1 and a half already

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Happy Birthday Miss Maya!

On Saturday you turned 1.5 yrs old! The day was FULL of adventures… We started by cleaning Genesee Valley Park with a bunch of UR people and Wilson School people.
maya icc
After lunch and a nap, we all went swimming at the Y.
swimming with dad
Finally, we topped off the fantastic day by watching Michigan stomp on Notre Dame, and you said your first GO BLUE!! It came out as “Bo Blue,” but that is definitely close enough! Made my heart smile!
go blue1
go blue2
You are doing many new things – developing much stronger opinions about things. It’s so fun to be a part of!!

You say more words: baby, up, bo blue, juice, doggie, duck
You climb up on everything!
You sit still and pay attention for longer periods of time
You can buckle your own car seat – And BOY were you determined to learn that!
You wash your hands, turning on and off the faucet
You still LOVE being outside
You like to swing in the baby swing by yourself now.
You pull yourself up above the kitchen island to see what’s going on.
You are still a fantastic eater
You have been sleeping on a cot at daycare since you moved to the Linden room a week and a half ago.
You go to sleep at about 7:30pm each night and sleep straight through the night almost every night
You love playing with your friend Marlie
You love collecting rocks and sticks!

movin’ on up

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Hey there Peanut –

Today was your first “change of classrooms.” You are no longer in the infant classroom at daycare. You have 2 new teachers and a new classroom full of new toys, but the same great friends! You and your friends have definitely become toddlers!!

Another big FIRST for you – you slept on a cot today just like the older kids in your class!! They said you did great – went right to sleep!

You were also quoted for the sign on the wall of the classroom because they are logging new words they hear you and your friends say. You have been singing “Row, row, row your boat” a lot lately. Your teachers heard you singing it and wrote, “Maya: Row, Row” on the sign on the wall. (You and I knew that was old news, but they were excited.)

Here are some pictures from the day:

Eating breakfast

new teachers

Your new teachers

the day

The Day

You are in the Linden Room now:
“Lindens are some of the best shade trees and are ideally suited to home situations. Small, yellowish summer flowers are not showy, but are highly fragrant. Small, round seeds hang on an interesting leafy bract and persist well into winter.”
linden tree

The Linden Tree

linden leaf

The Linden Leaf

Daddy and I dropped you off and picked you up together. We are so proud to be your parents. We love you to pieces!

star birthday girl

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Sunday you were 16 months old on the 16th!

Happy Birthday Peanut Butter!

We spent the afternoon at Aunt Judi and Uncle Jim’s cabin… Great time was had by all. You were the first one in the lake… you couldn’t wait! You are definitley a swimmer. You also played with Joey N’s puppy Taos and CJ’s dog Maddie. Joe gave you a bowl of wild berries, and you thoroughly enjoyed them, coating your face, arms, fingers and Mommy’s leg with the pink stain. We looked silly, and everyone giggled. You and I had to take another dip in the lake to get cleaned off!

You played with Monica, Auntie Judi and Uncle Jim. Ashook gave you many pieces of bread and a few more berries. You watched Madieu and Gabe intensely as they wrestled and jumped off the pier. I think you wanted to join them! 😉 You ate everything under the sun while we there: peaches, pineapple, apples, organges, macaroni, olives, crackers, chees, peas, blueberries… What a wonderful day! Thanks Auntie Judi and Uncle Jim! You rock!

Yesterday was Mommy and Daddy’s anniversary. Know what we did? We took you to the Strong Museum and to Brighton Pool for an after-dinner swim. You jumped into the pool all by yourself. We all had a ball! Best anniversary to date!

Double ear infection, 15 mnth appt and 1st Swim Lesson

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Wow, have we had a busy week!

First last Wednesday you came home from daycare with a temperature of 102.1. We took you straight to the doctor, and your temp had gone up to 102.5. Both of your little ears were infected. The doctor gave us a prescription for amoxicillin. You were feeling better within a couple days.

Even the next day you played quite a bit. The fun part was that I got to hang out with you all morning, and Daddy came home from work to hand out with us in the afternoon. Bonus family time! At the end of the day, we took a walk to East Ave to your daycare’s ice cream social. We didn’t stay long, but it was fun to have a slice of pizza on a picnic blanket with your friend Marlie. You may not have been feeling your best, but you still looked beautiful:
ice cream social

Today was your 15 month well visit (doctor’s appointment). You are doing great! Stats for the day:
Head diameter – 18 in
Height – 32 in (88%)
Weight – 22lb 13 oz (47%)
22 lb 13 oz

22 lb 13 oz of Sweetness and Spunk!

