mama had surgery tuesday

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Hey Baby –

You know this already, but on Tuesday I had Lasik surgery to correct the vision in both of my eyes. My biggest fear was that something would go wrong and I wouldn’t get to see every stage of your growing up. The next day when Daddy Jim brought you home from school, I just stared and stared into your bright beautiful eyes and touched your sweet face. We were both enamored with each other for quite some time… me because I could see so much more detail in your eyes and your face and your fingers and just everything… you because (I think) you were afraid something bad had happened to me b/c your teacher told you I couldn’t see well enough to drive and pick you up – I think you were a little afraid. You very quickly realized all was well, and we hugged and hugged.

Here is the picture of me and my docs – the one on my right is my surgeon/ophthalmologist and the one on my left is my optometrist – taken RIGHT after surgery. What a crazy experience!


Here is the description of the surgery I sent to Oma, Opa and all of my aunts and uncles and cousins:

I had Lasik surgery yesterday – It is QUITE the experience!!! Anyone out there do it? Since I turned 40 and had to switch to bifocal contacts, I have had nothing but trouble seeing.

We’re so blessed to have such an incredible medical center here, and a surgeon with an INCREDIBLE record and reputation:

Bottom line – the surgery went PERFECTLY. I had both eyes corrected. I can see things close in CRAZY detail – like the pores on Jim’s skin look like they are under a microscope! I can read the tiny print on receipts. You get the point.

I am far-sighted, so all of that is INSANE to me.

Here’s the bummer – Dr. MacRae said “Enjoy the Fountain of Youth” while it lasts – it won’t last too long. Far-sighted people have a strong tendency to regress, so they OVER correct intentionally – making my close vision super strong at the expense of my far vision. Over the next couple weeks I will see changes in my vision every day moving back closer to 20/20 – and slower changes over the next 4-6 months.

All in all though, no more contacts!! (I have been wearing them since I was 16!!) and no more glasses- except maybe very weak reading glasses eventually.

There is a still a bit of swelling on my cornea, so my far vision is still blurry and I can’t drive, but it’s getting noticeably better every few hours.

What an incredible blessing!! And, for those of you who are DYING to know – not that expensive – $1900 / eye with a $300 discount for University of Rochester employees and free 24 month financing. REALLY not bad.

You have been very tender and sweet with me as I heal. And I have spent much more time just watching you since the surgery – outside your classroom, while you’re sleeping, while you’re eating…. not that I didn’t simply adore being near you and watching you before. 🙂

Love you my Baby Girl!!