Hey there – Well, Daddy has started working his 12 hours shifts. He is gone from 6:30am to 8pm, sometimes on weekends. Last Sunday was our first such weekend day together… and it was SUCH a fantastic time!!
We started by picking up Jimmiqua and taking her to chuch with us. You and I sang a couple of the Gospel Choir songs (the oldies but goodies), and you sat on my lap through the whole sermon. 🙂 After the sermon, we played in the daycare room with the other kids. We arrived just in time for snack.
After chuch, we came home to find our neighbors, Hannah and Timmy, selling lemonade on their front lawn. Hannah was wearing a big, bright pink straw hat she got from the dollar store. Though church had run quite long (2 hours!), and we were running late for lunch, we just had to go visit! You wore Hannah’s big hat and tried to ride Timmy’s scooter. : ) What a trip you are! We told them we weren’t sure what we were going to do that afternoon, and they suggested a little-known local camp that had a pool and spraypark. It sounded perfect, and it was!!
After your nap, we headed out on our adventure! What a great time we had! This camp is our new favorite hanging out place. And it is free for YMCA members. We met such wondeful people while we were there. Here are a few pictures from our day:
When we got home, we had dinner and crashed. You and I snuggled up together while you had your milk, giggling some and otherwise just resting. We stopped down to tell Hannah and Timmy THANK YOU for their great recommendation, and off to bed you went. What a fantastic day!!!
Thank you! I will treasure these memories forever! Love you Peanut