our special rituals

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I think I never think to tell you about our daily rituals because I think they will always be a part of our lives… but in our short (and amazing) 2.5 years together, our routines changed quite a bit… And each of them is so precious to me that I want to make sure you know about them.

Let’s see – we’ll just walk through our “typical” day:

Most mornings, I wake up by the pitter patter of little feet walking into our bedroom. Usually you have “B” (your purple blanket) and at least one “friend” with you. I pick you up and plop you in between Daddy and me. We snuggle and giggle for a little while, and then you want to go downstairs. Before we head down, I stop to put in my contacts. You watch intently, and after each eye, we both look at each other and say “I see you!!” and giggle.

Downstairs we get some juice and fruit and hang out. Because we’re not sure how much fresh fruit and veggies you get at daycare, it is our goal to make sure you have a piece of fresh fruit first thing in the morning. We also try to limit “PT” (what you still call TV) to two 1/2 hour shows… the most important being Curious George. When it’s “George Time,” everyone gathers in the living room with cereal, fruit and usually a hair brush for your hair. At halftime, we all go and brush our teeth and by the end of the show (8:30am), we are ready to head out…

When we’re in the car, you usually ask for “cannie,” and you are limited to one piece of candy per trip. Sometimes you and I play a repeat game… you’ll make a noise and I copy you or join you… we go back and forth and back and forth and giggle. You LOVE to play in the car, so often when we get home, you jump into the front seat and pretend to drive, open things, and basically search for “cannie.” 😉

As Daddy and I get everything on the table, you’re usually watching a little PT… I think it is good downtime for you after all the social time you’ve had at school. We often use this opportunity to sneak in whatever nutrients we want you to consume (sorry – I realize this is a bit manipulative). Because you’re hungry and distracted, you eat most anything we put in front of you. : ) Can you say “edimame?”

Once we’re ready, we tell you that your plate is waiting for you. You immediately (most of the time) run out to see what’s there. We hold hands to sing or say grace. You often prefer that we hold your elbows instead of your hands. : ) You also often choose ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider” for grace, for which we always end together with our chorus of “amen, amen, amen amen, amen.” Typically you end up eating a little off of everyone’s plate. When you’re done, you run and wash your fingers and face while Mommi and Daddy finish. You often ask, but the rule is no PT until Mommi and Daddy are done. We also often decide to have ice cream together for dessert.

We often go for a walk in the neighborhood. This is when some nights we meet up with your 2-year old friend Alexandra and her parents for a walk to the playground at the local school. During the summer we would hang out with Hannah and Timmy and parents. Sometimes we head out to explore other playgrounds. And, on very special nights, we use this time to go swimming! (That is your favorite!)

Close to 7:30pm we head upstairs to put on pj’s, brush teeth and read stories. After a number of books, we turn off the light (leaving on the night light on) and turn on the lullibye music (our favorite is Veggie Tales!). We rock for 2 songs and then snuggle on your bed for 2 songs. We start by saying our prayers – we thank God for all the amazing things that we experienced that day and we pray for everyone we can think of… I say, “God bless…” and you list names. I add my own quiet prayers, asking God to help you grow up beautiful and strong and honest and caring and able to laugh yourself. I ask God that He will keep you close through every step. I ask God that He will also help your eventual spouse, dates and friends grow in the same grounded way, so they know you too… and can help you make wise decisions and have a joy-filled outlook on life.

Sometimes you are still quite wound up after 4 songs and you don’t want me to leave. Recentaly I have been following up these events wtih one or two songs of standing rocking you. You snuggle your head into my neck and calm down. It is really the sweetest thing EVER! Our hearts beat together, and I often hear you yawn a very sweet yawn. I lay you down, kiss your forehead, and you roll on your side and fall asleep. All very wonderful.

Okay, so that’s most of them. AM I NOT TOTALLY BLESSED?!?!? What a life!
I love you Peanut Butter,

normal wonderful days with you…

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macy bath1

macy bath2

macy bath3

donuts 1

alexandra 1

alexandra 2



savor rochester





Okay, so here are a couple great stories you’ll enjoy:
Maya Reads Me a Story
Last night I came home from choir practice, and Daddy was just about to leave your room after he read to you and stayed for 4 songs (that’s what we do these days – 2 songs rocking, 2 songs snuggling). You asked me to stay a while too, so I plopped myself down next to you. You said, “Mommi, read a story.”
“It’s too dark, Sweetie. I’ll read a story to you tomorrow.”
“Maya read a story to you?”
“Sure, you read a story to me.”
You pick up your I Spy book and point to a picture. You say, “What is that?”
“A fork” I answer
“GWATE!” you said encouragingly….
After each question I got right, you encouraged me wtih a “Gwate!”

