and the doctor says…

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You’re perfect.

But we already knew that.

The sheet they gave us says, “Eighteen month olds are active and fast.”

We already knew that too.

We went for your 18 month appointment today, and you were, as Daddy said it, “Stellar.” Both the nurse practitioner, Leah, and your doctor, Dr. Shipley, raved about what an exceptional 18-month you are! They said that sometimes these appointments are tough because many kids have a hard time when a doctor moves into their personal space by checking out their eyes, ears, mouth and belly. But you sat calmly on my lap the whole time – intrigued by what they were doing. They kept commenting on how very secure you must feel… I almost cried.
dr shipley
heart rate
looking up

Everything checked out great. Your weight, height and head measurements are all about the 50%.
Height – 32 inches
Weight – 23 lb 15 oz
Head – 18 and 1/4 inches

You are saying a number of words, but we need to keep working on that. We also need to work on getting your teeth brushed at least once a day. (Wish us luck – you don’t seem to want to have your teeth brushed. Hmmm… Should be an adventure.)
You are right on track or better for all other developmental cues. The most important thing they consider is responsiveness, and you are definitely understanding and responding to what we say to you. That’s fantastic!

After we got your shot (DPT), we went across the street and had a little blood drawn for a lead test. You were great for all of these things! We are so proud of you, Little One!
And we are so grateful that you are growing up strong and healthy and beautiful and loving and peaceful. What an incredible blessing!!

I love you!

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