What’s in a name?

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Hey Baby Girl –

As we are thinking about your arrival, we have been contemplating, researching, debating so many beautiful names! We want to give you a name that is as special and strong and beautiful as you. Check out this site that your friend Alan sent us… It’s very cool!


The name we are leaning toward most means:

divine creative force in everything

I also heard your name used by someone from work who was talking about a teenage girl who had this name. The girl was described as…

the breaker of all official silences

Do you think we are asking for trouble in choosing this name for you? 😉 We hope for you strength and beauty and connectedness with God. God will use you in wonderful and miraculaous ways! We can’t wait to see how!!!

We love you, Little Raz!
Your Mommy & Daddy

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