our little dragon…

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2007 10 31 trick1

‘I a dragon… ROAR”

That is what you said to everyone who asked you what you were as you leaned toward them bearing your front claws (and a sweet smile on your face).

We went trick-or-treating with your little friend Marlie (and her parents) again this year. Before they arrived, we ran over to Hannah and Timmy’s to say Happy Halloween!!

Then we visited all of our neighbors and trick-or-treated! People were so excited to see you as a dragon and see how grown up you are! They were impressed with your “Trick or Treat,” and your “Thank you!” (I LOVE how you looked people in the eye when you said thank you… even sometimes making a special trip back to the door.)

The weather was warm and beautiful!! After we finished, Marlie came to “Maya’s House!” and the two of you continued to play dress up with the princesses dresses in your make believe chest.

Here are some image highlights!







2 family homes? 2 trick-or-treaters? PERFECT!





All in all, a great night!!

a few weekend adventures…

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We decided sort of last minute to throw some things together with our neighbors for a yard sale. It was a gorgeous day, the process forced us to clean and organize, and we got to spend quality time with friends. Definitely a good use of time…

garage sale1

garage sale3

garage sale2

After nap, we met up with your friend Apryl and her Mommy at the Strong National Museum of Play! What a great time!



strong 4





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Last Saturday was a special but somewhat sad day…

Saturday, Jake went to live with a new family. They lost their dog a couple weeks ago and were feeling very sad. They have had a dog FOREVER – can’t imagine life without one. So, they came over to meet Jake and immediately fell in love. We were having a hard time getting both Macy and Jake out for a walk or to the dog park because neither of our cars holds both dogs and the three of us.



Though we miss him very much, it seems like all is going well for Jake. Check this email out:

Subject: Jake & me
It could become a bestseller, like “Marley & Me” !

He appears to be adjusting well…
Sunday my husband kept him very busy outside, and of course, the grandkids had to come check him out. By 8pm he was totally zonked out on his bed, curled up and drooling, and never moved till I came downstairs at 6am.
We almost forget he’s there, because we have yet to hear him make a sound, except a little whimper when Dale went outside without him…does he ever bark???
He’s very sweet, and sticks closely to me in the house and Dale outside….he has been a very good boy and I think he is a “keeper”.

We will take good care of him and you and your family are certainly welcome to come visit him at any time…I hope your little girl is not missing him too much (or you either)…he’s lovable and fun.

We will always love you Jake, and we will miss you!

our day together

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Hey there Peanut –

It was AWESOME spending the day with you!! Much needed for both of us I think. Although we both got very little sleep last night (you were up from 11:15pm – 1am and then again at 2 and 3am… sigh… ended up spending from 11:30pm on in our bed b/c Daddy was at work – and you had to have my pillow… *sigh* Anyway – hope you know you’re loved), we both had LOTS of giggles and we got a lot done!

First thing in the morning we headed over to the east side of the city to check out and participate in Rochester’s “Clean Sweep.” Mayor Bob Duffy called us this week to personally invite us (although, because we weren’t home his recording was left on our recording machine ; ))… ANYWAY, I thought it sounded like a GREAT way to get us engaged in some community service and be outside, so we went to check it out.

Just so you don’t think that these things always work out smoothly – let me let you in on a little of the messiness of such adventures. First, there was no sleep on either of our parts. Then, the directions we had to the meeting place were useless as the major road was closed due to construction with no designated detour… *sigh*. THEN, when we got there, it appears everyone already knew who there “team” was, and many of these team leaders did not want new people joining them. So, in a somewhat chaotic atmosphere, we had to figure out what was going on, find a team and get directions. THEN, after the initial pep rally, we all drove to our meeting spots with our teams (well, some took a bus, but we couldn’t do that in case we needed to go home earlier than others). As we followed the directions given to us by our team leader, we ran into aNOTHER road snafu. Another main road was closed due to construction. This time a detour was marked, but I followed the signs wrong and we ended up by this sweet bear playing golf. I told you, “I think we’re lost.” You said, “Are we sad?” I said, “No, it’s going to be fine…we’re not giving up.” You asked, “Why?” And I explained a bit about perseverance. We laughed at the bear, took it’s picture and ended up finding our way. The moral of the story (i.e. why I’m sharing all these seemingly trivial details) is to let you know that we ALL hit hurdles on our paths to adventures… Don’t ever let them become roadblocks. The experiences are usually worth it, and the benefits feel even sweeter when you’re forced to invest just a bit extra.

