doctors appt and other trivia

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Hey there Peanut –

We met our new doctor today, Dr. Jane P. We have been to her office twice before for “sick” visits, but we weren’t able to see her those days. She was GREAT! She was sweet, competent, patient, gentle with you, caring! We are very blessed! There are 9 pediatricians in her practice, and I have only heard good things about all of them!

The bad news is that you have another ear infection… pretty much back-to-back with the last one. So this makes three times (Thanksiving, 2 weeks ago, and now). We will try a different antibiotic this time. We went in today because you had a bad diaper rash (yeast) from the first antibiotic. But Dr. P. gave us good suggestions for getting rid of that too. You seem to be dealing with it like a trooper! Wednesday night you cried for a bit between 11:30p and midnight, but we gave you a little pain medication and you seemed better.

Missy and Orlean were back at daycare today. Their own kids were sick, so they were out most of the week. Both you and I were very happy to see them today! Seems Missy takes as many pictures of her son as I do of you.

Okay, some milestone things:

You are eating primarily with your left hand. I think you might be left-handed! How fun!!
You love to walk holding onto someone’s fingers.
When you’re awake, you go and go and go and go and go and go! You are a VERY busy girl!
on the go
on the go2
Your soft duck is your favorite toy.
You love the book “Black Cat White Cat” by Chuck Murphy. It is a pop-out book. Other favorites are “Peek-a-bo Kisses” and “Noisy Kisses” both by Barney Saltzberg, and “Fuzzy Bee and Friends,” a Priddy book.
Your 2 bottom middle teeth have grown in more… you have the CUTEST smile! It melts everyone’s hearts!
You are a cuddler!
You have started to take baths on your own.
You love hanging out with both your Mom & your Dad. If one of them is not in the room, you go looking for her/him.
You and dogs get along great… However, today you started to throw your food off your tray to them. (They’ll LOVE you for that, but Mom isn’t a big fan.)
You’ve been sleeping through the nights most nights.
You seem to really like daycare, but you also really like it when Daddy and I pick you up at the end of the day. We all giggle!!


Thanks for the joy you bring to our lives, Little One.

We love you!

first word… Duck

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Hey there Peanut –

Today you said “duck” twice… once with Daddy playing with your toy duck and the second time with me in the bathtub. The duck you see in your pictures is one of your favorite toys. When you see it, it makes you giggle!


It was so very exciting!

We also went to the Strong Museum – Jimmiqua came with us. She always makes you smile.

We love you!

Happy Birthday once again

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10 months old today! Happy Birthday Peanut!
20 mnth 2

(Grandma L sent you a Happy Birthday email today… I put it in your calendar.)

Last week 2 teeth in the bottom middle of your little mouth popped through the gums! You’re standing by yourself for long periods of time. You’re crawling like there’s no tomorrow. You love to walk holding on to some big person’s fingers. You pull yourself up to standing so many times a day to see and play with things. You dance when you hear music! And you giggle when you watch me dance.
first 2 teeth

first sign of teeth – nice work!

You are such a joy, Sweet Pea.

I’m sorry you have a cold. You and I are sharing the same running nose and tiredness, and you have an awful-sounding cough. I hope you rest well today, so you are ready to play with your friends in the morning. You haven’t seen the daycare crew for over 4 days… I’m sure they miss you! If you’re not feeling well, we’ll go and meet our new doctor tomorrw. I hear she is very nice!

Daddy & I are trying to teach you some sign language, as people say you can learn to talk with your hands before you can learn many verbal words. So far we have been working on Dadda, Momma, dog, bear, light, fan, ball, eat, more, and all done. We haven’t seen you make any clear signs yet, but it could be any day…

10 mnth 3

Grandma T made this sweet jumper for you. You look beautiful!

I love you, Sweetness,

Happy 9-month Birthday Beautiful!

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Hey there Beautiful!

You are going to have one busy birthday when all is said and done today. You had play group this morning where you opened your first present yourself (with a little bit of help). You really enjoyed the ribbon! Your friend Casey gave you two great books: “Doggies” by Sandra Boynton and “Harold & the Purple Crayon” by Jodi Huelin. Mommy got a fun key rack from Casey’s Mom, Melissa.

You are napping now -boy were you tired! So is Daddy.

When you wake up, we’ll have lunch and play. Then this afternoon we have a party and Aunt Judi & Uncle Jim’s!! It’s the Warner School Holiday Party, but I like to think of it as ALSO your birthday party! 😉 After all, you ARE 9 months old today!

Last night you let me read 5 whole books to you. You studied each page so carefully. I loved the feeling of having you sit on my lap while we read. Thanks for still one more treasured memory! You are wonderful.

