In a blues mood… by Melody Bober

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Your piano recital song was “In a Blues Mood.” If I had to guess, I’m guessing your 4th recital? I wish I knew… I guess I could go back and look). I think your first recital was “Deck the Halls” at Christmas time 18 months ago – again I’m not sure about that.

What I DO know, is that you turned an AWESOME corner while working on “In a Blues Mood.” All of a sudden, the piano was yours. It was not something I had to make you practice (except, of course, for scales). You sat and practiced this song at all hours of the day. When it was time to play it for Ms. M for the first time, you could NOT wait… you played it beautifully (not perfectly, but that didn’t matter), and you were SO PROUD of yourself… smiling like I’ve never seen you smile.

Ms. M smiled and had you play it again. She did not even need to praise you because it was clear you already owned how far you’d come in ways that no one outside of you could give you. What an amazing treat to watch!!

That day, Ms. M offered a challenge to you to play the song more jazzed up, and you took it. Yesterday, at the recital, you played the song perfectly. With so much musicality.

Rock Star.
Love you – Mama

2015-05-27 18.16.42-1

2015-06-21 13.08.38

Maya Blues Mood

p.s. I looked up your previous recitals – so fun to look at your growth!!

Click here for your December 2014 recital post Maya Dec 2014 Recital

And here is a picture from June 28, 2014:
June 28 2014

December, 2013:

Right on the top of your nose

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Your first pimple… You were almost proud of it – really, really too cute.

Wanted to tell me. Pointed it out by saying it hurt to Daddy Jim and Madey.

Later, when you were in the shower, you gave me permission to take a picture of it after telling me not to earlier.

Growing up with you is SO MUCH FUN!!

Just a new number

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As I was looking at you sadly today, telling you that this is the last day I get to be a Mom of a wonderful 5-year old and asking if you would still love me when you’re no longer my little 5-year old…. you looked at me very seriously and responded:

“Mama, tomorrow I will be the same person – just a different number.”

I could truly not love you more than I do.

When I dropped you off at school today, you decided to try on a crabby independent side of you – with very little warning. We pulled into the parking space… you gave me a look and got out of the car, slamming the door, flinging your hair and marching toward Cobblestone’s back door… (I sat in my driver’s seat and decided to wait and watch what you do.) After about 10 steps, you flipped back around, stomped back to the car, crawled in the back seat, grabbed your huge Tinkerbell backpack (practically the size of you), re-slammed the door for effect and stomped back up to the door. I continue to watch you totally intrigued by this very strange behavior.

You got to the door and unlocked it. I still watched wondering if I should drive away should you continue on the clearly-directed path. After you got the door open, you paused for what felt like a minute, and finally turned around and looked at me, waving enthusiastically for me to join you inside. I melted. Back to my 5-year old… Whew… that was kind of scary 😉

It’s so very fun watching you grow!! Develop. Become.

You say things like “this is excellent” describing food; “I would prefer that Daniel come her” when you want to let us know your desires, “that was hysterical” when you encounter something that tickles your funny bone and you still call me “Mama”… which I so love.

I’m trying to remember the highlights of being 5:
You learned to whistle after many, many weeks (maybe even months) of practice – you were so proud.’
You are and self-identify as an ARTIST! You spent much of this year coloring, and sometime near Christmas, you asked that we switch to full-fledged crafts where we construct something. It’s been a ball learning right next to you. At school, you are also doing amazing art investigations and art work!!
You took OFF skiing.. staring the season doing the bunny hill and ending the season confidently doing blues and trick hills/moguls. Crazy.
You are still TOTALLY a nature girl who loves being outside, picking flowers and climbing trees.
You are quite the singer / actor – so much drama and you can sing quite well… now let’s see if you choose to get past the “shyness” to share these gifts with someone besides Mama.
We still snuggle every night until you fall aslepp.
We spent most of this year measuring time in “Peeps” – the 15 minute cartoon you used to love.
You are trying out new vocabulary all the time – both in service of day-to-day communication “You are hysterical Mama” or in service of being “cool” and having attitude – which is CRAZY for me to watch/hear: “uhhhh… yeah!! (with eye roll and saunter in the opposite direction.” You tell me you learn these things from Daniel. Hmmm… the benefits and challenges of having older siblings 😉

I love being your Mama, and I could be more proud of the wonderful girl you are becoming. Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!

