Month of June

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Hey Sweetie –

You’re sitting next to me in your bouncy chair right now. We’ve gone for a number of long walks today. You’re really into looking at the leaves on the trees. Nothing calms you as much as going for a walk outside… however it’s too hot to use the sling and the moby wrap, so I just carry you. I love carrying you! We have gotten to know all of our neighbors so much better because of these walks! Look! You are already making the world a much better place! You rock!


We had a lot of wonderful bonding time today… time i will always treasure. I fed you on our bed after you woke up from your nap. We cuddled for over 2 hours!

[You are looking up at me right now… and you just gave me one of your wonderful smiles! Melts my heart!! You melt everyone’s heart! I just gave you a little taste of my popsicle. I think that might officially be your first taste of anything other than breast milk. You were QUITE intrigued.]

Highlights from this past month… the month of June.
Charles & Debi (my friends from grad school) came to visit and meet you

CharlesMaya charlesdebi

* You started daycare with Ms. Kristin Creary in Webster on June 14
* We went to Canal Days with Tracy to hear Bill play
canal days
* You turned 3 months old
* You started to be much calmer and happier in your car seat. (Yea!)
* You started being able to just sit on someone’s lap and be happy without bouncing. (Yea again!)
* You learned how to roll from your belly to your back… nice work!
* You also started sleeping through the night. You sleep between 8 and 10 hrs almost every night… with the exception of about 5 nights. Very nice!
* You started talking a LOT! and it’s wonderful! You make one of the best noises when you talk with a binky in your mouth. It sounds kind of like “Goi, goi, goi.” Makes me chuckle.

I’ts about time for us to go take a bath… You game?

I love you Peanut! Thanks for being so wonderfully you!


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Originally uploaded by April Luehmann.

This is a test to see if I can upload a picture from flickr to my blog… I thought I would try it with one of my favorite pictures of the little one.

You just went to bed, Little Maya. I hope you have a wonderful night’s rest. You slept 10 hours last night… think we could do that again?

Love you, *Mommy

You have turned a corner…

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They say that 3 months old marks an important benchmark. Scientists believe that these past 3 months you were supposed to still be in the womb, but as humans evolved, your little brain became so much larger (and the space in women’s pelvises became smaller as they walked more upright) that you needed to be born pre-maturely. That’s why babies in the first three months need to experience many womb-like things in order to be soothed (e.g. constant motion, white noise, etc.) Your “4th trimester” is now over, and you have certainly turned a corner.

You now sit on our laps and just check out the world (without needing to be rocked or bounced. By the way, have I told you about the yoga ball yet? Your Daddy and I (and many others who love you very much) have spent MANY an hour bouncing you on that big yoga ball. It worked like magic for you… soothed you almost immediately, often put you to sleep. We weren’t quite sure what to do when the ball wasn’t with us. 🙂 We both loved and hated that silly ball. (Then we read Harvey Karp’s “The Happiest Baby on the Block,” and we got many other really good strategies… Great book!)

Anyway, I digress. Today is your 3-month birthday! You are so long and healthy. People say you have filled out nicely. At your last doctor’s appointment (May 26), she said you were 50% for weight (11 lbs) and 75% for length (21 in. I think). You left with Daddy to go to Ms. Kristin’s today to play with the other kids. I hope you have a wonderful day! We’ll celebrate more when you get home tonight.

This is a picture from yesterday:
3 months old

Happy Birthday Miss Maya! You Daddy & I love you oh so much,

Daycare Day 1

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Dearest Little Peanut –

We just dropped you off at Ms. Kristin’s for your first day of daycare. (I cried… it was very hard to leave you there.) I think you know this already, but I love you with my whole heart! I wish I could spend my days with you, but right now Daddy is going to school to be a nurse, so I need to work. I enjoy working as well – it challenges me, and I grow in many different ways. I think it is really important for me to keep growing as a perosn not only so that I can be the best Mom for you and the best wife for Daddy, but so God can use me in the wonderful ways He does.

You looked so beautiful today. I think Ms. Kristin and her family (Mr. Tom, Matthew, Hannah and little Gregory) will be very dear friends over time. God has a wonderful way of making things turn out so much better than we could ever imagine!


p.s. The day went great! Ms. Kristin says that you are a totally chilled out baby. You were alert and happy, only “squacking” when you were hungry. Little Matthew (Ms Kristin’s son in the picture above) seems to have a little crush on you. He is 5 years old. Ms Kristin helped him hold you for a minute today.
One more sweet story from the day: This morning I brought Ms Kristin 5 bags of breast milk for the day (each containing 2 oz of milk). I stopped by at 11:30am to feed you myself and see how you were doing. You had already drunk 4 of the 5 bags!! When we were trying to figure out what to do next, I suggested that I would just take you home with me for the rest of the day. Ms Kristin immediately looked sad and said, “Really? But she just got here!” I said, “I guess I could go home and bring back more milk from the freezer.” She smiled big and said, “Yes, if you don’t mind, let’s do that!” Isn’t it GREAT that she loves to spend time with you too?!?! You ended up drinking 15 oz of milk while at her house! I think you’re in the midst of a 3 mo growth spurt. Thursday is your 3-month birthday, you know.

Love you Sweetie!
Your Mommy