Happy Birthday Baby!

9 month appointment

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Tomorrow you will officially be 9 months old! Wow! What a big girl!

We changed your doctor’s appointment to yesterday though, because we feared you might have an ear infection. All was well however – just a drippy nose. She said your ear drums looked great, and your chest sounded great! Good news.

The nurse practitioner also said that you were RIGHT ON TRACK as far as growing goes…still in the 50% for weight and head circumference and 90% for length. You have hit the developmental milestones for your age such as saying mamamamama and dadadadada, crawling or scooting (you still do both), standing and taking little steps, and you even pull yourself up (which is ahead of the curve!) No teeth yet, but she isn’t worried. You are breastfeeding first thing in the morning and last thing at night, with formula, baby food and table food in between. You are doing JUST GREAT! Here are the numbers:
Weight: 18lb 8oz (up 2lb, 4oz from 6 mnths)
Head: 17.25
Length: 29 in (up 2in from 6mnths)
9 month dr

What a cutie! You rock my world little one!
We love you!

You are so close…

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You are SO close to crawling AND walking, Little Miss Maya! Almost every daycare report talks about how you are just dying to get moving! Daddy saw you take a couple REAL crawling “steps” on Sunday! You certainly can move yourself in any direction you want pretty quickly – soon you’ll have a more efficient way to get to those toys!

on the move small

When I picked you up from daycare 2 days ago (Monday), first you gave me the BIIIIIGEST smile and giggle! I giggled right back! And when I picked you up, you gave me the HUGGGGEST hug burying your face in my chest and squeezing with both arms and hands! That was the most wonderful moment EVER!

I love you Peanut! I bet I’ll be writing again within the week to say that you’re officially on the move!


Been meaning to write…

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Hi Peanut –

I’ve been meaning to write you lately. I have so much to share with you…

A couple days ago was your first day at your new daycare. It’s close enough that we can walk there in the morning and walk home in the afternoon. It was not the best first day, but it hasn’t gotten much better since. The two infant teachers M & O work so well together and really seem to love what they do. O is even fluent in Spanish, and she plans to speak to both you and one of your classmates in Spanish. You have about 5 other classmates. I have only met three of so far, Levi, Griffin and a little girl named April. So far you are the youngest of the clan.

Here was today’s report from M, the infant instructor:

“What a wonderful day! Maya had so much fun! She loved playing w/ the kids and toys and watching them move all around the room – though sometimes she would get frustrated and want to crawl after them – Soon! She gets so excited at lunch time to sit at the table and eat with the gang – full of smiles!”

How great is that!?!? And then, when your Daddy & I picked you up, you gave us the BIGGEST smiles and giggles! You were so excited to see both of us, and we were so excited to see you! Your laughter is totally heart melting!
This is you in the backseat of a 4-person stroller. What a trip!

You are ALMOST crawling! You are up on your toes and hands, and you lunge forward to get at something. You can pull yourself to standing by holding on to something or someone. You are a VERY stable sitter now. And, just as always, you are so curious and studious. You love to study new and interesting things. It’s so fun to watch you!

More soon… We love you!


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Hey Beautiful!

Today was a big day in the Tatemann household… especially for you! Today was your first day wearing shoes! 🙂 You like to bounce in this doorway jumper thing. You push off of the floor and jump and jump and jump and giggle and jump. Shoes gave you much better traction. 🙂


We also purchased two new car seats for a bigger little Miss Maya. You are no longer in the infant seat! Isn’t that crazy?!?! My baby is growing up! We went to the pediatricians on Friday for a diaper rash and flu shot, and while we were waiting, I weighed you. You already weigh 17 lbs 12 oz!! You are growing so much every day! I know because I have to trim your finger nails about every other day!


We had a fabulous morning this morning. Once you woke up, you snuggled up in bed with your Daddy and me. We all giggled and played for an hour or more. It was such a special time. They were the stuff dreams are made of. Thank you for all the joy you bring into our lives Little One!

We love you to pieces!

7-months already!!

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Happy Birthday Peanut!

Can you believe it?!? You are 7 months old already?!? You are so long… everyone comments on how long you are and how healthy you look. I agree. I think you are absolutely beautiful! Your smile captures our hearts and makes us laugh out loud many times a day…

7 month picture

7 mnth little

jumping little

Our Tatemann Family adventure today was hanging out with the Ball family. We watched the animated film, Robots. Both Mark and Leslie LOVED holding and playing with you.

Hope you enjoyed your birthday as much as we did! We love you to pieces Little One,