5th year well visit

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Again – you are perfect…

On the way to the doctor’s appointment, I explained, “Baby, the doctor is just going to make sure you are healthy and growing up strong. She will check to make sure you are getting taller and are about the right size for a 5-year old.”

With all seriously you assured me, “Mama, I am only 4-year old tall. Five-year old tall would be this tall,” and you held your hand a good 6 inches or more above your head.”
So sweet…

Your pediatrician gave you far more than a clean bill of health. She said you were doing just terrific in your growing and developing into a wonderful girl!! We could not be more happy or proud of you!! At one point, she said “I bet all of her teachers love her!! She is such a great listener and has so much spirit and energy!!” What joy you continue to bring to everyone you meet.

Here are some very fun pictures from the day!



robe 3



blood pressure



don’t know

open wid


hearing test1

hearing test2

hearing test3





Your statistics with your quick drawing. You are DEFINITELY five-year old tall my Sweet!!

read your first word

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Hi Baby Girl –

It has been far too long since I’ve written to you, and i really want to talk with you on a regular basis so we can both remember the amazing adventures and accomplishments of yours nearly everyday… Let’s see what I can remember…

* I am calling you “bug” these days. You said tonight, “yeah, I’m your love bug” in a rather matter-of-fact comment.
* Since January, you have been spending Tuesday after school in swim lessons with your “sister” Sibhon, Wednesday’s & Friday’s with Kate and Delilah and Thursday’s with either Barbie or Amy. Here are some pictures to remind us about these days:

* You know all of your letters A-Z, the sound they make and how to write them. You really like to help me make the grocery list each week, and it melts my heart to carry that list around!! You write words by writing each letter but if you run out of room on the page in the middle of a word, sometimes you continue above the word, sometimes below, and sometimes on a different part of the page. : )
* You read your first word a few days ago, and you were so excited. The word was “for.” You were drinking milk out of a glass that said “Milk for Santa.” As I was attending to something else, I could hear you sound out the word – ffffffff….oooo…or… ffor. Mama, does this say “for”?!?!?” You were so excited – as was I.
* You jumped in the deep end during swim lessons last Tuesday. You haven’t passed the swim test yet, but it sounds like you are making awesome progress. You can swim back stroke quite confidently.
* We still rock and lay down in bed together each night. It’s a time I truly treasure. We often giggle alot! Almost every night you say, “Mama, if Daddy Jim snores, you can sleep with me.” Sometimes you get up in the middle of the night (say 2:30am), come into our room, and say “Mama, I have something very important to tell you.”” “What Sweetie?” “If Daddy Jim snores, you can come sleep with me.”
* I left for 3 days for a conference, and by the 3rd day you were getting sort of crabby… definitely not your sweet, wonderful self. You had a hard time listening to Kate, and Barbie said you weren’t yourself in school. The next morning after I got home, I gave you a stern talking-to about listening… letting you know that there would be consequences if you didn’t listen for Amy that day. You listened carefully, and then said most sincerely,
“Mama, what’s a quansiquence?”
“A quansiquence is when you don’t get to do something you like, like maybe you don’t get to watch tv for a week.”
Again, you paused and asked,
“Mama, how long is a week?”
Sigh – In some ways you are growing up soooo quickly, in other ways, you are still so my baby.

