2 year old appointment

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Today was your two-year old doctor’s appointment.

You are right on track!

Weight: 26.8 pounds
Height: 33.75 inches
Head size: 47.75 inches
2 year old 5
2 year old 7
2 year old 4
2 year old 3

You stood by the wall to have your height measured like a BIG Girl!! And you were so great about letting the physician’s assitant listen to your heart, check out your ears, and look in your mouth.

The only big changes include a switch from whole milk to skim, drinking more out of a big girl cup, and a bedtime routine that involves a slightly more limited amount of Mommy/Daddy snuggle time so you can do it by yourself.

You are growing up BEAUTIFULLY!! Nice work!
2 year old 1
2 year old 2

off the beaten path…

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One thing I absolutely LOVE about you is that you simply will not be limited by the path – I’m not even sure you see the path. When we went to the park on Saturday, you immediately climbed the hills, found the snow piles, threw leaves and played with sticks.


You also greeted everyone we met with a smile and a “Hello!”
eating out
Let’s see… other things you are doing these days.
You answer the question, “How old are you?” with a sweet “Two!” and two fingers (most of the time).
Tonight, after some snuggling time, you said “Rock-a-Baby.” I picked you up and took you to the rocking chair. Within a half of a song, you were out.
You are singing along to songs and finishing verses in your favorite books.
grocery shopping
You say the phrase, “more please”: “mo-ah pease!”
You still love to be outdoors more than anywhere else.
Your term for endearment for me is Mom e ah… It’s very sweet. You only use it when you are playing with me.
You are enamoured by the moon. You look for it every night, and you get giddy every time you see it. We jump up and try to grab it and you giggle and giggle. You are amazed that it is by church when we come out from choir practice AND it is our house by the time we drive home!!! When we go in, you say “Night night Moon.” You are convinced that the moon is sleeping. It’s all very sweet.
Today I bought a backpack for you from a consignment sale. You LOVEd it. You shouted in the neighborhood – “Ride, Mommy’s backpack!!” We hiked around the block, and Daddy & Macy joined us. As did the moon.

I love you Baby Girl,

more your day than patty’s

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Today we continued our celebration of your birthday… We had a VERY busy day!

We started by heading over to Aunti Judi’s and Uncle Jim’s for a photo shoot – A New York Times phonotogrpher took pictures of our friend Laura taking pictures of you. They are doing a story on amateur photographers. The story is expected to appear in the business section of Sunday’s paper… we’ll have to keep an eye out.
photo shoot3
photo shoot2
photo shoot1

As a bonus, the St Patrick’s Day parade went right down the street outside Judi & Jim’s new home. We got to watch it from their balcony!! You loved waving to everyone… so much so that you continued to wave to everyone you saw on our drive home! 🙂
st pats day parade
st pats day parade2
st pats day parade3

When you woke up from your nap, your house was full of people here to celebrate your birthday! We had a wonderful time finger painting…
finger painting 1
finger painting 2
finger painting 3
finger painting 4
And eating pizza and ice cream cake…
birthday party1
birthday party3
Opening presents…
birthday party5
And laughing!!
birthday party2
birthday party4
birthday party6
You openend a gift box from your Grandparents Tatro – how fun! We watched your new Elmo video and headed to bed. After a half hour of snuggles, you crashed.

Can you tell from the pictures that you had a wonderful day?!? Like Daddy said, I think this special time with your friends was the best present we could give you!
I love you Peanut Butter!

Happy Day Baby!

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Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday our Miss Maya!
Happy Birthday to you!

You had wonderful phone calls and greetings from so many people who love you to pieces!! As one example, Mark and Bi sang you a wonderful birthday serenade/cheer in Portugese.

What a wonderful day we had together! Let’s see… here are the highlights:

1. Mango for breakfast and present-opening from Grandma & Grandpa and Auntie Amy and family…
reading birthday
froggie birthday girl
2. Playtime with your friends at daycare
maya ball
baby in a box

baby in a box

3. I brought in all the fixings to make homemade mini-pizzas as a celebratory lunch. Daddy made the dough last night. Thank you Daddy!

[We had a practice round for the pizza-making last Sunday – What a great time! Check out our first family homemade pizza:
pizza daddy5
pizza daddy4
pizza daddy2
pizza daddy1

4. After a good 2-hour nap, Daddy and I picked you up, and we all went swimming at the YMCA. We had the WHOLE pool to ourselves! We giggled and played and had an awesome time!

5. After quick baths, we went to Friendly’s for your birthday dinner: mac & chees, “franks,” applesauce, corn, pear and milk. And, of course, ice cream!
Many times today, people asked you hold old you are. You proudly said “TWO!” and held up one finger. At dinner, you practiced holding up two fingers. It was so wonderful to watch you work so hard to learn:
two 1
two 2

6. Then, since we were in the neighborhood, we decided to stop by Barnes & Noble to play with the choo choo train and see if they had the new VeggieTales lullibye CD. They DID! And it was much cheaper than we expected. AAAND it happended to be STORYTIME! You sat in the middle of the stage until it got started… The 20-30 people sitting around the stage looking up and you didn’t seem to bother you. I think you are going to be one fantastic public speaker!
story time

We got to hear two readers read two stories:
Pirates Don’t Change Diapers
by Melinda Long, David Shannon (Illustrator)
pirates dipaers

Bubble Bath Pirates
by Jarrett Krosoczka
pirates bubble bath
And we sang songs!
And we made a treasure map!

