doggie doggie

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doggie doggie

You LOVE your two dogs, Macy & Jake. Every morning when you wake up and every day after you come home, you immediately want to go see them. With a huge smile and a little finger pointing, you enthusiastically say “doggie. doggie. doggie. doggie. doggie.”

what a day!

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summerfest 5
summerfest 7
summerfest 8
I just wrote Grandma this email descriping our fantastic day together! I love you Peanut!

Maya and I had a FANTASTIC day together today! We went to church, then to see Aunt Judi in the hospital, stopping by a playground for a bit first. Adam stopped up to see us while we were there (He is working from 6:30am – 8pm). We came home and ate lunch, took a nap, cleaned the house a bit, and then headed off to meet our friend Tracy at the Fairport Summerfest. Maya looked a bit overwhelmed at first, but she came into her own soon enough. Clowns made her balloons, she danced to live music, we blew all kinds of bubbles, she ate a WHOLE hotdog and dumped a bottle of water down her front. We made a little sand art that served to hold her helium balloon down nicely. It was quite a little walk to and from the park, and we had so much fun that we are both quite dead. She went down for the night with giggles though. She SO melts my heart almost constantly. So much blessing in such a Wee being.

you and me kid!

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Hey there – Well, Daddy has started working his 12 hours shifts. He is gone from 6:30am to 8pm, sometimes on weekends. Last Sunday was our first such weekend day together… and it was SUCH a fantastic time!!

We started by picking up Jimmiqua and taking her to chuch with us. You and I sang a couple of the Gospel Choir songs (the oldies but goodies), and you sat on my lap through the whole sermon. 🙂 After the sermon, we played in the daycare room with the other kids. We arrived just in time for snack.

After chuch, we came home to find our neighbors, Hannah and Timmy, selling lemonade on their front lawn. Hannah was wearing a big, bright pink straw hat she got from the dollar store. Though church had run quite long (2 hours!), and we were running late for lunch, we just had to go visit! You wore Hannah’s big hat and tried to ride Timmy’s scooter. : ) What a trip you are! We told them we weren’t sure what we were going to do that afternoon, and they suggested a little-known local camp that had a pool and spraypark. It sounded perfect, and it was!!

After your nap, we headed out on our adventure! What a great time we had! This camp is our new favorite hanging out place. And it is free for YMCA members. We met such wondeful people while we were there. Here are a few pictures from our day:
maya n me1
maya me 2
water cans

When we got home, we had dinner and crashed. You and I snuggled up together while you had your milk, giggling some and otherwise just resting. We stopped down to tell Hannah and Timmy THANK YOU for their great recommendation, and off to bed you went. What a fantastic day!!!

Thank you! I will treasure these memories forever! Love you Peanut

star birthday girl

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Sunday you were 16 months old on the 16th!

Happy Birthday Peanut Butter!

We spent the afternoon at Aunt Judi and Uncle Jim’s cabin… Great time was had by all. You were the first one in the lake… you couldn’t wait! You are definitley a swimmer. You also played with Joey N’s puppy Taos and CJ’s dog Maddie. Joe gave you a bowl of wild berries, and you thoroughly enjoyed them, coating your face, arms, fingers and Mommy’s leg with the pink stain. We looked silly, and everyone giggled. You and I had to take another dip in the lake to get cleaned off!

You played with Monica, Auntie Judi and Uncle Jim. Ashook gave you many pieces of bread and a few more berries. You watched Madieu and Gabe intensely as they wrestled and jumped off the pier. I think you wanted to join them! 😉 You ate everything under the sun while we there: peaches, pineapple, apples, organges, macaroni, olives, crackers, chees, peas, blueberries… What a wonderful day! Thanks Auntie Judi and Uncle Jim! You rock!

Yesterday was Mommy and Daddy’s anniversary. Know what we did? We took you to the Strong Museum and to Brighton Pool for an after-dinner swim. You jumped into the pool all by yourself. We all had a ball! Best anniversary to date!

our busy day

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Yesterday was a busy day for all of us!

Daddy and I got out of work 15 minutes early, and we met at daycare to pick you up. The three of us headed off to the Strong Museum. They allowed members to have a sneak preview of their $37 million expansion. Wow! What a great job they did!

There are now SO MANY more things for a wee one such as yourself to play with! Here are some pictures of our adventures:

A Fantastic Carousel Ride


Big Checkers!


Harry Potter Chess

Connect 4

Big Connect 4

Hoola Hoops

Hoola Hoops

Note for future reference: perhaps swim lessons at the end of such a day is a bit much for all of us. 😉 You fell asleep in your stroller on the way home…

What a fabulous day!

our new swing set

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We now have a swing set (hand-me-down from our sweet neighbors), sand box and sand-and-water table…. Now all we need is a Grandma and Grandpa to come and play!!! An Aunt, Uncle and/or Cousin would be great too!!

swing set 2

The Swing Set


I love to slide!!

swing set

Neighbor friends come to play with their Grandma

Swinging with Daddy

Swinging with Daddy

sandbox small

The Sand Box

sand and water table

What a great water table – Thanks Orlando!

Our little fish

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You are loving the water! You have already had your second swim lesson.
swim take1
swim 2 take2
swim take 4

This past weekend Daddy and I took you to the neighborhood pool. We had a blast. Daddy chased you and me, and we giggled and giggled and giggled!
family swim

I love you Peanut

Been meaning to write…

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Hey there Peanut –

I’ve been meaning to write. We have had quite a week!

Last Sunday, we played outside in our backyard all morning. Our neighbor down the street is moving, and she gave us her swing set. Your Daddy (I helped just a little) took it down and moved it down the block to our house on Saturday. The next morning, you and I played in the sandbox,
sandbox small
while Daddy reassembled it, building new pieces for different parts to make the structure stronger. We had SUCH a great morning. We also played with the hose,
and helped Daddy when he needed it.
building 1
building 2

After lunch we headed down to Auntie Judi and Uncle Jim’s cabin on Canandagua Lake. What a fantastic day we had! Here are some picture highlights!

Hanging out with Judi

Hanging with Aunti Judi

karen and pie2
karen and pie

Karen and Miss Maya share a piece of pie. Sharing is ALWAYS better!

save me from myself

“Save me from myself!” Ashook and Judi protect Maya from a hot chili pepper. She keeps them on their toes!

family paddle boat

Family time in the paddle boat (Our second such ride. We first took a family paddle boat ride at the mountain cabin for Laura and Alan’s wedding.)

ethan and maya

Water balloons with Ethan

water balloons
water balloons2

Water balloons are fun!


Hanging out with Ashook

fun day

What a fun day we had!