Our past month…

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Who knows what our past month has held…. I can hardly remember yesterday.

BUT what I DO remember is how much FUN I have had with you. You are growing LEAPS and BOUNDS!!! In language. In athletic ability. In wit. In thoughtfulness. In artistic ability. And just in pure length… your arms, your legs. Actually on the way to school the other day, you said “Mama, look how big I’m getting! Look how long my arms are” (and you put your hands on the top of the car). “Look how long my legs are!” (and you push your feet against the car seat in front of you). “Even my hips, Mama! Look how big my hips are getting.”

You surprise me almost every day. Today, I had the roughest morning ever (long story, details don’t really matter, but boy, was it rough). To top it all off, I knocked into a cup of coffee Daddy Jim had set next to my laptop, and the coffee spilled all over the computer and the counter. I panic… yell a little (at least a big UGH) and frantically and desperately try to clean it all up. You watched the whole thing and after everything had calmed, you quietly said, “I’m sorry that that happened to you Mommi.” Who cares about a stupid computer when I have such a wonderful daughter?!?!?

You LOVE to tell me stories and share what you’re thinking. Almost everything you tell begins with one of these:
“Mama, I am thinking something silly in my head.”
“Mama, I have a funny story.”
“I have a great idea!”
“Want to hear it?”

Last week, Daddy Jim, you and I headed out after dinner to a small park in our old neighborhood to hear our good friend Bill play his saxophone with his band. Our very good friend Dave Lewis was there with his bride Sharon. (Dave, Sharon and Bill are in the Gospel choir with us.) Dave is a photographer, and he snapped these pictures from the night and shared them with us!

Thanks Dave!!

Bill and his band played. You danced. We marveled at both of you!! We are so blessed!!
park ave

bill playing

maya dancing

bill playing 2

maya dancing 2

maya dancing 3

maya dancing 4

maya me

maya me again

You dance with me. You dance with your Dad. One day when I picked you up from Cobblestone Camp, you wear dancing a beautiful elegant dance with a long scarf in your hand to classical music. Juliana, the counselor, said you do that regularly… and she, like I, is amazed by your awareness of your fingertips and toes as well as the spirit and rhythm of the music!!

You can go hand over hand over hand across the monkey bars and back and back and back… seemingly forever.

You and Daddy Jim have a new trick (it scares me to death)… You basically use HIM as the jungle gym. You jump, holding his hands, fly up in the air and do a complete circle in the air. It looks like you’re going to tear your arms out of their sockets, but you don’t. And the 2 of you LAUGH and laugh… and you say “AGAIN!”

You can tread water forever, and you are starting to do a real back stroke. You can make your way (doggie paddle) across the pool. It has been so long since you have worn a floaty of any kind, that I don’t even remember. You fearlessly jump into the waves in the wave pool… even the ones higher than your head.

Tomorrow we leave for our family vacation… I’m certain I will have many more stories for you soon. I love you Peanut Butter! To pieces!