your first haircut…ever

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okay, well it was just a trim

but it seems like a big deal… so here are some pictures from the event.

Your best friend, Siobhan, Daddy Jim and I took you after we went to see the play, “Stuart Little.” Tanya cut your hair and did a great job – it’s much healthier now.

I love watching you grow Peanut – it is so fun.






end of the year report

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Well Baby Girl – It’s the end of the year and I’ve survived a very crazy semester. It’s the first semester that I had to do a VERY full load of work while taking care of you pretty much on my own. Of course, Daddy Jim helps when he can, but I needed to try to figure much of it out on my own. On top of that, I needed to turn in a VERY BIG packet of materials called my tenure portfolio to demonstrate that I have been effective in my job over the past six years and should be able to continue. ANNNNND we sold our house and moved this past semester in addition to taking a number of trips to Israel, Ohio and Minnesota.

All of this to say, I haven’t done the best job in keeping up with you blog. I will try to catch up now and do much better in 2009.

Let’s see – major events since Halloween include:
* Thanksgiving in Ohio with both Daddy’s family and Daddy Jim’s family.
* Your first sleep-over at a friend’s house (Siobhan’s) and at your house (with Siobhan)
* Your class fieldtrip to see the Nutcracker
* Baking days with Siobhan and friends and then later with Auntie Judi and Uncle Jim
* Finding and decorating our Christmas tree with Madeline, Daniel and Daddy Jim
* Christmas time in Minnesota with Oma & Opa, Uncle Mark, Auntie Biance & Niklas, and Auntie Amy & Elsiabeth