Varsity Volleyball Team

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You are such an incredible human being Peanut. You are such a fantastic balance of passion and chill.

This is what you wrote to your coach today: “I will work and practice my hardest.”

So proud of you!

Pittsburgh and a log cabin with a zoo

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Pittsburgh’s National Aviary, Science Museum, Duquense Incline, Randyland, the botanical gardens and more

Sadly, things were still closed due to COVID, but we had a great time doing what we could! We stayed in a sweet AirB&B with high ceilings and in walking distance to so many things.


After a few days in Pittsburgh, we drove to Ohiopyle for white water rafting (see previous post). The log cabin lodge had “Hidden Treasures.” We did treasure seeing this amazing range of animals, while feeling a great ache for their circumstances. Animals should not live their lives in cages.