15 mnth

15 months already

Once we came home we were off to the YMCA for your first swim lesson. At first we wondered if we were in the right place. You were the youngest kid there it seemed. And you looked a bit overwhelmed.
taking it all in

Taking it all in… What have they gotten me into this time?!?

But soon they separated the kids into the wee ones and the not-so-wee ones, and we saw one or two other kids about your age. We sang songs, chased bubbles, jumped in from the side, and had circle time. We all had a BALL!!! My cheeks hurt from smiling so much! And when class was over, you did not want to get out! Your teacher, Linda, was very impressed with how brave you were. We can’t wait until our next class on Thursday!

Peanut, life is SO much fun with you!

Happy 15th Month

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Happy Birthday Peanut!!

I realize this is a few days late, but we were traveling to NJ on your birthday (no computer). You are such a sweetie-pie… melting hearts whever you go.

15 mnth small

Here are a few of your most recent accomplishments and/or adventures:

You can run!
You can pick up tiny little things.
You have LOTS more hair – little sweet curls
You can reach things that we thought were out of reach, for example…
You can open the side door all by yourself!
You know when people hide things.
You understand more words.
You still love music – dancing, waving arms and nodding head to the beat.
You have been a Mommy’s girl for the past little while…wanting me to pick you up and snuggle with you a lot (I love every minute).
You say doggie, Da-Da and Ma-Ma more frequently.
You LOVE popsicles!! and peas and fresh sweet corn and blueberries and lemonade…
You like to know and see what’s going on.
And you like to have opinions about things. (I love that!)

You gave your Daddy a t-shirt for Father’s Day with this picture on it:
father\'s day small

You are just such a JOY to be around! Happy Birthday Peanut!

We love you!

A whole month has passed

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Where does the time go, Little One?

Grandma checks your blog at least every week, and I haven’t added to it in such a long time!!

big pancakes

Great Grandma Luehmann’s “Big Pancakes”

Here are some highlights of your latest adventures:

We just got back from your Trip #8: a 6-day first class trip to Redmond WA to hang out with your Auntie Amy, Uncle Hakon and Cousin Elisabeth
Today you copied me and put on a little make-up for the first time… Hehehe
You are taller than my night stand – you can actually look at what is on it! When did that happen?!?!
You have the most amazing 8-tooth grin! It warms a room!!
You are still best friends with Marlie at day care.
You are a great eater – Tonight you ate peas, blueberries, pastas, cheese, and homemade molasses bars
You now know where the molasses bars are kept – you walk over to the corner of the kitchen, point to the pan and let us know that you would like one!
On Mother’s Day we went down to Aunt Judi’s hometown and spent the day with all of her family! You had your first hit in wiffleball! What fun!!
You are walking and running and falling and climbing and giggling non-stop
Last night you came home from daycare very sad. I think another tooth or two were making their way into your mouth. You hurt quite a bit. But you woke up this morning in fabulous spirits!!
Your Dadday started his job 3 days ago. He is officially a nurse!
We started making Great Grandma Luehmann’s Big Pancakes (crepes). They have become a family favorite!
Grandma and Grandpa Tatro came to visit May 21 for Daddy’s graduation. My camera was broken, so we’ll need to get some pictures from Grandma T.

happy girl2

I have been running in the morning before you wake up. Monday, when I came back from running, I started stretching on the front porch. I heard a thud, and turned around quickly to see you with both hands pressed up against the door along with your little nose and the biggest smile ever! My heart totally melted! What a fabulous way to start the day!

That’s enough for now.

I love you to pieces, Peanut – More and more and more and more every day. Is that even possible?

May Day

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Tonight we made Grandma’s big pancakes. We learned a few lessons about pan size and patience, but overall it was a success!!! Here are a couple of pictures to document the event (as well as the 5-tooth smile!) It can be like a Where’s Waldo adventure…. When you look at Miss Maya’s face, can you find the chocolate? The strawberries? The whip cream? The apples?