* One of your favorite private jokes between us is when I say something like, “You look a lot like my little girl, but she went to school all squeaky clean. You can’t be my little girl because you are so dirty.” And then you show me my favorite birth mark on you to prove that you’re my Sweet daughter, and we both laugh. You often ask me to “play that game.” I am so unbelievably grateful that you are really, truly my kid.
* Last week you rode your bike around the block. You are still using training wheels, and Daddy Jim ran next to you. You did a fantastic job, and you were so proud of yourself!
* You are still totally an outside girl – loving to pick flowers, build habitats for worms and pill bugs, collect rocks and sticks, and jump in puddles.

I’ll add pictures to all of these things very soon.
I love you Sweet Girl.


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I can’t possibly keep up!

You are growing like a weed – you can do more and more and more every day. You understand more and more and more every day. It’s all just so crazy… and fun!!

Yesterday, you zipped up your own coat. Just plain crazy.

You get dressed by yourself, you crack the wittiest of jokes, you can spell many words without help… When did this happen? So seems like overnight.

The other day I desperately pleaded, “Baby, do you think when you drink that red juice, that you could maybe get more in your mouth and less on your upper lip?!?!?” You responded quite matter-of-factly, without missing a beat, “Kids do that, Mom.”


So fun – I love being part of your growing up, Peanut Butter. I just love it!

pictures coming soon –

Love you

your induction to school

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Tonight while I was rocking you, you were telling me random stories as they popped into your head. It was quite sweet. Something about “very exciting news!” “What’s that Sweetie?”
“Siobhan will be in after care 4 days!”
“That’s so great!”
“Yeah, I love her so much. She’s my BESSSST friend.”

Something about “Today I chased my brother all over. He didn’t like it so much, but I had to. Know why? Because I love him so much!”

It was quiet for a minute or so, and then you circled your straight arm around and into the air.

You said, “You know what this is Mama? This is what we do when we want to say something.”
And you circled your arm back into the air and held it there.
I ask, “Really? What does your teacher say when you do that?”
“She says, ‘Yeeessssss?'”

You continue…
“And if this arm gets tired, you can put it down and put the other one up.” (you demonstrate for me.)
“And if they BOTH get tired, you can put them down and just give them a break.”

Ah, and school has begun.

Since I haven’t had time to post these – here are the very precious first day of school pictures I took.
So excited to put on your new school outfit, still half asleep on your way to the bathroom:

A yummy, special breakfast- thanks Daddy Jim!!


A nature find on the walk up the driveway of school:


Walking in the door – what a big day!

“Indoor shoes” – you take off outdoor shoes and put on your bright pink indoor shoes when you get to school each morning.


You were asked to pose for a picture but the camera was on “video” settings. Look at all the kisses I got!!! I am so blessed:

Your first homework assignment – “Decorate a bag and put 1 or 2 things in it that will tell us something about you:”
I think you put a shell and a stuffed raccoon in your bag because, as you said, “I’m an out-door girl.”



My big girl – you’re growing up!! I couldn’t be more proud to be your Mom.

I love you my Sweet.

Our past month…

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Who knows what our past month has held…. I can hardly remember yesterday.

BUT what I DO remember is how much FUN I have had with you. You are growing LEAPS and BOUNDS!!! In language. In athletic ability. In wit. In thoughtfulness. In artistic ability. And just in pure length… your arms, your legs. Actually on the way to school the other day, you said “Mama, look how big I’m getting! Look how long my arms are” (and you put your hands on the top of the car). “Look how long my legs are!” (and you push your feet against the car seat in front of you). “Even my hips, Mama! Look how big my hips are getting.”

You surprise me almost every day. Today, I had the roughest morning ever (long story, details don’t really matter, but boy, was it rough). To top it all off, I knocked into a cup of coffee Daddy Jim had set next to my laptop, and the coffee spilled all over the computer and the counter. I panic… yell a little (at least a big UGH) and frantically and desperately try to clean it all up. You watched the whole thing and after everything had calmed, you quietly said, “I’m sorry that that happened to you Mommi.” Who cares about a stupid computer when I have such a wonderful daughter?!?!?

