as you go to bed…

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Each night, we have story time with whomever is available.
Then we turn on the night light, turn on music (usually Veggietale’s junior’s lullabies) and rock while we say prayers. Eventually we move over to the bed and snuggle in together.

Lately, we have gotten into an interesting routine – you say you are scared and can’t go to sleep,and you ask me to help you think of happy things… It goes something like this…

“Let’s think about flowers, the warm sun and blue skies.
“Let’s think about sandboxes, and playgrounds, and swingsets
“Let’s think about an AMAZING God who loves us so very much
“Let’s think about blowing really big bubbles and riding our bikes down the street
“Let’s think about strawberries, and watermelons, and really sweet blackberries
“Let’s think about picnics, and seashells, and sand castles, and waves
“Let’s think about playing tag with Daniel and coloring with Madeline
“Let’s think about horsey rides with Daddy Jim and dancing with Mommy
“Let’s think about Oma and Opa, Grandma and Papa
“Let’s think about cousin Niklas, Gabriella, Moises, and Elisabeth
“Let’s think about Auntie Amy, Uncle Hakon, Auntie Bi, Uncle Mark and Uncle Matt
“Let’s think about Siobhan and Barbie and Amy and Johanna

and at some point, you fall asleep…

What a precious time for both of us
I love you