self awareness

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On our way to gymnastics, you said,

“Mama, ya know, my armpits get sweaty sometimes when it’s not warm yet.

“At gymnastics?


“Well, you’re working hard at gymnastics…”

“No Mama, it’s before we get started.” And then you went on to explain how you used to be nervous about whether or not you would be able to do gymnastics… and that “beginning part” would make your armpits wet. Pretty sweet.


Today at Billy Elliott (a Broadway play we saw in Toronto that had way too much swearing) – a character swore and I whispered in your ear, “You know we never say that, right?”

“I know, Mama.”

The next line was something about hating someone or something, and I repeated, “We don’t say that either.”

“I know, Mama.”

The next line involved another, worse swear word. Without skipping a beat, you said, “And we don’t say that either… I know, Mama.” I laughed.


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hey Beautiful Girl –

About 4 weeks ago, you started back at gymnastics… and it really seems like you’re loving it. You go FULL FORCE for 1.5 hours every Wednesday night from 5:30-7pm. You don’t want to leave when its done. You’re still learning some of the basics, but one of these days, you will just TAKE OFF!! You are soooo strong and coordinated. You are so graceful with your hands and your feet when you dance. In no time, you are going to be doing back flips down the mat!!

And LOOK HOW LONG YOU ARE!!! It’s crazy how much you’ve grown in just the last month!! Wow!! Don’t blink for sure! You are already wearing a size 13 shoe!! Nuts.

Enjoy the pictures!! I sure do! (Though I got yelled at for trying to take them… :} ) Love you Beautiful, Stong Girl!

Whew! And I’m tired just uploading all of these!! 😉

Love you Bugadaboo!

A quote from this morning

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You were mad at me this morning because you lost the battle about wearing a strapless dress (that falls down because it is too big for you) to school on a cold, rainy day.

After a bit, I reminded you how very much I love you.

You responded with “I love you more” and a quizzical look on your face. I asked you what you said, because the statement and the look were confusing together. You responded with the following as you continued to wear the same sincerely perplexed look:

I love you more than anyone else, Mama. And I’m not sure why that is.

Another fun day with you… and Siobhan

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Hi there Beautiful –

Just thought I’d log what we did today, as we had many fun adventures together, and because Daddy Jim was out of town, we snapped pictures or videos of most events to share with him.

Before I do that, however, there are a few things I’ve been meaning to share with you…

A beautiful story of about a week ago:
I was waking you up for school by gently rubbing your back and telling you want an amazing human being I know you to be. I said things like, “you are so beautiful, so wonderful, no one melts my heart like you, you are my little girl, i treasure you, i love the way you make me laugh.”
As you woke up a bit more, you reminded me “Mama, it’s not about what’s out here (waving outside yourself) that matters; its’ what’s in here (rubbing your chest.” I smiled warmly (melting a little more), and asked, “Maya, when I tell you that you are beautiful, do you know what I mean?”
Without hesitation you responded,

“Yes, you mean I have a beautiful heart.”

“Yes, sweet girl, that is exactly what I mean.”
Big, amazing, deep, wonderful sigh.


Jo Ann M, our dear friend who works with me, invited you over to pick flowers anytime you want from her beautiful, diverse and extensive garden around her home. Last Monday we decided to take her up on her offer, as it was your turn to bring in some centerpiece for the classroom table.
A little history is important to share with you here so you understand your reaction. On a daily basis – especially in spring for at least the past 2 years (probably more), you asked permission to pick a flower from our front yard. As there were rarely more than 5 or so blooming at a time, the answer was sadly no most of the time.
So we stop by Jo Ann’s on the way to school, and she enthusiastically escorted you around the yard encouraging and helping you pick the best of the best, one after another after another. The girl who has historically been allowed 1 or 2 flowers, carried a full bouquet of12-14 beautiful blossoms to school that day. As we were driving to school, you were grinning and wiggling with excitement. After about a minute, you said,

“Mama, ya know sometimes you can’t help smiling. It just keeps coming out!!”


Our time with Siobhan started last night with a sleep-over!!
* Hot tub in the cold rain with lots of giggles
* Flossing! (Who’da thought that would be a highlight – check out the video below!)
Next morning?
* More hot-tubbing – this time with Mommy
* Craft – we worked together to make a huge flower out of Peeps
* A break to watch a movie: Beethoven 4
* Lunch – fish, baby cukes, mac & cheese and apples
* An impromptu bath to defrost after making a bird nest (in fancy dresses of course) in the freezing rain!
* Craft – you and S made beautiful pictures; yours was made with love for Oma & Opa
* Swimming at the Y – what a ball!!!!
* Dinner just the 2 of us
* Lots of chapters of Junnie B
* Snuggling in together in my bed (Daddy Jim’s out of town)
We were both ze-zausted! 😉 What a wonderful day.

This first video is from the night before –

Our Peep Flower

Self-Initiated Defrosting Bath

Super Fun Books

you did it!!!!! GO YOU

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We knew this day was coming – and coming soon, but we were still thrilled today when it happened!!

