Trick or Treat

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Well Peanut – You are sound asleep after a fabulous night!

Mommy, Daddy and our little Lady Bug went out for her first trick-or-treating tonight. Both Daddy’s and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much! We visited all the neighbors we know: Joe & Martha, Susie, Larry & Kathy, Mike & Jenny, Susie & Tim, Sonia & David, Anthony & Michelle, MJ, the college girls, and Alan (Laura was in the basement). Everyone was so happy to see you!

You “flew” around smiling and giggling. You picked out the candy from everyone’s bowl, and we helped you put it in your bag.




susie small


Yesterday we went to the Strong Museum’s Family Halloween Party. What a wonderful family day it was!


What a wonderful family adventure!! Thanks for bringing so much joy into our lives!!

We love you,
*Mommy & Daddy


a new place to hang out

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Hey there Peanut –

Today you are spending the day with Ms Debbie and Mr Scott. (Miss Kristin’s son Gregory is very sick.) When I dropped you off you looked so happy!! I’m so glad. I love that you have such an wonderful place to be when Ms Kristin isn’t able to take care of you. (Thank you Ms Debbie from the bottom of our hearts!)

I have no doubt they will take VERY good care of you!! I only wish that I could spend the day with you too. But I will see you soon… just a couple more hours.

I love you Little One!

my theory

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Hey there Peanut –

Well, you haven’t exactly been your cheerful self lately. I have a theory. I expect we will all see the arrival of your first tooth VERY soon. I’m sorry you’re in a bit of pain, but you are QUITE the trooper.

And I have to say, I feel TOTALLY blessed to be the one who gets to hold you and calm you when you are sad. You are such a priceless treasure, Beautiful. I am so thankful to be with you through these milestones. You rock!

I love you!


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Hey Beautiful!

Today was a big day in the Tatemann household… especially for you! Today was your first day wearing shoes! 🙂 You like to bounce in this doorway jumper thing. You push off of the floor and jump and jump and jump and giggle and jump. Shoes gave you much better traction. 🙂


We also purchased two new car seats for a bigger little Miss Maya. You are no longer in the infant seat! Isn’t that crazy?!?! My baby is growing up! We went to the pediatricians on Friday for a diaper rash and flu shot, and while we were waiting, I weighed you. You already weigh 17 lbs 12 oz!! You are growing so much every day! I know because I have to trim your finger nails about every other day!


We had a fabulous morning this morning. Once you woke up, you snuggled up in bed with your Daddy and me. We all giggled and played for an hour or more. It was such a special time. They were the stuff dreams are made of. Thank you for all the joy you bring into our lives Little One!

We love you to pieces!

7-months already!!

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Happy Birthday Peanut!

Can you believe it?!? You are 7 months old already?!? You are so long… everyone comments on how long you are and how healthy you look. I agree. I think you are absolutely beautiful! Your smile captures our hearts and makes us laugh out loud many times a day…

7 month picture

7 mnth little

jumping little

Our Tatemann Family adventure today was hanging out with the Ball family. We watched the animated film, Robots. Both Mark and Leslie LOVED holding and playing with you.

Hope you enjoyed your birthday as much as we did! We love you to pieces Little One,


Our Nature Girl

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Morning Peanut –

This picture is from a few weeks ago, but it captures one of your passions… You are our nature girl!! You LOVE trees and grass and being outdoors! The temperature is starting to drop a bit, so we have to bundle up a bit more but I’m guessing it won’t matter. We will still go for long walks and enjoy God’s BEAUTIFUL world!!


Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch with our playgroup! We had such a great time! Here are some pictures from the event!
baby gord
pumpkin baby

Love you Sweet Peanut,

Far too long

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Hey there Peanut –

I have been thinking about writing you every day for the past few weeks, and it has been far too long since I have written you. Yesterday I had to go to work before you woke up. I stood by your crib and watched you sleep for the longest time (secretly hoping you would wake up). As I walked down the hall of my office, my heart ached! Isn’t that nuts? All because I couldn’t start my day with a hug from you!

I love you to pieces little one. I canNOT believe you are almost 7 months old already.



Do you know that I smile so much more every day because of you? (As do many, many other people) You totally rock!

Good night Sweet Pea,