7. We came home and read some of your new books, listened to your new nighttime CD, and crashed!

What a WONDERFUL day!

on the eve…

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tonight you are still my sweet little one-year old. Tomorrow you are 2. Strange, huh? Who decided that it should be so exact? so precise? I’m not a big fan of birthdays, by the way… at least I’m not such a fan of the label – “2 year old” or “forty year old” or whatever. It shouldn’t matter as much as it does. You are you… and you are developmentally exactly where you should be. Your birthday does give us license to CELEBRATE YOU – I love that part!!

I just came down from snuggling with you while you were sleeping. Have I told you lately how much I love being your Mom? I truly do.

These are my words of “wisdom” for the tonight – You get to choose who you give power to in your life, Baby Girl… People can’t truly hurt you unless you give them persmission. I certainly encourage you to be in relationships with all kinds of people – and be in them fully. However, that said, be careful to give that “power” only to people you respect and trust. People who share similar vision and values with you. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll still get blindsighted sometimes, and it will hurt, but that is energy that is worth giving…because people we love and respect and admire will still hurt us. We are imperfect souls, and we all make mistakes. I just don’t want you to waste your precious, beautiful and wonderful energy and spirit on being angry at or healing hurts from decisions made by people whose opinion you don’t really respect.

On the eve of your birthday, I get to again reflect on the JOY you have brought in my life. It hasn’t all been easy – balancing everything. But I would not trade my life with you for the WORLD! You inspire me to be a better person; you make me look at my world differently, you bring SO much laughter to my day, you challenge me to grow. Thank you for being so wonderfully you!!

peanut butter

A quick story or two – you love to be naked. Tonight you were running away from me, stark naked, wearing only your Easter bonnet. (I should’ve taken a picture!) I laughed and laughed and you did too. Which reminds me of bedtime two nights ago – we were both BEAT after getting home from Gospel Choir practice late. We had read books and brushed teeth, and we were trying to calm down to fall asleep and we both got the giggles – it was infectious!! I think we laughed outloud for 10 minutes!! Belly laughs. What a PERFECT way to end a day!

I love you Peanut Butter – forever….

wow! it’s been forever!

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I’m sorry Peanut – it’s been FAR too long since I’ve written to you. It certainly isn’t because you havne’t given me a TON to write about! I actually write these notes to you in my head every day – as I’m driving to work, as I’m watching you sleep, as I’m giggling with you on the floor, as I’m sharing a bowl of oatmeal and “bula-beries” with you. : )

maya attitude
maya not sure
We had the most wonderful weekend last weekend… Here is a quick recap:
We had a fun day on Saturday, starting with a hike on what they call a Bird Song trail in a nearby park. You bring bird seed, hold out your hand, and the chickadees eat RIGHT OUT OF YOUR HAND!! I was holding you in one arm and a foot away from you, little chickadees were perched on my other hand eating!! You were so excited she yelled “Chick A Dee!!” We turned to look down the trail we just hiked on and, no lie, there were 4-5 squirrels, 2 bright red beautiful cardinals and a number of little chickadees eating the food we dropped in the snow as we walked. You could hear the woodpeckers doing their thing… It was truly magical!!
weekend chickadee1
weekend chickadee3
weekend chickadee4
weekend chickadee5
After that we stopped by a building at the head of that trail where they keep injured birds of prey. We met Barf the turkey vulture and learned that he was given his name because turkey vultures’ defense mechanism is to throw up what they’ve eaten, and I guess that smells absolutely horrendous. (Thankfully, Barf wasn’t threatened by us… whew). We met a bald eagle, a screech owl and a number of other very interesting birds!! Very cool!!!
weekend chick maya1
weekend chick maya3
weekend chick maya4
weekend chick maya5

After nap, we headed over to our friends Jeff & Martha’s house who also have a 2-year old… You were so wonderful with your new friend!! You shared toys, you looked out for her, you picked upa couple of her manerisms… just precious. Uncle Jim and Aunti Judi joined us for dinner and play.

Sunday, I met Jimmiqua (my little sister in the BBBS program) for breakfast, and she joined Daddy and youfor church. Jimmiqua volunteers in the nursery which is both great for her and you. I am working on a big paper deadline of next week… 4 papers due on Monday.

This is what you do when I ask you to smile (you totally crack me up!):
maya smile

Okay – I’m going to get some pictures posted before getting back to my crazy papers. Thank you for being so many of the “HIGHS” of my days! All day, I look forward to when I get to see you next; – you are the most WONDERFUL alarm clock anyone could ever have (“Mama?”); I love sharing breakfasts with you – yogurt, oatmeal, juice, kiwis and bula-berries – while watching “George;” we are dancing queens when fun music comes on, whether its on the tv or in the kitchen – you are the best dancing partner ever; you MELT my heart when I come home after you and you are so excited to see me you can’t contain yourself – your legs kick and kick and you giggle and giggle!
maya personality

You are everything that I pray you will grow up to be: strong, smart, beautiful on the inside and out, daring, fiesty, confident, empathetic, caring, tender.

maya growing up