movin’ on up

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Hey there Peanut –

Today was your first “change of classrooms.” You are no longer in the infant classroom at daycare. You have 2 new teachers and a new classroom full of new toys, but the same great friends! You and your friends have definitely become toddlers!!

Another big FIRST for you – you slept on a cot today just like the older kids in your class!! They said you did great – went right to sleep!

You were also quoted for the sign on the wall of the classroom because they are logging new words they hear you and your friends say. You have been singing “Row, row, row your boat” a lot lately. Your teachers heard you singing it and wrote, “Maya: Row, Row” on the sign on the wall. (You and I knew that was old news, but they were excited.)

Here are some pictures from the day:

Eating breakfast

new teachers

Your new teachers

the day

The Day

You are in the Linden Room now:
“Lindens are some of the best shade trees and are ideally suited to home situations. Small, yellowish summer flowers are not showy, but are highly fragrant. Small, round seeds hang on an interesting leafy bract and persist well into winter.”
linden tree

The Linden Tree

linden leaf

The Linden Leaf

Daddy and I dropped you off and picked you up together. We are so proud to be your parents. We love you to pieces!

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