Vacation – Rehoboth Beach

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We’re at the beach. We’re typing now. (chuckle). There is a very cool plant in front of us. – (Maya trying to narrate this post)

Hey Baby Girl –
I have had the most amazing week with you!! You have become an incredible swimmer – in the pool and in the ocean! And, even more importantly, you have developed such a beautiful, joyful spirit – even when things are a little less than perfect (like when you are ze-zausted, or when plans change in ways you wouldn’t have chosen, or when everyone else seems kind of grumpy). You are such a JOY to do life with… I cannot even begin to tell you!

Here are some pictures that will give you a picture of the joy-FILLED small person I have the privilege of hanging out with!! 😉 I’m such a blessed Mama!


And THEN we got “Pumbled”

Recovering… Whew!!

Eating Crepes