“Happy Day Mama!”

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I walked in the door after teaching Monday night, and you were grinning ear to ear, kicking your little legs as Daddy held you, and you said “Happy Day Mama!”

That is your way to say Happy Birthday. I actually much prefer it. Happy Day! Indeed!

Yesterday, your Mommy turned 40 years old. It’s strange to say and stranger to write. I don’t feel 40… whatever that means. But people have very strange reactions to the news. Many look at your sympathetically. “Ohhhh,” they say with a sad and concerned look on their faces, as if you told them of a diagonsis of an illness.

I want you to know that many beautiful things come with getting older… You are able to empathize with others in more thoughtful and compassionate ways. You are wiser about how to spend your energy and time. You can integrate aspects of your life in ways that make you better at all of them. You can connect people you have met along different paths as a means to support them (and the cool thing is that you usually grow too). You can be much more patient and supportive of people who are still learning what you have learned. You can ride the waves

Also, getting older doesn’t happen on birthdays. It happens when you aren’t looking. You notice the after-effects – sure, the wrinkles show up, but also you notice the things you care about have changed… and I feel, for the better. You give less power to people who you have less respect to, regardless of their “position.” You choose people to spend time with who, just by spending time with them, help you to be a better person. You know that an afternoon with your daughter in a sled is not wasted time… it’s a much better investment than most anything you can do. You do more based on the person you want to be, and less based on how others will react. You are better able to appreciate beauty – in the snowflakes, in your server’s personality at a restaurant, in the kindness one driver shows another, in eloquent words of a pastor, in the amazing voice of a Gospel choir soloist or the collective voice of 1000 people.
without getting as beat up by them.


I had an AMAZING “Happy Day!” It started with breakfast with you and your class – we brought in oatmeal, craisins, cheeries, raisins, bananas, strawberries, brown sugar and syrup. We got to read to you and watch you with your friends. (You really love it at daycare- what a blessing that is!!)

Then, after a little work, Daddy and I went to the bookstore and browsed… how fun! Then we picked you up and took you to the museum. You and I rode the choo choo train and giggled and giggled and giggled. We had SUCH a great time.
museum 4

After dinner, you helped me open presents from both Grandma and Grandpa’s, took a bath and you snuggled in for bed. Daddy and I went out to dinner with Aunti Judi and Uncle Jim. What a perfect Happy Day!

Thanks for making my day so very special! I love you Peanut, with all my heart!

last saturday with daddy

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Last Saturday, you and Daddy had a playdate with one of Daddy’s friends and her daughter, Marissa. She is a couple months younger than you. When you came back home at 1:30pm you were out like a light. Daddy was all smiles… said you all had a FANTASTIC time!! This is what Daddy has to say about the day:

You made a new friend today, Marissa. Marissa is the daughter of one of dad’s coworkers. We went over to her house and you two played all morning long. You played with the Barbie ATV and the dancing Dora. You played in her room, bouncing on the bed and playing with the Dora kitchen. Then you two silly girls went downstairs and let me spin you around and around in a chair. You two giggled and giggled. It was a lot of fun to watch. Then you two ate some lunch together. When we left you gave Marissa a big hug and kiss. It was great. We are hoping to go over and play sometime soon.

We love you very much, Daddy

Here are some pictures from the day:

a snowy day

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Well, Winter is reallyl here, Peanut… like it or not. The temperature got down to something like 17 degrees during the day, the winds are blowing, and big white flakes keep falling from the sky.

Here are some pictures of our little venture from the front door to the car yesterday morning. (It wasn’t as cold in the morning as it got later in the day.) I don’t think you knew what to think of it all… giddy at first as you said “snow! snow” and couldn’t get outside fast enough; a little less enthusiastic when you fell down in it! : ) I guess we’re all a little like that!
It got colder as they day went on. We had to really bundle up to go out later in the day! Here are some from our after school “run” around the block:
a snowy day1


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We sang at chuch Sunday morning, and you played in the nursery with Jimmiqua… You and Jimmiqua always join me to sing the last song!

