Another First: Formula

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Hey Baby Girl Tatemann –

Today marks another first. Tonight you tried your first taste of formula. The doctor said you received the majority of the nutritional value of breastmilk in the first 4 months – You are now 41/2 months old, and we started cereal a week or so ago, so we thought it might be time.


You started drinking, stopped, looked at the nipple with a strange expression, paused, and then started drinking. You adapted quite quickly.

You are just awesome. Hopefully this formula stuff will help you sleep through the night…

I love you!!
Your Mommy

4 month pediatrician appt

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Hi little girl –

Today was a pretty eventful day! Grandpa Tatro is here visiting. You got to see your friends at playgroup today. And then we went to the doctors for your 4-month checkup.

Length: 25 in (75%)
Weight: 13 lb 14oz (55%)

4 mnth appt

Clean bill of health – doing everything you should be doing: holding your head up; using both hands to grab and manipulate toys; smiling and cooing… When I asked whether the gospel choir might be hurting your ears, she said no, keep going. When I asked if there was anything I can do to help you sleep (you’re getting up 4 times a night to eat) and help me make more milk (you’re getting up 4 times a night to eat 😉 ), Dr. Brown said it might be time to try some rice cereal! She said the first few times will just be helping you learn how to eat something off of a spoon and swallow. If you like it, after a week or so, we can try other kinds of cereal. If that goes well, we can start fruits & veggies. How fun! I’m not sure if I’M ready for this transition, but I’ll give it a shot…

SOOOO, the most exciting event of the day was your first attempt at eating cereal.

Other interesting news of the day: you got 3 more immunizations (cried for only a minute, and this time Mommy didn’t cry – just held you tight). Dr. Brown gave us a letter saying she is moving to Massachusetts… very sad! She is AWESOME and we will certainly miss her!!

beth brown

So grateful you are healthy and strong, Peanut!


4 Month B-day!

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Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Little Peanut
Happy Birthday to you!

Today you are 4 months old! I got to spend the WHOLE day with you! It rocked! We went garage-saling in the morning… (you made so many people smile, even after you fell asleep in the baby bjorn). We came home, played a little while, and then we took a nap together. It was so very nice. We listened to the thunderstorms… they don’t seem to scare you at all. We met Daddy for church at 5pm – it was almost unbearably hot in church tongiht – no air conditioning, 86 degrees outside (hotter inside) and 100% humidity… yikes! but church was great as always. Came home and everyone ate dinner including you. Daddy took you for a little walk, and then you and I took a bath together. This picture was from your bath:

I tell everyone who asks (and some who don’t) how you have made EVERY aspect of my life better! On this your birthday, thank you for giving me such wonderful gifts – all your big smiles, your giggles, the tight way you squeeze my finger, your chatter, the way you help me keep my priorities straight, our walks around the block, the people I’ve met because of you, my lessons in how to be more efficient, how much closer Daddy and I are because of you, how I see God in you and connect with Him more, the way Daddy & I try even harder to be better people because of and for you, your honest reactions to life like when you get your face wet in the bath, did I mention your giggle?, the way we snuggle together for a nap, our precious feeding times (even at 4am). I’m sure there are many more things… Thank You Little Miss Maya. You are the most wonderful blessing!

You are the little girl I’ve always dreamed of
I knew it from the start
I saw your face, and
That’s the last I’ve seen of my heart!

I think you gave me my first hug tonight – it was WONDERFUL! I will treasure the memory always.

Happy Birthday Peanut!
All our love,
*Mommy & Daddy

grabbing and rolling

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Hey peanut!

Guess what? This past weekend you started grabbing toys with BOTH hands and bringing them to your mouth! It’s so much fun watching you grow and learn new things! Ms Kristin was quite impressed this morning when you showed off your new skills. Today is the first day I brought your toys to daycare…

You have also MASTERED the art of rolling from your belly to your back! Nice work!
rolling1 rolling4

Celebrating you with so much love,
*Your Mommy

Congrats Grandma & Grandpa

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Today we are at your Grandma & Grandpa Luehmann’s house in Minnesota. Holy Cross School & Church is hosting a retirement celebration for them, and we are all here to join in the festivities: Uncle Mark & Aunt Bi, Uncle Hakon & Auntie Amy and little cousin Elisabeth.

Here is a picture of you and Grandma & Grandpa…. they woke up with you every morning and loved it! My cheeks hurt I smiled so much these past few days. The highlight was watching Grandma give you a bath – we all giggled so much!
Now Grandma & Grandpa will have more time to come see you! Isn’t that the BEST?!?!

I love you Peanut!


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Originally uploaded by April Luehmann.

Happy 4th of July, Peanut…

Here you are in red, white & blue. We didn’t get to watch the fireworks this year, as you were already sound asleep… but we will… no worries.

When you woke up this morning and I got to hold you, I told your Daddy that EVERY day feels like Christmas with the 2 of you. I love you so much!

Happy Dreams,