not the best experience

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but I was so glad I could be there with you.

cast removed2

Today you got your cast off. Everyone we talked to said, “it shouldn’t hurt.” I wonder if these people ever had a cast removed. The physicians assistant used a loud saw to cut through the cast in 3 places. I think it was hot, and the saw went through the material and burned a your leg a little. It was scary for you and for me. You held my face in your hands as you cried, petting my cheeks and looking into my eyes. I told him that he was hurting you, and he seemed to back off a little. It took much longer than any of us wanted it to, but then he was done.

We were called in for x-rays then. Your leg was still very sensitive from the removal, so that was a tough process too. Then the woman forgot to put your apron on you – I heard her say “taking picture” so I laid on top of you as fast as I could and said, “She doesn’t have an apron!” The woman’s response was, “Nice cover Mom.” Sigh. That’s not okay, Peanut. I know people make mistakes, and we need to be patient, but it’s really hard when it’s that important! And it’s YOU!

Sigh. So then we went back to the PA – He showed us the x-ray – told us that you would likley not be able to put weight on your right leg for a day or two – that you would need to be home with a lot of extra attention. You showed him. You were walking around the room about 3 minutes after he was done talking. He was amazed… said this never happens.

I took you to daycare and we played together for an hour or so. You did great using your leg. Ran to me and gave me a HUGE hug; climbed on the jungle gym and went down the slide; and played in the leaves. You were giggling and doing fine. You do not want anyone to touch that leg yet – when I do, even very gently, you cry. It hurts. But that, too, will be but a memory in no time.

And I am SOOOOO GRATEFUL that I trust Miss Becky and Miss Bonnie so much. You are in such great hands with them – They love you and take great care of you.
in good hands
in good hands2
2 feet

2 fully functional (non-purple) legs again!

God is good, Peanut. God is good.

I love you Sweet Pea.

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Okay – a quick recap of our last few days:

Last Thursday was the open house at your daycare. You and your best friend Marlie Moo ate lasagne together.

Auntie Amy sent us some FABULOUSLY fun clothes that used to be your cousin’s. You are so cute in your new Dora coat.
dora jacket

Both Grandma’s have been treating you to special presents lately.
halloween pkg1
pumpkin bag
You can not get enough reading time lately! And this is our FAVORITE new coat from Elisa. Thanks Elisa!
reading one
We hung out this morning with Marlie and her Mom – Great time as usual!
reading1 leslie
reading4 leslie

And in the afternoon we went to the Rocheser Museum & Science Center with Mark, Leslie, Molly, Riley and Sade!! What a ball! Then we all came back to our house for pizza and wings and a little Veggie Tales. 🙂
hanging with molly

And tonight marks the last night with your cast! You did such a GREAT job with it. I’m actually quite nervous of the mischief you will get into without your cast. 😉
last day with cast
I love you Baby Girl Tatemann!

what a day!

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I guess I have titled one of your previous blog posts with the same title, but it just fits too well not to use it today too.

Well, your Mommy, Daddy and you have all been fighting some version of the crud these past 2 weeks – It’s almost comical how much we have been coughing and wiping runny noses lately. Thankfully, Friday, you came out of it with a big smile on your face and a giggle in your talk. You haven’t coughed much at all the past couple of days! YEA!! (However, Mommy has gotten a bit worse over that time – I had a 101.7 temp on Saturday, and coughed more and more… anyway, I got medicine today so I’m sure I’ll be better soon.)

Today, Daddy headed to work, and I got up to take you to daycare and head off to a meeting with hopes of seeing my doctor later in the day. At 11am, daycare called to say that something happened in the large muscle room when you were playing, but they couldn’t figure out what happened. Nothing dramatic. But all of a sudden, you couldn’t stand on your foot anymore. You could sit and play and you were just fine, but you couldn’t bear weight on your right foot.

We waited until after you nap to see if things changed, but they didn’t. You still couldn’t walk on your right foot. Daddy picked you up from daycare and took you to the doctor’s.

They x-rayed your foot and didn’t find a clear sign of a break, but they did see a narrow shadow next to your tibia (one of your lower leg bones). They couldn’t tell if that was just a shadow, a vein, or what they called a “toddler fracture.” I guess it is somewhat common that toddlers can turn just so and fracture a bone because you are still growing and thus are rather fragile. Anyway, they don’t like to take any chances with little people like you, so they immediately fit you for a cast.

Now you have a pretty purple shoe – okay, maybe boot – for the next 2 weeks. Sigh. You had a little bit of a time trying to figure out why we wouldn’t take that thing off for you:

But you quickly adjusted. You have already learned how to move your leg in that thing so you can walk, make cool noises on the wall of your crib, and get Mommy to kiss your toes.
Oh, and by the way, you also show the beginning signs of an ear infection in both ears, so you started on an antibiotic with Mommy today. As I began to worry about how hard it might be for you during the next two weeks, I saw another little girl, just a little younger than you, who was facing much bigger challenges, and I realized how VERY blessed we are!! God will turn, even this, into good. He’s good that way. You just wait and see!

Daddy took his girls out for dinner and ice cream.

Then you and I had quite a gigglefest tonight before bed. I think we were both feeling quite blessed and well loved.

God is good.

Sleep well Peanut. We love you!
*Mommy and Daddy

Another Fall Adventure

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Today Jimmiqua, you and I went to another Farm Market! We walked through the most amazing teepees, played in the pumpkins, petted some sheep, ate some concord grapes, and went on a haunted hayrack ride!! And, when we thought the fun was over…

Here is some info on the place – It really is FANTASTIC!! We’ll have to take friends and family when they come to visit! Thanks for being such a fantastic reason to get to know our community, Peanut! You are a blessing in so many, many ways! I love you.

Power Farm Market
Powers grows fresh produce and makes jams and jellies, all for sale at their farm store, where they also sell gifts and knick-knacks. For Halloween celebration and harvest’s end, they deck the store and fields with corn-husk [wikipedia]tipis and hundreds of creatively carved Jack-o-Lanterns.

Teepees Awake – The famous teepees on the front lawn of Powers are now open to the general public. Inside holds the ghosts of countless beings yearning to get out but are trapped inside! Bring your kids to see this haunting attraction. Alongside a field of pumpkins, it will surely be a time to remember. Enjoy!


We were walking around, enjoying our time, and LOOK WHO WE SAW!!!
What a WONDERFUL surprise!
Your Beach Room teacher, Missy and her husband and son!!
What a treat!
When you saw her, you RAN to her with BIIG outstretched arms and a HUUUGE smile!


So, we had our own little photo shoot:
missyjack lennon

What a wonderful day, huh?

apple picking with friends on a beautiful fall day

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Apple Farm
1640 State Route 444
Victor, NY 14564
(585) 924-3420

Look forward to going every fall with family. Great, and I mean great prices on you pick apples. Excellent variety of apples. Tractor gives rides to/from orchards. Also have picked apples, apple cider, candies apples, and donuts available for purchase. Friendly and helpful staff. Five Stars! Plenty of parking. You can bring your own bags/containers or buy bags for a minimal price.

This was somebody’s enthusiastic review on the web – I think, we would agree – 5 stars! Can’t wait to go back!
apple picking1
a p2