13 mnths 1

Oh, Beautiful! You are such a JOY!!! Your giggle makes everyone giggle!! Spring is here, and you are LOVIN’ it! We spend every possible minute outside. The flowers make you giggle out loud. I lift you up so your head is in the middle of Magnolia Tree branches in bloom and you look amazed, with the biggest smile! You’re walking like a pro these days… almost running. When we go for walks, you stop and make a 180 degree turn, walking in the opposite direction. You peek over your shoulder to see if Daddy and I will chase you and grab you, and again, you giggle!

13 mnths 2

You and I have been running together lately. You wake up in the morning and start your day with a little OJ. Then you jump in the jogging stroller with your purple blanket, and off we go! It’s a great way to start the morning!

13 mnths 3

Today at daycare you and Marlie (your best friend who looks quite a bit like you) were kissing and hugging each other! The teachers thought you were both so sweet.

So far your words are “I” (for hi!), ‘Momma,” and “Duck” (which sometimes sounds the same as “Dog”). I can’t wait until you can tell me about your day, tell me what your favorite food is, make up a story or joke, say “I love you.”

We just heard some sad news about Aunt Judi. She is fighting colon cancer. This summer might be a bit rough for her. She came over last Thursday and Friday nights to talk with us, and you showered her with wonderful Maya-lovin’! Thank you!! You gave her kisses and snuggles and giggles. You are God’s sweet Angel.
mommy and maya

I love you Peanut Butter.

Sleep well!

Happy First

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Today is your FIRST birthday~

The whole day has made me reflective and grateful. Life has changed so drastically for your Daddy and me since you arrived – all for the better! You have brought such joy to us!!

Birthday Girl

We are grateful, too, for all those who have loved you to pieces and helped us raise you this past year. We couldn’t have done it without people like your grandparents, aunts & uncles, Aunt Judi & Uncle Jim, Tracy and crew, Nanny Sheri, Kristin, Missy and Orlene, Ellen, the Ball family, Mort & Diane, Nancy and family, Jeff and family, Chris and Kristine, and the list goes on and on. We are so blessed!

dr visit

I hope you are having a WONDERFUL birthday Peanut Butter. You have totally captured our hearts!!

We love you forever,
*Mommy and Daddy

first steps

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Well, Peanut, you walked before your first birthday. Last Thursday (Feb 22) you took 2 quick steps as you made your way from one counter to another as your Daddy and I watched in shock. Today you walked across the room with confidence (granted it is a small room but still!)!

It is so much fun to watch you grow!

We love you!

Happy 11-months

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I think I didn’t write you yesterday because I am subconsciously trying to slow things down a bit… I cannot believe that you’ll be a year old already in less than a month! I squeeze you really tight hoping to treasure every possible second.
11 mnths1

We didn’t do anything too special yesterday on your birthday… It was a pretty typical Thursday. Daddy went to the hospital for his school at 6:30am. You woke up around 8am (because you also had woken up at 4:3oam). We played for a while, and then off to work and daycare. When Daddy and I picked you up at 4pm, you were the only kid with Ms Orlean! There were 2 other kids earlier, but their Mom’s took them to the doctor – You have all been sharing some flu bug that carries with it, among other things, a yucky cough. You have it too, but yesterday marked the first day you seemed much better. You were so happy all day yesterday! So much fun!
11 mths2

After dinner (let’s see, what did you have? oranges, cheese, mixed fruit, ravioli, and some baby food), you had a bath. You have been taking baths almost every night. You really seem to like exploring things in the water. Maybe we’ll try swimming tomorrow if I can find a suit for you.

We read some books, had a bottle and headed to bed around 6:45pm. We were ALL pooped.

Let’s see – What are some new things you’ve been doing lately?

You crawl up steps with ease.
You pick up the tv remote, turn 180 degrees to face the tv, hold out your little arm, and push buttons. Hehehe
You said “duck” a few more times yesterday (we are pretty sure).
You put toys into containers and take them out again
I put an orange piece on your spoon, and you put the spoon and the orange in your mouth by yourself!
You help take your shirt off when we are getting ready for our baths.
You have the most WONDERFUL 2-tooth smile! It melts the hearts of many strangers and friends alike.
This morning at the play yard, you crawled up on the laps of a number of other adults and gave them smiles. I don’t think stranger anxiety has set in for you- I don’t think it ever will.
You give me hugs along with giggles every morning.

Today we headed to the soft play yard at the Medley Center before you went to daycare. We had a great time. And today, you are spending the afternoon with Ms Missy, again all by yourself. I bet you’re having a blast! We’ll see you very soon!
11 mnths3

I love you Peanut Butter!