beautiful summer night…

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best friend…big sister… berry picking… branch climbing… and a bed partner – what?!?!? sleepover in the middle of the week?!?!? That friend of yours must be pretty special!!

Really doesn’t get better than this

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4th of July at Chautauqua

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We had a ball – just the three of us – you, DJ and me

A list of our highlights:
* As soon as we arrived at the house we rented, you ran out on dock and jumped in – clothes and all; soon became a skinny dipping experience 🙂 You’re the best!!
* Biking trails; you biked, I ran along a magical path that led to “Tom’s Point” You were so proud of the distance you biked, and we LOVED the nature we saw!! A treasured time for me for sure!! (Then we jumped into the lake 🙂 )
* Watching fireworks from our dock
* Ice cream for breakfast – DJ said “Of course, it is vacation after all.”
* We finished Ever After High, book II (extended story time – in the cabin, on the dock and finally by the fire)
* We met a parrot named Bella who only says “Hello”
* We laughed SO HARD tubing without a boat at Pete and Linda’s cottage!! My tummy hurt!!
* Bought matching sweatshirts at Chautauqua Institution – bright orange ones!!
* Went to church with Pete and Linda at Chautauqua Institution and bought them a copy of Wonder!!

What a ball!! Can’t wait to do it again!!
Pete and Linda