she is so very interesting…

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A woman who works at your school and has gotten to know you through after school time told me today that she talks about you all the time outside of school – she said something like, “She is so very interesting…. she is so very special.” You are. Intriguing. Talented. Empathetic. Smart.

I cannot believe I get to be your Mom.

Here are some of the things you are doing and talking about lately:

* “I don’t be-member.”
* “I don’t know where it went, Mama. It dissed-appeared!”
* “I acc-cil-enty dropped it, Mama – sorry.
* “Can we go to “Welcome to Moe’s!” tonight?”

You are still collecting rocks and leaves for me.. almost every day You are still such an outdoor girl.
You are drawing people – faces and arms and legs… It’s so fun to see you grow.
You can name all of your letters, and count to 30 (although you consistently skip 13 and 15 – you don’t seem to like those numbers.)
You love school – and excitedly tell me about things like today’s report “Mama, I learned something today – the inside of an apple is called flesh!” You love the roles you get to play: “move the arrow,” “clipboard,” “dustbuster” or “calendar.”

Here are some random pictures I haven’t shared with you but wanted to:

Life is so fun with you!!