Summer Vacation

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This year we went to Delaware on the Fourth of July week. We had so much fun! My brother’s girlfriend, Frankie, came and we met my sisters friend, Hannah, there and it was great to have new people on our family vacation. We swam in the pool and in the ocean, we had food on Rohobeth Ave and we went on bike rides. I had a BLAST!!! We went to many different restaurant, they were all delicious. I can’t wait for next year when i can bring a friend.

Friend Fiesta 2018

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This friend fiesta was the week right after school ended. On Sunday wee went and slept over at Sophie and Emmas house and on Monday we swam in their pool. On Tuesday we went to a rock/gem mining place with Zoe. On Wednesday we went to Corning Glass Museum with Ava and her parents. Thursday we went ta Abbys house did tye-dye and then went and picked berries. After we made jam and biscuits. Then on the the last everybody came over to my house to decorate umbrellas then go to Corpets Glen and use our new beautiful umbrellas. I had so much fun that week cant wait until next year.

Grandma came to town

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My grandmother came to town and she took me out to my favorite bookstore, got me three new books and a a Starbucks refresher. I am reading one the books that she bought me. It is a great book about a gay guy who is have family issues and his friend just got very cute. The book is called The Dangerous Art of Blending In. I highly recommend it. My family and i then went to out to dinner to celebrate my grandmother coming to town.i had so much fun and i would love to do it again.

Pride Parade

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Today I went and marched in the Pride Parade downtown. My friend and I held up a balloon Jesus with pride flag acrossed his chest. We walked for two hours and i had so much fun. I loved seeing all the pride shirts and signs. They made me very happy.My friend, Abby, is the one who got me into all my pride. She is moving at the end of the summer and i don’t know what i am going to do without her. If you haven’t been to the pride parade then i highly recommend going next year and don’t forget your rainbows.