A bit more scary of a story: Escapee
Last Thursday morning, Daddy was working so you and I were doing our morning routines together. We came downstairs after I showered. I opened our big heavy wooden door but locked our storm door so you could see out but not get out. After getting you set up, I wentto the bathroom to dry my hair. After a while, I turned off the blow dryer to find Daddy standing in the kitchen.
“How’d you get in?” I asked. “You shouldn’t have been able to get in… I locked the door!”
“Well, it was open when I got here,” he said. “Maya was hanging on the door handle.”
“Hmmm….” I pondered but didn’t think much more about it.
Later that night we went for a walk around the block. We went over to say HEY to our neighbors Laura and Alan. After chit chatting a bit, Alan looked at Laura and said, “Did you tell her?” Laura said “Not yet.”
She goes on to explain how, while she was putting on her makeup in her bathroom, she saw you open our door and let Macy out. After that you walked out of our house, down the stairs and down the street. Laura noticed that there were no adults around, so she hurried down and grabbed you and Macy. She deposited both of you in our house, and left… without telling me what happened. I’m so glad you’re safe! What a crazy wonderful world. I guess it really DOES take a village…. Than you God for our Village – especially Laura who noticed and did something about it. We are blessed!

graduation day – on to the Spruce Room

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Today was your last day in the Linden Room – a sad day for all of us.

You gave Bonnie and Becky cards and gifts, and both got a little teary-eyed. It has been a fantastic year in the Linden Room. You love your friends (levi, marlie, apryl, elsie, maeve, maya2, raine, and others). You often don’t want to leave at the end of the day. In many ways, I think your friends have become like siblings for you – wonderful playmates, inspiration for mischievous behavior and sometimes, arch enemies (but that doesn’t last long). Becky and Bonnie will still be teachers at your daycare, but next week they will be moving down to the infant room. Bonnie promises that she will be watching you grow from no on – she has made a significant investment in you and wants to see the wonderful little person you grow up to be.
last linden3
Highlights from the year in the Linden Room:

Your daily schedule included breakfast at 9am, group time between 9:30 and 10am, muscle room or outside from 10 – 11:30; lunch and nap after that; snack at 3pm, and outdoor play until we picked you up.

Your favorite songs:
* Fly, fly butterfly
* I’m bringing home a baby bumble bee
* Hello, how are you?
* Slippery fish
* Is Maya here today?

Some of your favorite activities:
* The “picnic sandwich puzzle”
* Wooden blocks
* Dolls and doll houses including changing doll clothes and feeding the babies
* The big playground
* Sand boxes!
* Painting
* Shaving cream
* Corn starch and water
* Dressing up in fancy dresses and dancing (I love watching you do this!)

What I wrote on both Bonnie and Becky’s cards was: “Though we realize you will always be a part of Maya’s “village,” we will deeply miss seeing you each day.” Bonnie and Becky were very good to and with you and us. We are so very grateful for the wonderful care they have given you!!

last linden1
last linden2 take 2

So next Wednesday you start in the Spruce Room… What adventures do you think are in store for us there? I can hardly wait to see!
last linden4

God is so good, Baby Girl. God is so good.
Love you to pieces,

SIBS (sisters in boston)

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Hey there Peanut –

This week I am hanging out with Auntie Amy at this year’s Ebay Live conference in Boston. Though we miss our babies and their daddy’s very much, we are having a fantastic time! Laughing, learning, exploring, relaxing – reconnecting.

Here are some pictures to let you see what we’re up to:
ebay 1

more picts from the neighborhood

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helping neighbor

We have such a wonderful time running around the neighborhood after dinner most nights. On this night, you first helped Joe and Martha water their plants.

watering alan

While you were at it, you “watered” our neighbor Alan after his run in the hot sun.

hanging with hannah

Then we played a bit with Hannah and Timmy before heading to bed.

swinging with hannah

Check out the videos from these events: watering help and watering Alan and rolling with Hannah and rolling, rolling, rolling.

Life is good. Thank you God!

some pictures from today…

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baby maya
maya hat

We SOOOO wish we could’ve been at the Friedrich Family Reunion today, but we just couldn’t figure out the logistics. We had a rather typical day today –
* Church with Jimmiqua. You, Jimmiqua and I sang together in the Gospel Choir. Hannah and her family came to church today.
* Lunch and hanging out at home including your new favorite pasttime, playing in Daddy’s car – you and I cleaned it for him. Even that is SOOO much fun with you!
* And after a VERY brief nap, you and I made sugar cookies and fruit salad together. You were a big help!
* Then you, Daddy and I went for a walk and played at our closest playground. We bumped into and played with our friends Steph, “Higgy” (Camielle) and her baby sister “Mooky” (You sat in Mooky’s baby car seat… how silly!)
* After dinner, you and I went to Raffaella’s house for a picnic for families of small children that I work with… How fun!