clean sweep4

Okay – so this is what we did.
We met with the 400 other Rochesterians (isn’t that awesome?) in this big tent. We were given BRIGHT yellow-green t-shirts to wear and directed to the back of the tent to pick up some breakfast. You had a blueberry muffin. We then sought out a team to join. We ended up working with a group of high school students from Jefferson. Some of our new friends’ names are Nelson, Jasmine, Jessica and Dino. We helped them clean a big grassy lot across from an elementary school. You were a FANTASTIC help!! You raked, shoveled and picked up a number of pieces of trash. You were the youngest person there, and I could tell from many little comments and expressions, that you were an inspiration to others. We had a great time… can’t wait to start up our own team for the Spring Clean Sweep!

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clean sweep 6

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clean sweep 3

clean sweep 2

After we had worked a couple hours, you saw a playground at the school…. so we took a 10-15 minutes break to play.
clean sweep 1

While we were at the playground, the news crews came and interviewed our team! How cool! Then our new friends shared some chips with us, and we headed out.

clean sweep 8

On the way home, we did our week’s grocery shopping. We had lunch and a nap.

Then it was off with Marlie and her Mommy to Power’s Farm Market to look at the pumpkins, pet the animals, play in the tepees, and drink some cider – just like we did a year ago when you had your purple cast on your leg!! (Check out how much you and Marlie have grown in a YEAR!! Wow! What a difference a year makes!! How fun to watch you grow, Baby Girl!)

Here are some pictures from our adventure!










We had such a good time I think we’re going to go again… And next time we will actually buy a pumpkin to bring home and ride the hayride! Should be fun… Anybody want to join us?!?!?

When we got home, we cooked Daddy dinner (he was sleeping all day because he worked last night and then again tonight). After dinner we played upstairs with your Dora kitchen and giggled a bunch more.

Can’t wait to see what fun adventures my day with you tomorrow holds… Thanks for all the fun you bring into my life!! I love you Peanut! *Mommi
p.s. I’m pretty sure big changes are on our horizons… I’ll tell you more soon. I LOVE doing life with you Peanut!

“Pic of the Week” Indeed

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Check it out!! You and Riley made the front page of a little local newspaper!

Pic of the Week


Sun shines on Hilton Apple Fest 2007 – Brilliant skies and unusually warm temperatures in the low 80s both days encouraged visitors, according to organizers and record crowds visited both days, September 29 and 30. Four-year-old Riley Ball, from Hilton, struggled for a while but then snagged an apple from Corey’s Pond. Maya Tatemann from Rochester watched. Click here for more Apple Fest 2007 photos.

Here are more pictures from that adventure:








Making Applesauce – YUM!!




first day as a Spruce

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You graduated
First day in your next classroom
So big!
Ready for any adventure!
Excited to see the new space
Teacher Maritza – you’ve been getting to know her for a little while now to get ready for this transition.
Assigned seating – very strange – I guess routine is good.
Private bathroom – the year of potty training
No more individual daily reports – so I brought in a journal for your teacher to log great things you did during the day. Can’t forget them! And I want to hear ALL about them!
Mommi and Daddy took you together (even thought Daddy worked the night before and was very tired). And your WHOLE family picked you up together (including Jake and Macy!!)
Aunti Judi and Uncle Jim called later last night (around 6:30pm) and left a message JUST for you – hoping your first day as a Spruce went well.
You are DEARLY loved – you know that, yes?

Here are some picture highlights!

