what a day!

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I guess I have titled one of your previous blog posts with the same title, but it just fits too well not to use it today too.

Well, your Mommy, Daddy and you have all been fighting some version of the crud these past 2 weeks – It’s almost comical how much we have been coughing and wiping runny noses lately. Thankfully, Friday, you came out of it with a big smile on your face and a giggle in your talk. You haven’t coughed much at all the past couple of days! YEA!! (However, Mommy has gotten a bit worse over that time – I had a 101.7 temp on Saturday, and coughed more and more… anyway, I got medicine today so I’m sure I’ll be better soon.)

Today, Daddy headed to work, and I got up to take you to daycare and head off to a meeting with hopes of seeing my doctor later in the day. At 11am, daycare called to say that something happened in the large muscle room when you were playing, but they couldn’t figure out what happened. Nothing dramatic. But all of a sudden, you couldn’t stand on your foot anymore. You could sit and play and you were just fine, but you couldn’t bear weight on your right foot.

We waited until after you nap to see if things changed, but they didn’t. You still couldn’t walk on your right foot. Daddy picked you up from daycare and took you to the doctor’s.

They x-rayed your foot and didn’t find a clear sign of a break, but they did see a narrow shadow next to your tibia (one of your lower leg bones). They couldn’t tell if that was just a shadow, a vein, or what they called a “toddler fracture.” I guess it is somewhat common that toddlers can turn just so and fracture a bone because you are still growing and thus are rather fragile. Anyway, they don’t like to take any chances with little people like you, so they immediately fit you for a cast.

Now you have a pretty purple shoe – okay, maybe boot – for the next 2 weeks. Sigh. You had a little bit of a time trying to figure out why we wouldn’t take that thing off for you:

But you quickly adjusted. You have already learned how to move your leg in that thing so you can walk, make cool noises on the wall of your crib, and get Mommy to kiss your toes.
Oh, and by the way, you also show the beginning signs of an ear infection in both ears, so you started on an antibiotic with Mommy today. As I began to worry about how hard it might be for you during the next two weeks, I saw another little girl, just a little younger than you, who was facing much bigger challenges, and I realized how VERY blessed we are!! God will turn, even this, into good. He’s good that way. You just wait and see!

Daddy took his girls out for dinner and ice cream.

Then you and I had quite a gigglefest tonight before bed. I think we were both feeling quite blessed and well loved.

God is good.

Sleep well Peanut. We love you!
*Mommy and Daddy

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