1 and a half already

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Happy Birthday Miss Maya!

On Saturday you turned 1.5 yrs old! The day was FULL of adventures… We started by cleaning Genesee Valley Park with a bunch of UR people and Wilson School people.
maya icc
After lunch and a nap, we all went swimming at the Y.
swimming with dad
Finally, we topped off the fantastic day by watching Michigan stomp on Notre Dame, and you said your first GO BLUE!! It came out as “Bo Blue,” but that is definitely close enough! Made my heart smile!
go blue1
go blue2
You are doing many new things – developing much stronger opinions about things. It’s so fun to be a part of!!

You say more words: baby, up, bo blue, juice, doggie, duck
You climb up on everything!
You sit still and pay attention for longer periods of time
You can buckle your own car seat – And BOY were you determined to learn that!
You wash your hands, turning on and off the faucet
You still LOVE being outside
You like to swing in the baby swing by yourself now.
You pull yourself up above the kitchen island to see what’s going on.
You are still a fantastic eater
You have been sleeping on a cot at daycare since you moved to the Linden room a week and a half ago.
You go to sleep at about 7:30pm each night and sleep straight through the night almost every night
You love playing with your friend Marlie
You love collecting rocks and sticks!

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