hey there baby

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I’m back.

It’s been a while, but I got my exciting news yesterday afternoon, and you were the first I told. My news means that I am prioritizing my writing to you again!! I’ve missed it… a lot!

You have grown SO MUCH since i wrote last. You have grown in height, in intellect, in wit, and in emotional maturity! I can’t tell you how much I totally love to spend time with you! We snuggle, we laugh our rear ends off, we dance, we make up make-believe songs ALL the time, we “socialize.”

Some Maya-ism’s going on right now:
* You’re still a TOTAL outside girl!! Can’t get enough! And you’re never clean 😉 (I wouldn’t want it any other way!)
* A couple of your fun words are
“echersize” (for exercise)
“dissedappeared” (for disappeared)
* “I love you Mom… to the Sun and Back.. One hundred sixty, nine, twenty, seven, eleven times.” “That’s a lot!”
* Mom? In the morning, will you set up my bed? Because it looks like a disaster. And I can’t yet because I am still little.”
* “Mom? Mom?” I walk in from the other room and kneel down in front of you. “Yes sweetie?” “Mom?” (pause) “I am sooo very sorry.” “For what Baby?” (pause as you gentle stroke my hand) “For all the bad things I have ever done. I am so very sorry.”
* Last night was your first night with no pull-ups at night – ALL DONE! You’re officially a big girl.
* You are very particular about what you will wear each day – and, as far as I can tell, it is COMPLETELY unpredictable!

Okay – here are some recent pictures.

cj and maya1
cj and maya2cj and maya 3

maya and friend
my maya
You can really swim – bottom in the air, face in the water and kicking like crazy. You haven’t quite figured out the breathing thing yet, but give it another week! 🙂

I love you Baby… with my WHOLE HEART!!! And then some!

butterfly 4 again

end of the year report

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Well Baby Girl – It’s the end of the year and I’ve survived a very crazy semester. It’s the first semester that I had to do a VERY full load of work while taking care of you pretty much on my own. Of course, Daddy Jim helps when he can, but I needed to try to figure much of it out on my own. On top of that, I needed to turn in a VERY BIG packet of materials called my tenure portfolio to demonstrate that I have been effective in my job over the past six years and should be able to continue. ANNNNND we sold our house and moved this past semester in addition to taking a number of trips to Israel, Ohio and Minnesota.

All of this to say, I haven’t done the best job in keeping up with you blog. I will try to catch up now and do much better in 2009.

Let’s see – major events since Halloween include:
* Thanksgiving in Ohio with both Daddy’s family and Daddy Jim’s family.
* Your first sleep-over at a friend’s house (Siobhan’s) and at your house (with Siobhan)
* Your class fieldtrip to see the Nutcracker
* Baking days with Siobhan and friends and then later with Auntie Judi and Uncle Jim
* Finding and decorating our Christmas tree with Madeline, Daniel and Daddy Jim
* Christmas time in Minnesota with Oma & Opa, Uncle Mark, Auntie Biance & Niklas, and Auntie Amy & Elsiabeth

Some more pictures from March

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Maya’s 3rd Birthday Party

We invited three friends to come over for pizza and ice cream cake on your birthday – Sunday, March 16, 2008. Your three friends were Elsa, Marlie and Apryl.

Easter Sunday Celebrations

We started our Easter CELEBRATION at church with Jimmiqua, Marlie and her mom Leslie. We had surprise company from Delilah and her mommy Martha. We sang in a special choir that morning because it was a special day!

After church, we had lunch with Uncle Jim, Madeline and Daniel and their Mom, Julie at the India House. We had a ball!

After nap, Daddy came over and we hid the eggs that Auntie Amy sent you (thanks for saving the day Auntie Amy!) and you had fun finding them to put them in your “Maya” basket, again, compliments of Auntie Amy. Then you thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate and toys you found in each egg!

Other Fun Pictures

We all met at Buckland Park last Sunday

Uncle Jim’s Shoes – Big shoes to fill for sure!

Mommi went to a conference in New York City and got to hang out with her awesome cousin Jonna and meet Jonna’s beau, Rob.

What a month!

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January was such a crazy month for both us – transitioning into our new life with the love and support of so many amazing friends. I’ll try to work to get caught up on some of the pictures over the next week or so, but let me see if I can remember some of the highlights:

New Year’s Eve Party with Hannah and her family – Thanks!!

