1st day of fall

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This is how we celebrated and welcomed the first day of fall this past weekend. I’m telling you, Peanut, EVERYTHING is more fun with you!!

Gro Moore Farms
# 15,000 sq ft Greenhouse of Beautiful Plants, Annuals, Perennials
# Garden Features, Including Tools, Fountains, Gazebos, Fertilizers
# Farm Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Pick Your Own Strawberries
# Jellies, Preserves, Butters, Dressings, Mixes, and Pickled Specialties
# 20 Flavors of Creamy and Rich Fudges
# Special Farm Fun Activities/Special Events for the Whole Family
# Huge Fall Festival: Pumpkin Hollow, Haunted Barn, Trike Maze, Hay Wagon Rides, Pumpkin Painting, Goat Hotel, Petting Zoo, and Much More.

Located at 2811 E. Henrietta Road (Route 15 a) in Henrietta, New York


goat feeding2
goat feeding1


sliding dad
sliding mom


our saturday

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Hey Beautiful –

No big happenings today, but boy did we have fun!!

After snuggling and reading and eating some breakfast, you and I went down the street to see Roz, Katie and Collin. Katie shared her cereal with you, and Collin played and snuggled and giggled with you. Here are some pictures from that time:
collin tv
After that you and I took Jimmiqua shopping for some jeans for school. It was really fun to hang out with her… It has been far too long.

Then after lunch and a nap, you and I walked around the neighborhood a bit, and then ran some errands. We took our time in the store and played all along the way.

wheres miss maya

Where’s Miss Maya?

peek a boo
peek a boo2

There she is!!

car snack
After we got back, we put up a “Secret Castle Sleep Tent” and played some more. Daddy moved the recliner up to your room so we can rock and sing when you go to sleep. Bedtime is such a special time with you!

You bring so much JOY to my life, Peanut Butter. I love you to pieces.

and the doctor says…

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You’re perfect.

But we already knew that.

The sheet they gave us says, “Eighteen month olds are active and fast.”

We already knew that too.

We went for your 18 month appointment today, and you were, as Daddy said it, “Stellar.” Both the nurse practitioner, Leah, and your doctor, Dr. Shipley, raved about what an exceptional 18-month you are! They said that sometimes these appointments are tough because many kids have a hard time when a doctor moves into their personal space by checking out their eyes, ears, mouth and belly. But you sat calmly on my lap the whole time – intrigued by what they were doing. They kept commenting on how very secure you must feel… I almost cried.
dr shipley
heart rate
looking up

Everything checked out great. Your weight, height and head measurements are all about the 50%.
Height – 32 inches
Weight – 23 lb 15 oz
Head – 18 and 1/4 inches

You are saying a number of words, but we need to keep working on that. We also need to work on getting your teeth brushed at least once a day. (Wish us luck – you don’t seem to want to have your teeth brushed. Hmmm… Should be an adventure.)
You are right on track or better for all other developmental cues. The most important thing they consider is responsiveness, and you are definitely understanding and responding to what we say to you. That’s fantastic!

After we got your shot (DPT), we went across the street and had a little blood drawn for a lead test. You were great for all of these things! We are so proud of you, Little One!
And we are so grateful that you are growing up strong and healthy and beautiful and loving and peaceful. What an incredible blessing!!

I love you!

1 and a half already

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Happy Birthday Miss Maya!

On Saturday you turned 1.5 yrs old! The day was FULL of adventures… We started by cleaning Genesee Valley Park with a bunch of UR people and Wilson School people.
maya icc
After lunch and a nap, we all went swimming at the Y.
swimming with dad
Finally, we topped off the fantastic day by watching Michigan stomp on Notre Dame, and you said your first GO BLUE!! It came out as “Bo Blue,” but that is definitely close enough! Made my heart smile!
go blue1
go blue2
You are doing many new things – developing much stronger opinions about things. It’s so fun to be a part of!!

You say more words: baby, up, bo blue, juice, doggie, duck
You climb up on everything!
You sit still and pay attention for longer periods of time
You can buckle your own car seat – And BOY were you determined to learn that!
You wash your hands, turning on and off the faucet
You still LOVE being outside
You like to swing in the baby swing by yourself now.
You pull yourself up above the kitchen island to see what’s going on.
You are still a fantastic eater
You have been sleeping on a cot at daycare since you moved to the Linden room a week and a half ago.
You go to sleep at about 7:30pm each night and sleep straight through the night almost every night
You love playing with your friend Marlie
You love collecting rocks and sticks!

movin’ on up

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Hey there Peanut –

Today was your first “change of classrooms.” You are no longer in the infant classroom at daycare. You have 2 new teachers and a new classroom full of new toys, but the same great friends! You and your friends have definitely become toddlers!!

Another big FIRST for you – you slept on a cot today just like the older kids in your class!! They said you did great – went right to sleep!

You were also quoted for the sign on the wall of the classroom because they are logging new words they hear you and your friends say. You have been singing “Row, row, row your boat” a lot lately. Your teachers heard you singing it and wrote, “Maya: Row, Row” on the sign on the wall. (You and I knew that was old news, but they were excited.)

Here are some pictures from the day:

Eating breakfast

new teachers

Your new teachers

the day

The Day

You are in the Linden Room now:
“Lindens are some of the best shade trees and are ideally suited to home situations. Small, yellowish summer flowers are not showy, but are highly fragrant. Small, round seeds hang on an interesting leafy bract and persist well into winter.”
linden tree

The Linden Tree

linden leaf

The Linden Leaf

Daddy and I dropped you off and picked you up together. We are so proud to be your parents. We love you to pieces!