Sweet 16

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Well Sweet Pea – You are 16.

So strange to write that, but in many ways, it’s just perfect. It’s been so fun to watch you grow. I have always said that this age – where you are when I am talking – is my new favorite age, and I have never lied about that. You are witty and joyful and thoughtful. You are creative and talented and committed to school. What an awesome friend you are. You take risks and you stand up for what you believe in. I could not be prouder of who you are. I so enjoy being with you; we really enjoy being together. Driving you to school usually results in both of us laughing – and dancing and singing. Jojo is your FAVorite creature on the planet. And yet your torture him in sweet ways. Today you tied a helium balloon around his belly and laughed at him when he tried to lay down under the table.

Tuesday’s real birthday was lower key as you had school (at home, asynchronous because of COVID, but school nonetheless). I bought you a cronut (strange but delicious donut they sell on Main Street) to start your day. Eventually we went shopping to buy you sleeves for VB, a couple new books from Barnes & Noble, and a cozy new sweatshirt. Then I took you to your first VB game as a JV player. You played GREAT and the team won all three sets. I got you Chipotle for dinner; over all a stellar day.

But it wasn’t even close to over.

Saturday, March 20, was the celebration to top all celebrations!! Auntie Amy organized the most incredible day for you!!! She created an advent calendar of sorts to walk you through your day: Include in this 16 grided day was 1) edible bouquets for breakfast; 2) a comedian/magician for the family zoom; 3) a $75 spending spree on Amazon in 16 minutes; 4)lunch of your choice; 5) cotton candy in 10 different flavors for you and all your friends; 6) a party bus for you and your closest 4 friends; 7) Java’s coffee; 8) a Rocky impersonator to wish you happy birthday; 9) thrift shopping; 10) A video-taped greeting of a Criminal Minds TV show actor personalized for you; 11) rented out the entire ice skating rink; 12) bubble tea for you and friends; 13) sushi from your favorite restaurant; 14) hired a botanist to redecorate your room in plants while you were out; 15) carrot cake from NY City; and 16) Presents. WHEW!!! What a day. IT WAS SO WONDERFUL TO CELEBRATE YOU IN ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE WAYS!!! THANK YOU AUNTIE AMY!!!