First Baby Shower

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Hey Little One!

Guess what?!?! Last Sunday (2/6/05) we had the first party in YOUR honor!! Tracy, Drew & Caroline hosted the festivities – a Baby Shower for the Spiritus Christi Gospel Choir! We all had such a GREAT time!!

So many people were able to be there to celebrate you, eat John & Jonathon’s wonderful cake, and share stories of other babies’ arrivals! Nana Sheri helped me cut your cake. Aunt Sharlene said she can’t wait for you to come! Myra helped direct you to do the turning that you still need to do. Everyone showered you with beautiful presents – practical and precious! You certainly are a loved little girl! Daddy and I are so thankful for all of their love and friendship!

Just thought you should know what all that fun was about!
All my love,
Your Mommy

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