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Okay – a quick recap of our last few days:

Last Thursday was the open house at your daycare. You and your best friend Marlie Moo ate lasagne together.

Auntie Amy sent us some FABULOUSLY fun clothes that used to be your cousin’s. You are so cute in your new Dora coat.
dora jacket

Both Grandma’s have been treating you to special presents lately.
halloween pkg1
pumpkin bag
You can not get enough reading time lately! And this is our FAVORITE new coat from Elisa. Thanks Elisa!
reading one
We hung out this morning with Marlie and her Mom – Great time as usual!
reading1 leslie
reading4 leslie

And in the afternoon we went to the Rocheser Museum & Science Center with Mark, Leslie, Molly, Riley and Sade!! What a ball! Then we all came back to our house for pizza and wings and a little Veggie Tales. 🙂
hanging with molly

And tonight marks the last night with your cast! You did such a GREAT job with it. I’m actually quite nervous of the mischief you will get into without your cast. 😉
last day with cast
I love you Baby Girl Tatemann!

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