not the best experience

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but I was so glad I could be there with you.

cast removed2

Today you got your cast off. Everyone we talked to said, “it shouldn’t hurt.” I wonder if these people ever had a cast removed. The physicians assistant used a loud saw to cut through the cast in 3 places. I think it was hot, and the saw went through the material and burned a your leg a little. It was scary for you and for me. You held my face in your hands as you cried, petting my cheeks and looking into my eyes. I told him that he was hurting you, and he seemed to back off a little. It took much longer than any of us wanted it to, but then he was done.

We were called in for x-rays then. Your leg was still very sensitive from the removal, so that was a tough process too. Then the woman forgot to put your apron on you – I heard her say “taking picture” so I laid on top of you as fast as I could and said, “She doesn’t have an apron!” The woman’s response was, “Nice cover Mom.” Sigh. That’s not okay, Peanut. I know people make mistakes, and we need to be patient, but it’s really hard when it’s that important! And it’s YOU!

Sigh. So then we went back to the PA – He showed us the x-ray – told us that you would likley not be able to put weight on your right leg for a day or two – that you would need to be home with a lot of extra attention. You showed him. You were walking around the room about 3 minutes after he was done talking. He was amazed… said this never happens.

I took you to daycare and we played together for an hour or so. You did great using your leg. Ran to me and gave me a HUGE hug; climbed on the jungle gym and went down the slide; and played in the leaves. You were giggling and doing fine. You do not want anyone to touch that leg yet – when I do, even very gently, you cry. It hurts. But that, too, will be but a memory in no time.

And I am SOOOOO GRATEFUL that I trust Miss Becky and Miss Bonnie so much. You are in such great hands with them – They love you and take great care of you.
in good hands
in good hands2
2 feet

2 fully functional (non-purple) legs again!

God is good, Peanut. God is good.

I love you Sweet Pea.

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