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spruce 1

graduation day – on to the Spruce Room

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Today was your last day in the Linden Room – a sad day for all of us.

You gave Bonnie and Becky cards and gifts, and both got a little teary-eyed. It has been a fantastic year in the Linden Room. You love your friends (levi, marlie, apryl, elsie, maeve, maya2, raine, and others). You often don’t want to leave at the end of the day. In many ways, I think your friends have become like siblings for you – wonderful playmates, inspiration for mischievous behavior and sometimes, arch enemies (but that doesn’t last long). Becky and Bonnie will still be teachers at your daycare, but next week they will be moving down to the infant room. Bonnie promises that she will be watching you grow from no on – she has made a significant investment in you and wants to see the wonderful little person you grow up to be.
last linden3
Highlights from the year in the Linden Room:

Your daily schedule included breakfast at 9am, group time between 9:30 and 10am, muscle room or outside from 10 – 11:30; lunch and nap after that; snack at 3pm, and outdoor play until we picked you up.

Your favorite songs:
* Fly, fly butterfly
* I’m bringing home a baby bumble bee
* Hello, how are you?
* Slippery fish
* Is Maya here today?

Some of your favorite activities:
* The “picnic sandwich puzzle”
* Wooden blocks
* Dolls and doll houses including changing doll clothes and feeding the babies
* The big playground
* Sand boxes!
* Painting
* Shaving cream
* Corn starch and water
* Dressing up in fancy dresses and dancing (I love watching you do this!)

What I wrote on both Bonnie and Becky’s cards was: “Though we realize you will always be a part of Maya’s “village,” we will deeply miss seeing you each day.” Bonnie and Becky were very good to and with you and us. We are so very grateful for the wonderful care they have given you!!

last linden1
last linden2 take 2

So next Wednesday you start in the Spruce Room… What adventures do you think are in store for us there? I can hardly wait to see!
last linden4

God is so good, Baby Girl. God is so good.
Love you to pieces,

what a day we had!

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[pictures coming soon]

daddy maya

Well Miss Maya, you had quite a day. First you, mommy, and I went to Wegmans to do a little grocery shopping. Then you and I went to Gymboree for “fitness class.” There were two other little boys there and we had a blast. We went through a little obsticle course of walking on a balance beam, going through a tunnel, then climbing up a barrel. We sang songs, played with the parachute, and said good-bye to Gymbo. You loved getting the stamps on your hands, feet and belly.

Then we went to school where we arrived just in time to for lunch. To our surprise it was one of your friend’s birthday. As a treat, your class made ice cream. So after lunch you had homemade ice cream. You then took a nap, and we were off again.
ice cream

We then went to meet your friend Marissa at the Greece Ridge Mall. There was a carnival there. However, it was not open. So we went then went to the Strong Museum. You and Marissa ran and ran. You guys played with the Elmo car, the Dance lab, the fish tank and much more. It was great to watch you two explore your world. Thank you for letting us be a part of it and for allowing us to see some of yours. Thank you for a wonderful day. Until next time.



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Today was Memorial Day – a beautiful sunny holiday that we got to spend together!

We started by heading down to Spot Coffee for a “snack” (cheery danish – really, what was I thinking : ) ) and some juice as we waited for the Memorial Day parade to start. One of the highlights was the doggie that sits in the front walkway.
doggie spot2
parade 4
parade 3

Aunti Judi walked down to meet us and watch the beginning of the parade. You made a number of new “friends” with the people sitting all around us.

After we watched from the street for a while, we headed up to Judi and Jim’s and watched the rest from their balcony. Aunti Judi is the BEST! We had lunch up there while we watched. (Uncle Jim was at the cabin and Daddy was sleeping because he worked last night, so it was just the girls today.)
parade 7

After nap and dinner, we headed over to Hannah and Timmy’s house with a pint of chocolate ice cream, a package of cones and some sprinkles.
ice cream1
ice cream2
ice cream3
Could the day end any better?!?! THanks God!!