lungs in the direction of that airplane, “I LOVE YOU DADDY JIM!!!!”

Daddy Jim left yesterday for a conference in CA – You knew he was going to be on a big airplane and not coming home for a bit… It was very sweet.

Clearly, we had a wonderful day!! Tomorrow you will spend the morning at Cobblestone School – a trial run for preschool next year. It is the school where Madeline and Daniel go and one of the top candidates for your elementary education. You’ve spent some time there, and so far, you love it. We’ll see how tomorrow goes… All in God’s hands, right?

Love you Peanut Butter – *Mommi