After church and nap, you had a FANTASTIC time playing with Symon!! Thanks Symon! You’re the best!

When your time playing together was almost over, I asked Daddy if he had taken any pictures. He said, “Not yet. But don’t worry. There is no shortage of laughter!” Looks like he was right!


loving you

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You are doing such heart-melting things, I just have to tell you about them!

For example, you LOOVE to be naked! And as soon as you are down to your diaper, you smile REALLY big and say “Pretty Baby!” as you pat yoursefl on your tummy. (You used to say “Baby Body!”) You truly are a pretty baby! Inside and out!!

Playing with the neighbor kids on New Year’s Day

playing with neighbors

Tonight, while we were snuggling before you fell asleep, you slowly leaned over to me and gave me the sweetest kiss on the lips, then moved back, and then another on my nose, and then moved back, and then another on my ear, and then on my eye, and then on my cheek… each time leaning away and smiling at me in between. You finished with one more sweet kiss on my lips, and then laid back on your pillow.

Playing with your new Choo Choo Train… Daddy helped you set it up during a Michigan football game… Go Blue!

choo choo2
choo 1

We have SUCH a great time at bedtime! You pull my shirt up a bit to lay on my belly and you say “Belly!”, then you look up to my face and say HI and then you look away and say BYE BYE and back and forth and back and forth. I zerbert your neck, and you zerbert my belly, and we giggle and giggle.

Making blueberry muffins


Let’s see… other fun things you are doing these days…

You are working on counting to three. As you are standing down the hallway from me, you’ll yell TWO Free (you skip “one”), and you come a-running with arms outstretched… You barrell into me, and we both fall over and laugh. Then you get back up and go do it again. I say, One, and you say Two and something that sounds like three, and off you go!

Drawing together

drawing together

I’m sorry I haven’t taken many pictures of you lately. I have had some big paper deadlines, so you and I haven’t gone on as many adventures these past couple of weeks… I miss them. Soon, I hope.

Just to be clear, this was YOUR outfit of choice, not mine. 🙂

And then you were reading your Hair book:
reading 1

Your Daddy did take you for a little Daddy-Daughter time yesterday (Thursday) as he didn’t have to work until 7pm. You did a little Target shopping together, and then you played on the big soft play area like we used to do when you were very little. Daddy said you were much more aware of the other kids this time – you did a lot of watching them.
daddy fieldtrip

Tomorrow Aunti Judi and Uncle Jim are going to pick you up for a visit to the Strong National Museum of Play! You’re going to have lunch with them there, and then you’ll come home to me for a nap. They want to have a little alone time with you. I will give them some (what you and I call) “bubbly juice” (gingerale) to give you in case you need a little cheering up as you leave our house. Sometimes saying bye-bye to Mommy isn’t the easiet thing.

Then on Sunday, our neighbor friend Simon is going to come over to play with you after your nap. Daddy and/or Mommy will still be here, but Simon is learning her baby sitting skills (I think she is about 11 or so), and she is really looking forward to playing with you.

I’ll try to post some pictures of the weekend later.

I love you Sweet Pea! Happy Dreams…

new year’s eve

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2006 has been an absolutely AMAZING YEAR – mostly because of you! I cannot begin to tell you how much I LOVE being your Mom!! In one year, you grew hair and many teeth and went from one word, “Duck,” to so many wonderful words (tomato, bath, opposites, alrighty, adios, more lights, where are you?)! You have so much personality, so much spirit, so much tenderness and so much warmth. You are so talented and smart. Your Daddy and I say everyday how wonderfully special and beautiful you are! We love you!!
new years eve8

In 2006, Daddy graduated from nursing school and worked half of the year at the ICU. He is SUCH a great nurse, and he loves it. His patients are SO BLESSED to have him as their nurse. We could not be prouder of him or happier for him. He’s been working many night shifts lately (7pm – 7am) – a shift he likes because he can give his patients extra TLC and attention.

