some more puddle jumping

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and other fun times…

puddle jumping 1
puddle jumping 2
puddle jumping 3
puddle jumping 4
puddle jumping 5
(Neighbor Joe just jumped right in the middle of the biggest puddle to entice you in… You thought that was very funny… so did he!)

playing with pillows while shopping:

you LOVE your new chair as well as your princess pj’s
new chair

peek a boo

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pillows are your favorite, but you’re happy to hide in anything you can find…

today you had a blast hiding behind all of your coats… and you giggled and giggled as tehy fell and left you exposed. : )

Let’s see – other sweet things you are doing and saying these days:
* you say “oth” to mean”off”
* you still say “pt” for tv
* when you want something, you say “May I have it please?” (most of the time) or “Maya have it please?”
* You know Judi & Jim’s corner and announce it everytime we drive past their house.
* When we head out to a car or just arrive home from an outing, you consistently ask “Maya go see Barnie (the neighbor’s puppy) please?” When I say “sure,” you get very excited and shyly walk next door holding my hand.
* You still describe yourself when you’re naked as “PRETTY BABY!” and you pat your belly. I love that!
* birdie is “boodie”
*”Mommy! Help Maya!” is what you call out when Daddy is carrying you somewhere you don’t want to go (e.g. wash hands before dinner).
* you love to point out a “Big Truck” or “Big Bus” as it drives by.
* You’re still not a big fan of things in your hair. Yesterday, when we were having our snack at Spot coffe, I went up to the counter to grab a couple napkins. I watched you get down from your chair at our table, walk over to another table and place your barrett on that other table, and climb back up your chair. You crack me up.
* You love to swing – especially on your belly.
* Whenever you want to use a term of endearment for your Daddy or me, you add “ee-ah” on the end of our name – “Mom-e-ah” or “Dad-ee-ah” – it’s very sweet.

blessed are the peacemakers…

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for they shall be called children of God (Matthew 5:9).

Here is a wonderful little story that I will treasure.

Daddy and I had a little spat last night before he left for work. I was therefore much more into you than Daddy as he prepared to leave for work (as was he). He came over to you to say goodbye, and you lovingly greeted him, “Goodbye Daddy!” and looked at me at said “Daddy, work.”

“Yes,” I said. “Daddy’s going to work.”

You sat and processed things for a minute, looking at me and then Daddy.

You offered Daddy an unsolicited kiss by puckering up your little lips in his direction. Surprised, Daddy leaned down to return your little kiss.

Then you promptly and authoritatively stated: “Mommy, Daddy, Kiss.”

So we did. And then we smiled. And then the anger melted.

You are such a special little girl…

pony tails and yogurt

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You didn’t use to like yogurt- in fact, you seemed to hate it. But little by little, you became more interested in what I was enjoying so much. I snuck a couple little tastes in your mouth during cartoons, and before I knew it, you were hooked. 🙂

Now you eat it most mornings – all by yourself!! You are so fun, Peanut!

uniquely you

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today you climbed up on a chair (by yourself) and turned the thermostadt up to 87degrees.

then you “helped” me fold clothes
helping mama

by dressing yourself with underwear as a shirt…
helping mama2
and my socks as leggings.
helping mama3

then you put on Daddy’s socks
daddys sock
and then your socks on your hands like mittens.

This week you also had your first (miniature) candy bar. You decided you like chocolate, and “chocolate” soon became your new word.
first choc2
first chocalate

The words you are using most often these days include: apple, nana (for banana), please, thank you, hi!, bye-bye, elbow, knee, nose, cars, beep-beep, baby, hat, b (for your purple blanket), more, juice, up, down and the new favoite – candy.

Walking to daycare is SO much fun – We stop and listen to the birds doing their differnt Good Morning songs. We can often find them in the sky too. (Sometimes we have to be patient for the cars to go by.) There are LOTS of squirrels scurrying around, chasing one another and finding food. We also still pick up sticks, rocks and pretty leaves and flowers. You say HI to everyone we pass – including homeless people digging through dumpsters. Yesterday, you cheerfully greeted one man looking for cans in a dumpster with a smile and a HI! – I think he was shocked and happy when we walkd passed and you looked back to blow him a kiss.

I learn so much from and with you Peanut. I love you.

Another Fall Adventure

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Today Jimmiqua, you and I went to another Farm Market! We walked through the most amazing teepees, played in the pumpkins, petted some sheep, ate some concord grapes, and went on a haunted hayrack ride!! And, when we thought the fun was over…

Here is some info on the place – It really is FANTASTIC!! We’ll have to take friends and family when they come to visit! Thanks for being such a fantastic reason to get to know our community, Peanut! You are a blessing in so many, many ways! I love you.

Power Farm Market
Powers grows fresh produce and makes jams and jellies, all for sale at their farm store, where they also sell gifts and knick-knacks. For Halloween celebration and harvest’s end, they deck the store and fields with corn-husk [wikipedia]tipis and hundreds of creatively carved Jack-o-Lanterns.

Teepees Awake – The famous teepees on the front lawn of Powers are now open to the general public. Inside holds the ghosts of countless beings yearning to get out but are trapped inside! Bring your kids to see this haunting attraction. Alongside a field of pumpkins, it will surely be a time to remember. Enjoy!


We were walking around, enjoying our time, and LOOK WHO WE SAW!!!
What a WONDERFUL surprise!
Your Beach Room teacher, Missy and her husband and son!!
What a treat!
When you saw her, you RAN to her with BIIG outstretched arms and a HUUUGE smile!


So, we had our own little photo shoot:
missyjack lennon

What a wonderful day, huh?

fluffy pink slippers

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You and I went shoe shopping for you on Saturday.

I was looking for tennies… You chose these.
fuzzy slippers
You pulled them off the shelf, sat down next to me, and giggled once they were on! On the drive home, I asked you “What are on your feet, Miss Maya?” You looked down and started giggling again.
Fuzzy slippers 2
You are a trip! I love you to pieces!