uniquely you

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today you climbed up on a chair (by yourself) and turned the thermostadt up to 87degrees.

then you “helped” me fold clothes
helping mama

by dressing yourself with underwear as a shirt…
helping mama2
and my socks as leggings.
helping mama3

then you put on Daddy’s socks
daddys sock
and then your socks on your hands like mittens.

This week you also had your first (miniature) candy bar. You decided you like chocolate, and “chocolate” soon became your new word.
first choc2
first chocalate

The words you are using most often these days include: apple, nana (for banana), please, thank you, hi!, bye-bye, elbow, knee, nose, cars, beep-beep, baby, hat, b (for your purple blanket), more, juice, up, down and the new favoite – candy.

Walking to daycare is SO much fun – We stop and listen to the birds doing their differnt Good Morning songs. We can often find them in the sky too. (Sometimes we have to be patient for the cars to go by.) There are LOTS of squirrels scurrying around, chasing one another and finding food. We also still pick up sticks, rocks and pretty leaves and flowers. You say HI to everyone we pass – including homeless people digging through dumpsters. Yesterday, you cheerfully greeted one man looking for cans in a dumpster with a smile and a HI! – I think he was shocked and happy when we walkd passed and you looked back to blow him a kiss.

I learn so much from and with you Peanut. I love you.

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