This past year, I’ve continued my work toward tenure as a university professor. I was given a semester off to work on my research, and I’ve made good progress. I thoroughly love my job – almost all aspects of it -teaching my courses for pre-service science teachers, my research with science teachers, and running clubs and camps for middle school kids. This year we had about 110 people at our Science STARS conference – 20 middle school girls from a city school shared their science investigations from the semester. I am so blessed to work with amazing colleagues and a Dean who I respect and trust completely.

We live in a WONDERFUL neighborhood filled with so many wonderful friends! Susie goes for walks with you and me all the time. Roz, Katie and Collin went apple picking with us, and we hang out with them on a regular basis. Hannah and her family have been so welcoming and loving since we moved in, as have Sam, Lydia and their parents! Laura and Alan continue to be dear friends. Joe and Martha stop and chat with us at the end of many work days… the list goes on and on… we are blessed indeed…

And this year we have been so thankful for the time we’ve been able to spend with friends who are also dear framily to us: Jim and Judi. 2006 was a year where they were able to be there for us, and we were able to be there for them. As just ONE of MANY examples, when Grandma Elloise died, they were here puddle-jumping and book-reading with us! They have also had life-changing challenges as Judi faced and BEAT cancer – and we are able to love them through many of these times. They are and will always be so dear to us.

And, finally we are so grateful for our family – our foundation and ongoing support who will always be so important to our lives! Grandma and Grandpa Luehmann came all the way from Minnesota to take care of you when I had to be away at a business conference; Grandma & Grandpa Tatro made the trip to celebrate Daddy’s graduation, Auntie Amy, Uncle Hakon and Cousin Elisabeth were again hosts for our annual Seattle adventure, and Uncle Mark & Aunt Bi (and Buster) were wonderful hosts for all of us at the Luehmann family Christmas. We didn’t get to see Uncle Matt this year, but we think of him often and pray for him along with all of our family members every night. We love you all dearly!!

What a wonderful year!

God is good. God is certainly good.

Last night, we had a Christmas dinner with Auntie Judi and Uncle Jim – always such a special time.
new years eve 9
Today Jimmiqua helped us decorate cookies…
new years eve 4
new years eve 2
new years eve3

And then tonight, we headed over to Hannah’s for a neighborhood New Year’s Eve party. We were only there for about an hour (it was past your bedtime), but we had a BLAST!
new years eve 1
new years eve 6
new years eve 7

Christmas at the Public Market

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Today we picked up Jimmiqua for an outing to Rochester’s Public Market.

Included in our adventures were…
A free sleigh ride… check out those BIIIG horsies!! Neigh, indeed!!
Jimmiqua got to pet the horse – she was very excited!
public market5
public market4

We checked out an alpaca who was there visiting…
public market3

After walking around a bit more, we had a cookie from John Jon’s Bakery and split a taco from another little shop.
public market2
public market1

All in all, a good time was had by all.

a night at our ymca

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Last night our YMCA had a Christmas Family Night, so you and I went to check it out. We played in the gym a while climbing up to a loft, sliding down a slide, playing with balls and hoops, and hanging on the trapeez.
Then we colored a Christmas tree together with ALL the bells and whistles – pom pons, glitter, colored ornaments – the whole bit!

We played “hoop the cone with the wreath,” and then….


Santa Came!! You were not so sure about him(which is fine by me), but he gave you a candy cane and you LOVED that!
ymca 5
We were given a new (gently used) book to bring home.

What a fun time!

catching up…

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Oh boy! Do we have some catching up to do!!! Let’s see, so much has happened since I last wrote you. Let me list some things now, and I will add pictures soon.

New words: Opposites, Auntie Amy, hippopotomus,

Your first school fieldtrip on a BUS
Sledding in the “snow”

The museum with Marlie, her Dad and your Daddy


The Strong Museum and dinner with Aunt Judi & Uncle Jim