You LOVE to tell me stories and share what you’re thinking. Almost everything you tell begins with one of these:
“Mama, I am thinking something silly in my head.”
“Mama, I have a funny story.”
“I have a great idea!”
“Want to hear it?”

Last week, Daddy Jim, you and I headed out after dinner to a small park in our old neighborhood to hear our good friend Bill play his saxophone with his band. Our very good friend Dave Lewis was there with his bride Sharon. (Dave, Sharon and Bill are in the Gospel choir with us.) Dave is a photographer, and he snapped these pictures from the night and shared them with us!

Thanks Dave!!

Bill and his band played. You danced. We marveled at both of you!! We are so blessed!!
park ave

bill playing

maya dancing

bill playing 2

maya dancing 2

maya dancing 3

maya dancing 4

maya me

maya me again

You dance with me. You dance with your Dad. One day when I picked you up from Cobblestone Camp, you wear dancing a beautiful elegant dance with a long scarf in your hand to classical music. Juliana, the counselor, said you do that regularly… and she, like I, is amazed by your awareness of your fingertips and toes as well as the spirit and rhythm of the music!!

You can go hand over hand over hand across the monkey bars and back and back and back… seemingly forever.

You and Daddy Jim have a new trick (it scares me to death)… You basically use HIM as the jungle gym. You jump, holding his hands, fly up in the air and do a complete circle in the air. It looks like you’re going to tear your arms out of their sockets, but you don’t. And the 2 of you LAUGH and laugh… and you say “AGAIN!”

You can tread water forever, and you are starting to do a real back stroke. You can make your way (doggie paddle) across the pool. It has been so long since you have worn a floaty of any kind, that I don’t even remember. You fearlessly jump into the waves in the wave pool… even the ones higher than your head.

Tomorrow we leave for our family vacation… I’m certain I will have many more stories for you soon. I love you Peanut Butter! To pieces!

hey there baby

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I’m back.

It’s been a while, but I got my exciting news yesterday afternoon, and you were the first I told. My news means that I am prioritizing my writing to you again!! I’ve missed it… a lot!

You have grown SO MUCH since i wrote last. You have grown in height, in intellect, in wit, and in emotional maturity! I can’t tell you how much I totally love to spend time with you! We snuggle, we laugh our rear ends off, we dance, we make up make-believe songs ALL the time, we “socialize.”

Some Maya-ism’s going on right now:
* You’re still a TOTAL outside girl!! Can’t get enough! And you’re never clean 😉 (I wouldn’t want it any other way!)
* A couple of your fun words are
“echersize” (for exercise)
“dissedappeared” (for disappeared)
* “I love you Mom… to the Sun and Back.. One hundred sixty, nine, twenty, seven, eleven times.” “That’s a lot!”
* Mom? In the morning, will you set up my bed? Because it looks like a disaster. And I can’t yet because I am still little.”
* “Mom? Mom?” I walk in from the other room and kneel down in front of you. “Yes sweetie?” “Mom?” (pause) “I am sooo very sorry.” “For what Baby?” (pause as you gentle stroke my hand) “For all the bad things I have ever done. I am so very sorry.”
* Last night was your first night with no pull-ups at night – ALL DONE! You’re officially a big girl.
* You are very particular about what you will wear each day – and, as far as I can tell, it is COMPLETELY unpredictable!

Okay – here are some recent pictures.

cj and maya1
cj and maya2cj and maya 3

maya and friend
my maya
You can really swim – bottom in the air, face in the water and kicking like crazy. You haven’t quite figured out the breathing thing yet, but give it another week! 🙂

I love you Baby… with my WHOLE HEART!!! And then some!

butterfly 4 again

your first haircut…ever

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okay, well it was just a trim

but it seems like a big deal… so here are some pictures from the event.

Your best friend, Siobhan, Daddy Jim and I took you after we went to see the play, “Stuart Little.” Tanya cut your hair and did a great job – it’s much healthier now.

I love watching you grow Peanut – it is so fun.