* Uncle David flew out to spend the first week of January with us. Our treasured friend, he was such an incredible support to Mommi and you and he had a great time playing together.

* We went to Strong Museum with Rachel and her mommy, Laura. We had a blast – and Rachel wanted to use some of her gift money from her Grandma to buy you a toy, so you came home with a “Princess” ball – what a special gift.

Surrounded by Love – Christmas 2007

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Wow, so much has happened this past week – let’s see if I can catch you up a bit. The highlights:
* We spent last weekend in State College with our dear friends Scott, Christine, Grace, Emmy and Phoebe

mcdonalds group

mdonalds shopping
mcdonalds sledding
grace sled

emmie sled




* You had breakfast on Christmas Eve’s Day with Daddy, Grandma and Papa Tatro.
* We decorated Christmas cookies for Auntie Judi, Uncle Jim and Santa Claus.

loved Christmas cookies 1

Christmas cookies with mom

* After a late nap (maybe because of the frosting we ate?), we joined Martha & Delilah as well as Meg, Phil, Claire and Maeve for a FANTASTIC family Christmas Eve church service.

church 2

* After church, we joined 24+ people at the Fonzi Christmas Eve party. Around 8:30pm, after leaving a plate of cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer, you snuggled up in CJ’s bedroom (that you now call “our room.”)


fonzis party


santa plate

* While you were sleeping, I sneaked out to sing with the Gospel choir for the midnight mass.
* The next morning, you started Judi and Jim’s day by jumping on their bed and announcing that it is “wake-up time!” We spent the morning together in our pj’s, opening presents, playing with them, and eating Christmas brunch. It was truly wonderful.



fonzis mom


fonzis matts gift

fonzis movie

* After a nap, we headed over to Hannah’s family’s extended family Christmas party where you met ALL kinds of new friends – friends of all ages. You played so hard, ate many cookies, and overall, just had a great time!

lloyds food


* The next day (12/26), we joined my friend Jim from the Gospel Choir and his two kids, Madeline (9) and Daniel (7) for breakfast and sledding. Again, an incredible day out in the sun and snow!! We all had a cup of hot chocolate (your first cup!) that we cooled down with snow. After tobagganing as a full group many times down a big hill and drinking hot chocolate, we had snowball fights and went on hikes. What a gorgeous day and wonderful time! After playing, you crashed at Jim and Carmen’s house. We had dinner with them and then came home and crashed again!


jimw hot chocolate


jim snowball

jim hike1

jim hike2


*This morning you went swimming with Daddy, and after daycare, you and I went down to check out Daddy’s new home and go out to eat with him.

See? It has been an INCREDIBLY busy week in which we were TOTALLY SURROUNDED BY LOVE!!
Emanuel… God is with us! Through Grace and Emmie, Scott and Christine, Grandma and Papa, Mommi and Daddy, Delilah, Jeff and Martha, Jim and Judi, Laura and other work friends, Jim, Carmen, Madeline and Daniel…. Do you feel totally loved?!? Yeah, me too. Thanks God!

loved 7

loved 1

lloyds mommi

jimw mommi

Daddy’s Decision

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It’s crazy how life can change in a blink of an eye.

daddys decision

And it certainly has for our little family. It’s now going to be primarily you and me kid…

And we are going to be GREAT!! Daddy has decided that he no longer wants to be married to me or live with us, so our wonderful little family is experiencing some great sadness. But, as you will learn, God works His most amazing miracles at times we might perceive to be hopeless. As Aunti Judi said, we will just redefine “family” to be much more inclusive. You will have many Aunti’s and Uncles – fascinating, grounded loving people who will expose you to the beauty and challenges of life…. Want some examples? Aunti Liz, Uncle Michael, Aunti Kankana (all three doc students of mine), Uncle Jim from Gospel Choir, Aunti Brenda from Gospel Choir, Aunti Susan (Hannah’s Mommy), and so many more. We will open our homes and hearts to those who need our love and those who want to love us.

Your Daddy promises to always love you and be a very important part of your life. (I’m sure you know that by now.) Don’t you worry for even a minute about that. I know you’re going to have many questions, and we’ll try to figure out those answers together as we grow – at this point I understand neither the questions nor the answers… But that is what faith is all about. We’re gonna go with that. Before you were born Jonathon from Gospel Choir said, “You can’t stop trustin’ Him now, Sister. You can’t stop trustin’ Him now.” This is just one more time when that advice could not be more important.

