“But Mama….”

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So here is a funny story –

2 nights ago, Daddy Jim and I awoke at 3:30am in a painfully startling manner – to a BAT flying around our bedroom!!!! Sigh. I now know MUCH more about how harmless (in general) bats can be, what a VERY IMPORTANT thing it is to CATCH and save a bat you find flying around your bedroom, and what the county regulations are for getting vaccinated after such an event (i.e. Daddy Jim and I have to, but you, Madeline, Daniel and Grandma Judy are THANKFULLY off the hook).


Anyway, we are guessing our little friend joined us by way of the open chimney. The person we will pay $900 to secure our home from future adventures can’t come to our house until Saturday, so until then, we need plan B. After you went to bed last night, we moved the couch in front of the fireplace and lined the whole opening with blankets…. Our living room looks quite a bit different – a bit messy and in disarray…

When you woke up this morning, you groggily walked down the stairs… I scooped you up like i always do, and you nuzzled your little head into my neck. (I have the AMAZING gift of getting to snuggle with you almost EVERY day!! A gift I never forget to totally treasure.) I walk with you over to the newly-placed couch and sit down. You slowly pick up your head and look around – trying to figure out what happend to our living room… after a good 30+ seconds, you look at me most sincerely and say…

“But Mama, how will Santa get in?”

“don’t want to miss even one song”

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Stephen Curtis Chapman sings a beautiful song called “Cinderella.” It makes me cry every time I hear it. It’s message is this “Treasure EVERY minute you have with your beautiful little girl.”

I so do – at least I do my best.

Do you know how I GOT TO START MY DAY TODAY?!!? You won’t believe it!! I am SOO Blessed.

After playing and eating and singing and giggling with you, I gave you a kiss goodbye at daycare, and Marlie yells “Me too!” So I got a slimy watermellon kiss on my cheek from Marlie. Then, you guessed it, Olivia says, “Me too!!” ANOTHER slimy watermelon kiss!! And then Kennedy and all the rest of your friends… ending with Natalie.

You ran to the door and gave me one more sweet, slimy watermelon kiss! It doesn’t get any better than this!

watermelon 1

watermelon 2
(These pictures were taken at our home a couple weeks ago, but the watermelon kisses reminded me of them.)

I love being your Mom, Peanut!

(p.s. I told a random guy about the wonderful start to my day at the coffee shop on the way to work, and he gave me an “ewww” look and directed me to the bathroom to wash my cheek. I don’t think he gets how wonderful slimy watermelon kisses can be.)

may 31 – a pretty random family day

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Hey Baby Girl –

I’m trying to play catch-up, so here are some pictures from a pretty random family day.

After church, we all went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. Then Madeline joined you and me for “Pinkalicious,” a musical based on the famous book. The actors are professional, off-broadway performers. They are always very good – today was no exception. Before the play started, Madeline re-read the book to you. At intermission, they sold VERY LARGE, VERY PINK cupcakes – neither you nor Madeline could finish yours 🙂 (which was fine with me!)

madeline reads2



end of play

THEN… we joined up with the guys and headed over to the Strong National Museum of Play – CLEARLY a great time for all!! It was Madeline, Daniel and Daddy Jim’s first time there since the renovation… so none of them had experienced the butterflies before – What a GREAT blessing to have in our town!

you and marlie

We just happened to bump into Marlie and her Mom as they were headed out… just time for one quick ride.



museum 2

museum 3

museum 4

museum 6

museum 5

museum 7

museum 8

museum 9

museum 10
You’re dancing with Daddy Jim… can you tell?
Museum 11museum 12
Madeline had hurt her ankle… she’s all better now…
museum 13

Memorial Day weekend – way back in May

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Okay – looking back to Memorial Day weekend (around May 23rd I think) – Daddy, Grandma and Papa took you to a family wedding in Connecticut… Here are some pictures from your time there! It’s clear you had a blast as did they!! Again, you bring JOY everywhere you go!

grandma and papa

daddy and you

the tatro family



Instead of going to the reception, Daddy, Grandma & Papa took you to the PLAYGROUND!! Do they rock or what?!?!?!

swining you

daddy and me on playground 1



grandma swinging

group swinging


the bridesmaid

And while you were away, we headed to Letchworth Park to watch an amazing thing – a major hot air balloon launch! It was really fascinating…






We really missed you!!

treasuring you…

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“I’m four (holding up four fingers). But I’m about to get five.”
When someone asks you how old you are, this is your standard response.

Four is SUCH a fantastic age! You melt my heart at the most random times. You are unbelievably sincere, crazy passionate, super energetic and wonderfully tender. I can’t possibly predict how, but you surprise me in some wonderful way every time I get to spend some focused time with you- like every night at bedtime. Tonight, after books, you stand up quickly and announce “Tonight I’m going to say my bless-you’s this way” and you walked over and knelt next to your bed and started your prayers, “Dear God, Thank you for Mommi, Daddy Jim… ” ending with “and the whole wide world.” I asked about a sick friend of ours, and you said matter-of-factly, “I did. She is part of my whole world.”

We had the sweetest rocking time, and after having our normal whisper conversation about random things, you fell sound asleep on my lap. That hasn’t happened a while… I continued to rock for a very long time… treasuring the moment, treasuring you.

I so love you Peanut Butter!!

I took this picture of you sleeping on my lap tonight… at the end of our day. I love spending my days with you.