Federation – Superior!!

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Nobody knows what Federation is, but it’s where 3 judges judge my piano playing.

Last Friday I had to do Federation. My scaredness was on and off. But when I got on that piano bench I felt better (but still scared). My first song was “Trumpet Fanfare” by Robert D. Vandell.

And my second song was “Sword Dance” by Faber.

I messed up. I thought I did badly. But then, out of the blue, my teacher texted my Dad. And the text said, I was…


I’m so happy its done.

My Federation Dress:


The end.


5th Grade Roller Skating

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Every once in a while your school hosts a roller skating event for a particular grade level… today was yours. And your Daddy Jim volunteered. He was so excited to do that for you… Looks like you had a great time!!

Love you Peanut