Just imagine all the amazing adventures in store for us!! Want to take dancing together? And maybe French? Want to row a gondola in Italy? Want to snorkel in Belize? River raft in Brazil? Whatever it is – it will be amazing – because it will be with you. I love you Peanut Butter. Thank you for bringing so much JOY to my life…. EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

wait and hope

“Wait and Hope”

our first real snow

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You absolutely LOVE SNOW!! You love to eat it, make balls of it and throw them at me, make snow angels, and go for rides on your sled! Sunday night, we all went to our favorite park for some wonderful snow frolicking! How fun!


snow2snow 3snow4snow5

gymnastics tonight

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The reason this next picture got cut off is because you were RUNNING to me to give me a huge hug!! What a great picture!!


And, afterward, we chill out and have some snacks and “PT:”

A couple stories to make you smile:

* Yesterday we were in the grocery store, and your Daddy was about 15 feet away. After you asked where he was, we both spotted him. You said, “Mama! Look at all those people! Daddy is going to have to say ‘Scuse me!!'” : )

* On the way home from gymnastics, we bought you a chicken finger appetizer because you’re always starving after class. When we told you what it was called, you could tell that you pondered its name. The whole way home you talked to me about your “chicken hands.”

the party

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Last Saturday night after church we headed out to the YMCA for a Halloween Party. It was quite an adventure…


It was a little hard to watch you at this party – my heart ached for a few reasons. First, you were kind of tired (we had a BUSY day), so I think you might have been feeling a little off. Second, I think you really wanted to be a princess. You looked SO beautiful and adorable in your little nurses outfit, but that is what I thought you should be – clearly not what you wished you were.


Finally, you walked away from Daddy and me to go over by the kids who were dancing. You stood on the sideline watching the two little girls dressed up like princesses. It was clear you wanted to be included, but they didn’t notice at first. One of the girl’s Mommys walked over and introduced you to the girls. It was such a crazy look to what I imagine the future will hold… a time where you will find your own way. I don’t doubt that you will be absolutely amazing at everything that is important to you… it’s just sometimes hard to be on the sidelines and unable to help. Does that babble make any sense?


Anyway – check out these amazing dancing moves!!



You are such a special little girl… I love you to pieces!

mommi’s wonderful work friends

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Hey there Baby Girl –

You and I had a rocky start to our Friday, but it turned out to be an AWESOME day thanks to some great friends.

When I dropped you off this morning, you REALLY did not want me to leave. People say this is a stage that all kids your age go through, but it really threw me. You were crying so hard, and we couldn’t do anything to distract you. And Maritza really tried. After she pulled you away from me, I stood around the corner in the hallway waiting for you to stop crying so I knew you were okay, and I could go to work. Sadly, you cried and cried and cried… which made me cry and cry and cry. I love my job… I really do, but I really DON’T like how, at times, everything gets off balance. I don’t mind it for me because I understand it’s only temporary and life will soon return to normal. But you are only 2 and a half – when Mommy doesn’t come home before you go to bed twice in one week, it’s hard for you to understand.

Anyway, I called to check on you at noon, and Maritza came to the phone to reassure me that you were fine… a little sad to start, but soon playing and laughing like normal. I guess my sadness was a combination of wondering if you were okay and my own missing you. It will be better on Monday. Daddy and I are also going to do our best to pull you out at least 1 day a week for some fun adventure. We really do love spending time with you!! You are such a joy!

Speaking of joy – check out these flowers!!!

(Believe it or not, they SMELL just as good as they LOOK!! You love them too!)

My student Liz gave them to me to thank me for working with her and because she noticed that I was tired and a little sad last night when I was still at work at 9:15pm. How awesome is that?!?!?!

Another one of my doctoral students Kankana also shared some wonderful things today with our research group about how much she enjoys working with me and for me – how grateful she is – words that were just as beautiful and touching and important to me as the flowers.

And THEN…. tonight you and I decided to try out a different “oce cream store” (as you call it) and postpone the bath until tomorrow. We headed over to the Corn Hill Creamery for our Friday night ice cream and stopped in to see my friends Abe and Vera. They joined us for ice cream, and we had a FABULOUS time – walking by the river and then playing with Snowball, their cat.
ice cream1

ice cream2ice cream2

I think we’re going to have ice cream with them again soon!

Can you say “blessed” Baby Girl?!? We sure are!

Love you to pieces! *Mommi