Your 1st Baptism Birthday

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Hey Beautiful –
Today you were baptized with Jimmiqua at Spiritus Christi Church. You are known as “The Gospel Choir Baby.” The Gospel choir sang 5 of my favorite songs today in your honor. It was a wonderful service… touching, beautiful, personal, and so special. Father Jim and I discussed the meaning of the word “sacrament.” We decided that is a special event in which we focus on and experience God’s love in an explicit way. Today definitely fit that description – such a special day in which we could feel God’s love for you…


We had a party for you and Jimmiqua after the service at our house at 16 Regent Street. Some of those in attendance were Auntie Amy, Uncle Matt, Grandma & Grandpa Tatro, Jim & Judi, Susan and her Mom Sally, Carleen, Nanna Sherry, Tracy, Caronline & Drew, Michael, Blythe & Orion, Jan & Justin (friends from my work), Nancy, MJ, Raffaella, David Hursh, Jim White, Jenel, Karen Donahoe, Anne Falvo, Mike, Melissa & Casy, Shauna & Devon, Jimmiqua, Gardenia, Josh, Justice, De De, Emma (Jimmiqua’s Grandma), Mort & Diane, Laura & Alan, Bill & Deb, and Tracy Ball. Quite a crowd, huh?

After the party, Judi, Nanna Sherry and I opened and recorded your presents. You received many very nice gifts.

Here is another picture from the day:

Family Pict

Bottom line, today God formally called you His. He will never let you go! What a wonderful thing to be a Child of God. You are Beautiful little girl who is already a LIGHT in this world! Thank you for all the joy you bring! I am honored to be your Mom.

I love you,

Happy 2nd Birthday!

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Hey Little Peanut!

Happy Birthday! We are in Redmond with Auntie Amy, Uncle Hakon, and your cousin Elisabeth. I sang happy birthday to you this morning as it is your 2nd month birthday! When Auntie Amy walked in the door she hugged you and sang it to you again. When Uncle Hakon walked in the door a little later, he too sang it to you! We had lasagne for your birthday dinner, and Auntie Amy made the best tiny little cookies (I think they were tiny in your honor. 😉 )

Your Daddy called a couple times too! He also remembered it was your birthday! Today was his first day of nursing school. He had a great day! He likes his classes, professors and classmates. We are all so excited for him!

We walked down to Laurie’s to pick up Elisabeth from daycare (you rode in a beautiful buggy), and Elisabeth was SO excited to see you!!

Here is a picture of you with your cousin Elisabeth.

Happy Birthday Peanut! We are all so thrilled you are here!

We love you to pieces!

Mother’s Day

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Hey Beautiful Little One –

Happy Mother’s Day – It’s our first together, and I can’t tell you how HONORED I am to be your Mom. Your Dad left a note in the shower to play track 3 on the CD. It was Taylor’s “Whenever I see your smiling face,” the song I consider your Daddy’s and my “our” song. But I sang it to you and the words still fit! And as I sang “Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself because I love you” to you, you gave me the BIGGEST smile! I almost cried!

Here is a picture from a couple days ago when you took a shower with Daddy. You seem to really love the water. We took a bath together last night.

Showering with Daddy

Friday night (May 6) was your first night sleeping in your crib in your room. You slept really well! Last night you woke up almost every hour… Sadly, I think you’re having a hard time breathing. You’re fighting a virus right now along with thrush. I hope you feel better soon. Your cry hurts my heart.

Anyway, thanks for being so wonderfully you, Little Maya!

We love you,