Hi Maya… it’s daddy jim.

Tonight was such a wonderful night. We have had a really wonderful week (lots of fun things including the Cobblestone teacher appreciation day and Mommy’s new car, Kiki!)… and you made it extra memorable by riding a bike on 2 wheels for the first time tonight.

We have been practicing a lot for about a month. We started with the first bike that Madeline ever rode (she was about your age, but she was a little older because her birthday is in February and she’s just a bit bigger). We tried to help you ride that bike on a bunch of evenings and you were making good progress, but Mommy wisely decided that you would be better off with a bike that was a little lighter… so she took your training wheels off the bike you rode last summer. She raised the seat a little and read some things on the web about how to teach you. Last weekend, you made great progress riding down a grassy hill in our neighbor’s lawn for about 30 minutes laughing and riding and falling down. Mommy practiced with you a few times this week, too… she would help you stay upright on the driveway and the street by holding on to your shirt to make sure you didn’t fall over!

The three of us had had a yummy dinner at the King & I, and Mommy and I were pretty sure you could just start riding by yourself. Dan & Madeline did their best practicing at a church parking lot on Highland Parkway where there were no cars and big open spaces… so tonight we took you to the Edgewood church parking lot. Almost immediately you were riding by yourself. It was a bright sunny night. We took pictures and recorded video. You turned in circles and almost ran into Kiki a couple times. You rode fast and laughed and then ran off the parking lot and crashed. Finally it was time to go home because you were tired (and maybe there was an “ow-ee”).

We sat in the hot tub and looked at the pretty sky. We are very lucky to watch your great successes and listen to your little voice and your big laughter.


The next pictures and video were taken the very next day – You are a rock star!!! -Mommy

Look at that confidence!!

Puddles and Jeffrey joined you and Daniel for a well-earned drink of water after a successful time biking!!

a sample note from Ms. Barbie

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Below is a typical email message your teachers send parents about what you are learning and doing at school. It is so very fun to watch you grow, my little girl! You are constantly stretching – your mind, your heart, your body!!
Love, Mama

Dear Parents, May 6, 2011

Happy Sunshine! We learned all about butterflies this week. Ask your child the following questions:
1. What are the stages of a butterfly? (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly)
2. What is it called when a caterpillars sheds it’s skin? (Molting)
3. What do caterpillars do all day? (Eat, eat, eat and grow)
4. What is a butterflies tongue called and what does it drink? (Proboscis & nectar)
5. What are the little shapes in a butterflies eye called? (Facets or hexagon)
6. What colors can butterflies see? (Green, blue, yellow)
7. What eats butterflies? (Toads, snakes, baby wasps, etc.)
We finished handwriting book 2 this week. Look for it in their backpack tonight. Thank you to all of you that helped with Teacher Appreciation day! It was by far the BEST one ever. A special shout out to April for organizing it all ?! I need drivers for next Monday’s filed trip to the Community Center. We will leave at 10am and be back by 11am. We will be singing songs and making tissue paper flowers with the seniors. Speaking of songs, next Thursday night is Music Night from 6-7:30. Hope to see you all there. It’s a show you don’t want to miss. The “sleepover” is tonight at school. I believe almost ever one in class is attending. It was the talk of the day. Mr. John will be in for me this Monday; it’s a portfolio day.

Here is what we did in math this week:
The students used model clocks to practice telling time. Children learned about both analog and digital clocks. We spent most of our time talking about times to the hour, and also times to the half hour. We talked about the concepts of “yesterday”, “today”, and “tomorrow”. The children are learning how to describe events in the order that they happen. We also discussed the days of the week, including a song and sign language! Have a great weekend! -Greg

Music Night will be this Thursday, May 12! I am looking forward to a fun evening with all of you. If anyone is unable to attend, please let your child’s teacher know or myself know as soon as possible. Every child’s part will be important, so it would be very helpful to know if anyone cannot be there. They may dress up for the occasion if they like, though short skirts might be a problem on the stage at Hochstein. You may arrive at the main Hochstein entrance (50 N. Plymouth Ave.) shortly after 5:30 and go to the performance hall. Your children (up through Ms. Suzanne’s class) will perform first and then sit with you for the remainder of the program, so please save room for them. Thanks so much, Sincerely, Ms. Charlotte

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! This week we took the opportunity to have a mini-lesson on Aztec art in honor of the holiday that celebrates Mexican culture in the US. The children learned a bit about the native peoples of Mexico and their imagery. With their reading buddies they colored their own versions of the two major Aztec deities – Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopotch – Pia Cseri-Briones

Have a great weekend, Ms. Barbie

Pictures from Staff Appreciation Day – parents brought in food and covered staff responsibilities for an hour, we gave them coloring assignments and Daddy Jim offered a really wonderful, encouraging toast. A massage therapist offered 10 minute back massages, and a Mary Kay make-up person offered facials. Lots and lots of laughter – and you came up to check on me and the evolution of the event many times – which certainly made my day! Love you Baby Girl… so grateful that you have a warm, committed school community led by thoughtful and creative professionals!! We are so blessed!