Here are some video highlights from today: “Bombs Away” and “Take Time,” and “Move please.” Enjoy Peanut!

We spent a lot of today giggling together, snuggling and exploring. Thank you for the joy you bring to my life, Sweet Pea. I love you.

our block

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We are so blessed little one – we live in one aMAZing neighborhood surrounded by friends and fun. We see most of them almost every single day. Here are a few highlights just from the last couple of days:

These pictures were taken in Laura and Alan’s beautiful front yard garden. I bet there are more than 50 types of plants in their yard. We often talk with them while they are gardening.

This is Laura and Alan’s kitty cat named Senior. You search for the kitty cat everytime we visit with Laura and Alan. She is usually hiding out under a small bush or something. You are a better finder than she is hider most of the time. : )

And then there is Hannah and her family. This night we started by playing hockey in their driveway (just before bed in your pj’s) and ended with running through the yard with Hannah and Timmy as their Daddy sprayed all of you with a hose. You got to borrow Hannah’s froggie towel – you loved it!
hannah hockey1

Bernie, the puppy, having a beer. (Bernie is owned by our college student neighbors.) You greet and pet “BARnie” (as you call him) many times a day! And you giggle and giggle as he gives you “kisses!”

Like tonight after our walk down Park Ave, we often end up hanging out with Roz, Katie and Colin in their yard, open air porch, or in their home. And, like tonight, Roz often gives you bunches of grapes.

Susie, Joe & Martha, Michelle, Anthony & H2, Robbie and his wife, Audrey, Keith & 2-year old Alexandra are also great friends who live on our block.

We are so blessed, Baby Girl. You bring so much joy to everyone!! You connect people, sweet girl… you build community with your eye-sparkling smile and sincere greetings. Thanks for being you!!

mommi’s day weekend

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Hey there Beautiful –

Friday night you and I chalked up the sidewalk outside our house with lots of pretty colors… it was then you and I decided we should spell Mommi with an “i” instead of a “y.” We traced your hand and mine, your foot and mine, and when Daddy joined us, we added his foot as well (and decided we would spell “Dady” with only one D… just to be silly.)

Saturday morning, we headed down to Highland Park for the Lilac Festival. Just before we left, Mommi got a wonderful mother’s day present from Auntie Amy – check out these beautiful flowers! (Daddy was helping you sniff them.)

These are the gorgeous flowers in bloom at our local park. We checked them out while we were waiting for the parade to begin.
We had a fanatastic time at the parade. With each new parade entry, you would excitedly say, “Mommi, look!!” You waved to all the people in the parade, and so many of the waved back, melting a little when they saw your enthusiastic greeting!
lilac parade2
lilac parade1
lilac parade3

After the parade and a nap, we headed down to Judi’s sister Karen’s house for a Mother’s Day celebration with all of Judi’s family. You had the BEST time with Mark, Judi’s nephew. You read books and chased one another, wrestling and giggligng! My face hurt from smiling so much just watching you two!
judis family mothers day

Today, after chuch, we headed down to Charlie’s Frog Pond for brunch…. ate some eggs, made a mess, and giggled a lot!
mothers day charlies1
mothers day charlies3
mothers day charlies2

I know I’ve told you this a million times, but I thoroughly LOVE being your Mom. You often point to me and proudly say, “Maya’s Mommy.” I’m honored and humbled and thrilled to be that person! Let’s see, here are a few of the things you have been up to lately:
* You sing your a,b,c’s song many times a day. “a. b. c. d. uh. uh. gee.” “h.i.j.k. el.el.el.el.p.” “q.r.s.” “t.uh.v.” “w.x” “y.z.” Today, during the church announcements when most of the congregation was quiet, you broke out in this song by yourself. We were standing up with the Gospel Choir in front of the church – most of the choir members looked at you with a wonderful full smile. (You kept singing 🙂 I love you Peanut!)
* You say “chocolate” now instead of “KoLaKock.”
* You are very good with using “please” and “thank you”… even when people give you compliments. When someone like the man sitting next to us at the restarant today says something like “You are so beautiful,” without missing a beat you say, “Thank you.” When someone sneezes, you say “Bless y ou.” They say “Thank you,” and again, without missing a beat, you say “Welcome.” As we walk home, you greet most people who are sitting out on their porch with a sweet “hi!” And if they don’t respond, you say it louder. : )
* Sweet words in your vocabulary these days: “oop i city” (oopsidaisy) and “oth” (off)

mothers day
I love you my Baby Girl –