So much more than “well”

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Today we had your 7 year old “well” child visit at your pediatrician’s office. You saw “Phil” first and then “Danielle.” We didn’t need an appointment to confirm this, but you are just perfect – height, weight, b.m.i, eyes, ears, heart, coordination, eating, exercise, school – all around, RIGHT where you’re supposed to be.

In addition to having all these wonderful things confirmed, it was SO fun to watch you answer Danielle’s questions brightly, with energy and while you were looking right at her.

You are growing up so beautifully, Little One!!

Here are your stats:
Weight:56 lbs 13 oz
Height: 49 1/8″
Blood pressure: 92/60
Vision: 20/25

Cobblestone Trash-a-thon

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You go to such an awesome school! Today, like every year about this time, you and all the kids in the whole school, walk a set route around the neighborhood of your school (and the school that is nearby) and you pick up trash. It was fun to watch how your friends so quickly developed a real eye for and commitment to finding and picking up ALL the trash along the route. You were excited about more exotic findings like lip gloss or lighters, you fought bushes, thorns, porches, and dirt to excavate varied pieces of trash, and you left the world much more beautiful than you found it!! We finished up, gave back the gloves and trash bags and headed to the car to go to your well visit doctor’s appointment – on the way to the car, you kept right on picking up more (even without anywhere to put it). So grateful for your school and for the wonderful human being you are becoming!!

Love you! -Mama

Final amount of trash collected:
Ms Sarah’s class: 20.5 lbs
Ms Barbie’s class: 46.5 lbs
Ms Suzanne’s class: 29.5 lbs
Ms Bridget’s class: 46.5
Ms Kelly’s class: 65 lbs

Total trash collected: 208 lbs! Great job!!

Family Time Yesterday at the Park

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Yesterday the sun was out!! Thanks God!!

After the last day of Religious Ed and youth group for Mad, Mama and Daddy Jim took a nap, and then we headed out as a family to the park. First, we went to one park that had large open spaces to shoot off Dan’s rocket that he got from Grandma Judy for his birthday. We shot it off last Sunday for the first time and yesterday for the second time. Really awesome – check it out:

Then we headed to Highland Park to smell the lilacs – it’s been a rough year for the lilacs, but we had a BALL anyway. It’s so amazing to see how much fresh air, climb-able trees, and big hills that invite rolling bring us together and encourage a ton of laughter – THANKS GOD!!!

1st Lacrosse Practice – Wow!

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You had so much fun on Sunday as we were ALL introduced to a brand new sport because you are such an adventure-seeker. I could not be more proud of your willingness to try things – all kinds of things! This time Siobhan asked if you wanted to try your hand at lacrosse, and you said Sure!!

Coaches Ashley, Mary and Amanda did an awesome job preparing for the 1-hour practice. Ashley and Mary are graduating from college this year and are going to be elementary school teachers, so they were GREAT with you and the rest of the group of 1st and 2nd graders!! Amanda is a high school senior – also totally fun! Some things they had you do (from what I could tell from the sideline):
* Pass and catch with a partner at a certain distance
* Stretch and do push ups
* Do a game where you stood in a tight circle, let go of your stick and grabbed another girl’s (from the left or right)
* Laps around the field
* More catch and throw – with coaches working more closely with individuals

* A final game of “Knights, Horse, and Caveliers” – in which you and a partner (a new girl name Olivia/Libby ran around. When the coaches yelled one of those three, you struck one of three poses. You and Libby laughed so hard and ended up winning the game!!

After practice, you and S stayed on the field to help the coaches move the nets. After S challenged you to run and extra lap, you and S challenged Coach Ashley to run one more and off you went!!

Go you, Little Girl!! Go you!!

My Adventuresome Girl

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This weekend is another weekend of firsts…

You starting sewing class today – AND LOVE IT!!!! You described the “Dream Pillow” you are making. All 4 girls in the class (Maya W, Makenzie, Siobhan and you) have to include a heart for a pillow. Then you chose 2 other things that make you happy to add to your pillow. You chose “sleep and food, because I am very comfortable with both of them” (you explained). 🙂 Tonight you said, “I cannot WAIT until next time!!”

And tomorrow you start girls’ lacrosse – that’s awesome. I know absolutely nothing about the sport. Today I bought you a stick and a mouth guard. 🙂 Both pink of course. You’re wearing a mouth guard… hmmm… should I be nervous?

I love your courage and the full-in way you do life!! I want to be more and more like you as I grow up!!

Love you Baby Girl!

Lessons learned about recovery from recovery

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Don’t feel the need to take the dog on all dog walks.
Be careful when you wish for unlimited blocks of time to sit home in your pjs watching tv
Thrush is good for weight loss
Keep track of your dreams -they’re especially fun when you’re on pain meds
Choose very carefully the friends who get to see during the first 2 days – they will have the opportunity to construct colorful stories about you as well as decide who gets to hear them
Feeling deeply – in all ways – is a blessing. Be grateful.
Bring an audio recorder – they tell you important things in condensed form at rather inopportune times (you’re stressed or totally drugged)
Also be grateful they don’t tell you everything that’s going to happen – like really grateful
Celebrate the small stuff!

Hope you find these fun and possibly useful later on when you read them. Life is a ride – an adventure around most turns. Enjoy it! Learn from it, and be blessed.

I got this message from your teacher Ms. Suzanne today – couldn’t agree more – your abilities to write and read have EXPLODED in the last couple months!! It’s been SOOO FUN to watch you, celebrate you, and be some part of it!!

Happy Easter for sure!

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Hi Baby Girl –

So, I’m recovering from my hysterectomy – had “Lima,” my uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix removed. Ugh and sigh… It’s been hard – the surgery went smoothly, but they took out a bunch of stuff – and so, there is recovery and healing to be done. And that takes quite a bit of time…

So I am going to try to use some of my time to catch up on blogging to you.

Easter was a very special day – starting with a beautiful service with our church. I tried to sing sitting in front of choir (hard for me to stand). Daddy Jim sang, and you sat with Julie, Madey and Dan. We left a little early from church because I needed to, and we came home to have lunch. Then Mad, Dan and you scootered around the block. It’s so fun to watch the 3 of you play together… you are all so special to each other.

When you got back home, you all hunted for the special treats (baskets and eggs) the Easter Bunny hid all over the backyard… so fun! Finally, we sat on the back patio for the beautiful afternoon and chatted – you, Madey and Dan carved and whittled sticks into spears, while all 5 of us, and soon Julie joined us, chattied. What a beautiful day – weather and otherwise! Here are some pictures from the day: